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Author Topic: British uniforms in mid to late 18thC  (Read 825 times)

Offline Maxromek

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British uniforms in mid to late 18thC
« on: January 28, 2023, 04:43:32 PM »
Hello everyone,

How much did the British uniform change between the War of the Austrian Succession, the Seven Years War and the American War of Independence?

Essentially, if how usable would be miniatures designed for one of those in the other wars?

Offline Jemima Fawr

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Re: British uniforms in mid to late 18thC
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2023, 06:34:42 PM »
There was very little change between the WAS and SYW; some things that come to mind are wings being added to the shoulders of grenadiers and new troop-types such as the conversion of the English regiments of Horse to Dragoon Guards, the creation of Light Dragoon Squadrons in the regiments of Dragoons and the creation of entirely new regiments of Light Horse.  However, the uniform changed massively in 1768 with tighter-fitting coats, cuffs being massively reduced in size, the amount of lace decoration being considerably reduced, grenadier mitres being replaced by fur caps and the creation of light infantry companies, with distinctive items of dress.

[Edited to clarify a few points]
« Last Edit: January 28, 2023, 06:38:40 PM by Jemima Fawr »
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Offline Maxromek

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Re: British uniforms in mid to late 18thC
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2023, 06:45:58 PM »
So 1768 as a clear barrier, that's easy to remember 😁😁😁

Thanks a lot!

Offline Jemima Fawr

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Re: British uniforms in mid to late 18thC
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2023, 11:05:05 PM »
So 1768 as a clear barrier, that's easy to remember 😁😁😁

Thanks a lot!
No worries!  :D

Oh and the gaiters... Prior to the SYW they were white, though black, grey and brown gaiters were worn on campaign, before they became uniformly black just after the start of the SYW.  In 1768 they were shortened to the knee and then shortened again in time for the AWI, so they came only half-way up the calf, showing a few inches of sock between the top of the gaiter and the bottom of the breeches.

Then of course, there's the array of locally-converted uniforms used in the AWI...

Offline Ruire

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Re: British uniforms in mid to late 18thC
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2023, 01:19:19 AM »
Then of course, there's the array of locally-converted uniforms used in the AWI...

And to say nothing of the field modifications made during the SYW in North America which were completely different again! Basically, every British commander appointed to North America from George Howe to his brother William, to John Burgoyne and Charles Cornwallis had completely different ideas about how (if at all) to adapt to the local environment.

I don't do the French and Indian War currently, but George Howe's changes to organisation and equipment are very interesting and show that - even though they were well aware of the difficulties in North America - successive British commanders seem to have had to relearn the lessons that the elder Howe had before his death.

So 1768 as a clear barrier, that's easy to remember 

The artist Don Troiani has suggested that it might be less clear than previously thought. His painting of the Boston Massacre, for example, shows grenadiers still wearing their old cloth mitres - as the new fur ones might not yet have been introduced! IIRC he argues that older uniforms were modified to fit the new pattern until they were completely unserviceable and replaced. You see the same kind of thing later when soldiers cut down the previous uniform issue into summer fatigues.

There's also the neverending debate about whether or not some British regiments actually wore their official uniforms in the field. E.g., did fusiliers actually wear fusilier caps in North America? Grenadiers reputedly stopped wearing their own fur caps at some point halfway through the war.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2023, 01:22:16 AM by Ruire »


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