That's a beautiful board, love the amount of detail you put into it.
From what you said the houses with the grey tiled roofs were built by GS, do you mind telling us what he used for the tiles, especially the ridge tiles.
The roofs were made with plastic drinking straws. First I cut these to bits of the length I wanted the tiles to be, then I halved those little pipes lengthwise to get the actual roof shingles. In Germany those are known from the times of the Roman empire and are called "Mönch und Nonne" (monk an nun). They were used in china as well.
The roofing took place in allmost the same way it would on a big house: I put the nun shingles into a bed of clay made of cheap acrylic paste bpttom up up to the ridge. I left a space between the rows of shingles to be covered by the monk shingles. Those spaces were again filled with acrylic "clay" and the the monk shingles were put onto the roof bottom up as it has to be.
The ridge is made from the same shingles.
Paint an usual.
btw. the roofs are blue or green.