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Author Topic: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!  (Read 12291 times)

Offline Lost Egg

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #45 on: January 06, 2024, 08:49:31 PM »
Thanks guys.

I've not been idle the last month or so and aside from my BSSC entry (finished ages ago but I forgot to share) I've almost finish my Protectors...almost. With my birthday and Yule last month I ended up with a bit of cash to spend so once my purchases have all turned up I'll show them off which will give you a bit of an idea for my plans this year.

First off here's my finished entry for the BSSC...

Next up is a bunch of trees from Mantic (via Northstar) I got for my birthday...

Originally I was going to just paint them but in the end I decided to fuzz them up with some foliage...which was a right royal pain, but I got there in the end. I did order up a Warhammer Quest Giant Spider to hide in one of the trees but he was a VERY big boy so have tucked him away in my bits box for future use...

My current project...Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!


Offline Vanvlak

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #46 on: January 07, 2024, 06:59:17 AM »
Nice to see the BSSC entry in action - hope it gets on the 2'x2' next  :D
The trees came out nicely, well worth the effort.

Offline Lost Egg

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #47 on: January 07, 2024, 10:14:53 AM »
Thanks Vanvlak.

Life is busy at the moment so not much time for gaming and with the new year I've been doing the traditional reassessment of my projects and whatnot.

I am hoping to play a game of sci-fi vs fantasy sometime soon...well once the protector squad is finished so I'm sure the food bunker will make an appearance then. I'd like to build some more buildings to go alongside but more time is the one thing Santa refuses to bring me.

Offline Vanvlak

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #48 on: January 07, 2024, 10:45:08 AM »
Yeah, Santa keeps all the time for himself to make sure stuff gets delivered in one night, I guess.
Hope you'll find a bit of it to get stuff going again in 2024  :D

Offline Lost Egg

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #49 on: January 14, 2024, 06:49:56 PM »
Thanks Vanvlak!

The Protectors are reporting for duty!

As I said before these are Stargrave Trooper bodies with Tau Breacher heads. They are all armed with pulse rifles except for the chap on the right who is wielding a grenade launcher. They all wear jump packs for rapid deployment and extraction too.

Hopefully this coming week I can get a game in with them...apparently some feudal scum are causing trouble so someone's gunna be called in to bash some heads and straighten them out.

Offline Lost Egg

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #50 on: January 18, 2024, 07:54:24 PM »
So tomorrow...hopefully (it's been a hell of a week) I shall be playing a game pitching a Sci-Fi force against a Fantasy force to see if it works...or not. Here's the scenario and the force lists...

As you can see the forces come out about the same points but its 5 vs. 15. Let's see if fancy armour and rifles can stand up to bows and spears, I'll let you know how it goes.

Offline Lost Egg

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #51 on: January 19, 2024, 08:27:49 PM »
It was a bit of a rush but I managed to squeeze in the game and, well...it didn't quite go as I expected.

Here you can see Sir Bors the Bold deployed his forces flanking the food bunker, expecting the Protectors to arrive in the clearing which they duly did. However much the troopers expected the locals to be surprised, they were sorely disappointed as Sir Bors won the initiative in the first turn and while one group of spearmen rushed forwards the archers let loose a volley that brought two Protectors down! Maybe their advanced armour isn't up to much after all.

The Proctectors responded causing...no casualties at all, doh! A turn of ineffective fighting ensued then the Protectors decided they worked best at range and activated their jet packs to fly right across the board...

The forces of Sir Bors continued to win the initiative and the archers managed to score a point of damage on Veteran Carla...it was then the whole situation flipped. The Trooper with the grenade launcher fired over the food bunker...the shot scattered...and three members of Sir Bors unit were blown to pieces plus the big man himself took a point of damage. At this point he took stock of what happened...the whole death from above thing...and thought sod this! promptly legging it off the table.

To rub salt in the wound, Carla opened fire on the archers and gunned down two (a third had been injured earlier climbing down the rocks) and the survivors promptly fled too. This just left the three survivors of the unit with the banner...

Heroically they gritted their teeth and charged at the lone trooper on the right of the battle field. Calmly he opened fire, gunning one down but they ran on. In the following turn he moved back, luckily just out of reach, as the spearmen continued their charge. Carla and the grenade launcher trooper attempt to cut them down across the field but to no effect. The lone trooper cut down the spearman, leaving the banner bearer alone...who then decided that enough was enough and fled the field.

To be honest I had expected the troopers to fair better from the start but loosing initiative and two of them being savagely turned into pin cushions in the first turn didn't help. I think I'm pretty happy with the result of the game and the way fortunes swung. If the Protectors had been stubborn and not activated their jet packs they would have soon been mobbed which is only right. But, their advanced wargear offers them not only a better save and improved mobility but also the ability to cause horrendous damage if the dice gods are on their side.

So yeah, it was a fun game and I'd say the mix of sci-fi and fantasy worked well without the need to level things off with extra points or special rules or anything. Of course one game isn't exactly a great guide...so I just suppose I'll have to play some more.

Hopefully next week I will be concluding my little Alesia campaign with the final battle, the one that kinda inspired me writing Classic Wargame in the first place. I'm also waiting on just one more parcel then I can show you what's in store for this year...

Offline Lost Egg

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #52 on: April 02, 2024, 09:39:34 PM »
Sadly, things have been far to quiet here...but I haven't been idle.

Now back in Jan my plan was to try and do something about all the projects and jobs I had hanging about cos my head was starting to burst and my brains were beginning to dribble out my ears. I have autism and so it's easy for me to get overloaded, especially with work getting busy too. SO I sat down and tried to come up with a plan of action...

My first step was to finally get around to putting everything I didn't want to keep on eBay...but that got scuppered after I realised I was rapidly approaching the sales limit. While not a big problem (I can put them up for sale in the new financial year) it does leave me with a job half done which is never good for someone on the spectrum.

After a couple of weeks (at least) mentally realigning myself I decided to try and get some jobs done around the house, fixing a loo, repairing a tumble dryer and making a training qiang (spear). With that lot done I also finally got back on a VERY long running project of fitting a handle to my Ewart Park Bronze Age sword blade...this is still on-going but almost there now, all parts fitted so just a refining of the shape then a blade polish.

As part of my eBay sorting I did compile everything unpainted that I wanted to keep and this is it...
Well, apart from some old HQ minis and a classic Marauder treeman who didn't make the pic. Not a very revealing pic I know but the sharp-eyed among you may be able to spot some classic RT plastics here, namely Squats, Marines, Orks plus metal RT Eldar and some Kev Adams goblins (not citadel). There are also some plastic sprues for a human farm I'd like to build at some point; I have enough for a farming couple and some animals.

I've also been tweaking my Classic Wargame rules and put together a box to keep everything neat and tidy, plus with the inside of the lid lined in foam it makes a handy dice tray.
It's also a handy place to keep sketch books (in green), warband lists and some notes and ideas as well as all the templates, cards, dice and a tape measure. It's hard to see in the pic but the updated rulebook has a clear plastic cover front and back and is bound together with a classic Japanese bookbinding technique I copied off youtube.

I can't remember if I showed this before but I made a mock up of a pulse pistol to help when I next attempt to sculpt one.

Here's another quick mock-up I built last week for a future goblin settlement...

I'll go into more detail down the line but the basic idea is to build a full size goblin warband using my CW rules, complete with a settlement, and play some themed games.

Finally, though I had originally wanted to make the goblin warband first I decided to go with some classic plastic minis. When I first conceived of CW I wanted to build an orc warband using the minis from HeroQuest; though mono-pose these guys are great.

I gave them all shields, much more fitting for a battlefield, and converted both the ogre (changing both his arm positions) and the boss, giving him a plastic RT head and changing the position of his shield arm. I do have a few more of these old plastics so may well expand it in the future...but they need painting first.

Offline Khusru2

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #53 on: April 02, 2024, 10:16:57 PM »
The game was rather neat.
I know how hard it is to keep juggling painting queues and keeping all the lead mountain in their various locations. I have stuff from ancients through to Five Parsecs so I know it is a struggle.

Offline Lost Egg

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #54 on: April 03, 2024, 10:02:20 PM »
Thanks Khusru2.

I found I kept loading up on projects then offloading them once it got too much...then I'd slowly load back up again. I'm now trying to be strict with myself; I nailed down the projects I wanted to stick with and some I'm kinda on the fence about then I'll offload the rest; I'm also going to try and be strict with my purchases, only picking up what I need to finish my current project and maybe the odd fun little palette cleanser.

That's the plan at least...

One advantage with my Classic Wargame rules is that even a 'big' force is at most 30 minis or so.

Offline Lost Egg

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #55 on: April 14, 2024, 02:00:09 PM »
Had a bit of a rethink about the settlement...

It occurred that making it more flexible would be better so as you can see I decided to separate the hoose from the wall, now the wall will be in three parts so it can be built as a pen, a pen connected to a hoose or even as a wall across the corner of the board. Obviously this is still just a mock up.

The orc is from the first unit of the warband that I've started painting...I thought I'd chuck him in the pic for scale.

Offline Lost Egg

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2024, 07:29:42 PM »
My first unit of orcs is finished, they can be seen here emerging from the woods, no doubt with mischief in mind...

Not much in the way of conversions here just straight up classic monopose HeroQuest orcs with some shields and some GS handles. Next up will be a unit of goblins.

Offline DivisMal

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #57 on: May 01, 2024, 09:24:19 AM »
These models were part of my X-mas presents a looooong time ago and then formed an elite orc unit in games of fantasy warriors! It’s nice to see that they still look decent when painted with love and skill.

Offline Lost Egg

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #58 on: May 01, 2024, 06:57:43 PM »
Thanks mate! Glad you like them and theres more to come...

Offline Lost Egg

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Re: Classic Wargame - An experiment in 24" of wargaming!
« Reply #59 on: May 12, 2024, 09:30:11 PM »
...and here they are, a gang of unruly goblins looking for trouble...or a good kickin!

Again these are fairly bog standard HeroQuest minis just with added shields and GS handles. I decided to give the leader a blue tunic as a nod to the Orc Warlord in HeroQuest. Next up will be the second Orc unit.


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