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Author Topic: The Voivod does Marvel Crisis Protocol (Maximoff twins and more added)  (Read 5759 times)

Offline The Voivod

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I'm gonna try and make more updates about my own work.
This year I have thus far been focussing on Masters of the Universe: Battleground.

I've found the cartoony painting style and flashy colours really suit me and, with the announcement of some of my favourite x-men on the horizon, I'm pretty eager to return to Crisis Protocol
I've had a lot of models lying about and first prepped some x-men.
I also ordered a bunch of new stuff and have been snipping and glueing the past week.

These I finished some weeks ago and I'm currently finishing of another.
Just some quick pics I took, forgive the rough background.

I was of two minds about Collosus. A wonderfull character and awesome model, but his organic steel body was intimidatinf to paint, especially in NMM.
I do think I pulled it of, once again. I might be getting the hang of it.
He is now proudly looking over his little snowflake, my absolute favourite fictional character Magik, amongst my painted collection.

Rogue. The explosion does stand out in the miniature cabinet. It was fun to paint, just wetblending some inks.
So much fun I did it twice even, since Daeothar kindly pointed out I had the yellow and reds the wrong way round.  :?
I thought it looked of, but I couldn't lay my finger on it.
She was fun to paint, but there's something about her face that makes her look a bit more puffy than I'd liked. I wasn't sure it was mostly the sculpt and at some point just accepted it.

I think at some point I'll try and make pics of the rest of my collection. I have painted some since the game has released. Maybe at some point I'll even try and get some games in.  :D

« Last Edit: May 12, 2024, 07:06:17 PM by The Voivod »
'Mercy? I am far to brave to grant you mercy.'

Offline The Voivod

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Re: The Voivod does Marvel Crisis Protocol
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2023, 06:48:12 AM »
Don't you know who I am?!!!!!

God, I did not enjoy that meme. Hated it more when it showed up in X-men 3.

One more finished this weekend.
I enjoy painting the big muscles, but the big brown area's where a bit of a slog.
He does look nice and imposing, though.
I liked how they gave Juggy his own distinct base, but felled it was a bit empty so I added a coluurfull newspaper at his feet for a bit of colour. It's headline is actually about the x-men, but completely unreadable.
It's the thought that counts?

Offline The Voivod

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Re: The Voivod does Marvel Crisis Protocol (Juggernaut added)
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2023, 07:54:44 PM »

Emma Frosts? Emmas Frost? Emmas Frosts? White Queens! White is painted with vallejo xpress and it worked a treat. Undilluted on the crystal version was a bit much, but dilluted on the OG version, that counts, was near perfect. This is the cleanest white I've ever done on a model.

Offline Daeothar

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Re: The Voivod does Marvel Crisis Protocol (Goddess of Hellfire added)
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2023, 10:15:56 AM »
That white really shines indeed; very nice!  8)
Miniatures you say? Well I too, like to live dangerously...
Find a Way, or make one!

Offline Bloggard

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Re: The Voivod does Marvel Crisis Protocol (Goddess of Hellfire added)
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2023, 10:30:19 AM »
Juggernaut (assuming that's his name - not up to speed, if you'll excuse the pun) has come out particularly well.
great paint-jobs.

Offline Ultravanillasmurf

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Re: The Voivod does Marvel Crisis Protocol
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2023, 10:13:09 AM »
Don't you know who I am?!!!!!

He has put on a bit of weight since playing for Wimbledon, though the tactics remain similar.

Nice work on all of them.

Offline The Voivod

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Re: The Voivod does Marvel Crisis Protocol (Goddess of Hellfire added)
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2024, 10:20:45 PM »
It's been a while, but I have finished some models. I also have better camera, making it easier to take decent pics, so I'm planning on posting a bit of a backlog with each new update, making it a bit more interesting than a single model each time.

Sentinel Prime was a slog. Trying to really go for a nmm effect on such a huge model, with me pretty new to the technique, I got burned out on it quite a few times and it was not good for my painting mojo, during a bit of a rough personal time.
I looooove how it turned out. It's super-imposing. I just hope I have more of a grasp on the technique for his two little brothers.
It took me a while before I varnished the model due to the weather amongst other things.

So, the first go, trying my white recipe that worked well on the White Queen, was a bit of a disaster. Wilson Fisk, AKA the Kingpin, had been sitting on my paint station for quite a while. A short time ago I bought some new paints I never used, amongst them a very light gray. As I was working on another project, I noticed how good the coverage of the gray was, but still very lightt and I picked Kingpin up as an experiment for a good big white surface. I got in the groove and ended up painting the rest of him over the weekend. I don't think I ever had this much fun with so much white on a model and am looking forward to a few more.

I did Mister Sinister a while ago. I don't really recall a lot about the project, except I really liked painting the pod and the smoke a lot.

Moooooodoooook (you are required by law to only speak his name in a loud and nasaly voice).
This is not a character I really like. I always found him more goofy than intimidating.
And that's why it was such a fun project. Just so different from anything else I ever painted. He's just unique and I love him now.

Offline Daeothar

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They all look great!  8)

But I'm particularly partial to Fisk; the white is looking splendid!

As for sculpts and movement, I like Mister Sinister the best; it really tells a story and your painting complements it really well :)

Offline Hitman

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 :o :o :o :o :o

WOW!!!! Absolutely stunning work!!!  BRAVO!!!!
Victory is guaranteed to the last man standing, but always remember those whom you stepped on to get there!!

Offline The Voivod

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Thanks for the kind words. I had a productive few days and got some more of this range done as well, namely the Maximoff siblings.
I thought they'd be some nice an easy addtions and I was mostly right. I struggled a bit with Wanda, the Scarlet Witch. I had put her completely together and the magickal swirls aroudn her are fiddly and move all aver the place. Things where better when I removed her and painted her on with her feet pinnen on a stick. It took me some time to get the pink right. I tried shading it with the red, trying to get as few colours as possible on the model, but ended up shading both colours with purple insteadn

Quicksilver was a breeze, especially with my new white technique. Bit more care on the hair and the explosion was some drybrushing.

Now for some models I never had come around to photografing yet.I believe the new lore is Magneto isn't the Maximoff father. In my experience they always where heroes. I'm not youg enough to remember there career in his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. I disliked painting the pieced of junk that came with Magneto, seeing as they are nothing but game pieces, but the character hiimself is iconic and I think the sculpt captures him perfectly/

I mostly painted darkstar as it was a character with a black and yellow and I had Blob on my painting table as well. Felled like an easy way to get an extra model done. Pretty straithforward, Darkstar and het team where fantastic antagonist. While they where often on opposite ends of the main heroes, you couldn't help but feel they where mostly heroes in their own right, with noble purpose even if they opposed your favorites.

Fred Dukes. The Brotherhood I grew up with had him as a stable character, cross and not to smart, but he did show some serious humanity in the books, as he was definitly one who took care of his friends.

Among them Pyro, his pall from down under, pyro was a fun character to paint. Nice and bright, exactly what I like painting it seems.

Finely the mad Titan himself. I can't paint myself to paint his throne. It just seemed like such a sorry attempt to make the box way more epensive than it needed to be. But he is probably the Iconic Marvel villain and lots of fun to paint. I honeslty think this is the model that pushed my NMM to the next level. I'v e done better since, but I had a hard time calling it quits on him as I was enjoying the yellow som much.

Offline Daeothar

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Looking good again!

I especially like the NMM on Thanos  8)

Offline dickiegranthum

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Re: The Voivod does Marvel Crisis Protocol (Maximoff twins and more added)
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2024, 02:41:38 AM »
MODOK for the win! 100% my favourite of ALL the movies and series! Just brilliant. Such wonderful dark humour! 🤣🤣🤣

Offline The Voivod

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Re: The Voivod does Marvel Crisis Protocol (Maximoff twins and more added)
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2024, 10:33:55 AM »
I finished Docter Strange a while ago and finally came around to do some pictures.
Some of these models I did a pretty long while ago. There's been other projects on my table, but Marvel remains close to my heart and I have a decent backlog. Hoping to get some of those finished the coming year. If I have any new years resolution it's to not buy anymore models for a while.
This year I really hope to paint more than I buy by a good portion. Wish me strenght.

These are most of the X-men I have painted now. The x-family is my favourite part of the marvel universe, particulary the new mutants.

Magik is my favourite fictional character, period. I love her background and she was the driving force for som many of the new mutants best adventures. Collosus little sister, ruler of the hell-domain of Limbo. I made extra effort to get some hints of the old New Mutant uniform into this more modern design.

And Psylock to close the line. I would've prefered a pre-Kwannon psylock. For me the x-men start to lose a lot of there charm when they entered the gate. The focus started to more and more focussed on conflict and less on characters themselves. We also got into the dark days of the 90's where everything needed to be edgy as ^$^^%$. I do look how she ended up though.
For now I have Ice-man, Kitty Pryde (another childhood favourite), Angel/Archangel and Bishop left for the x-men. I don't care about Bishop. So he's very low on the priority list, but there's certainly some models I can't wait to see painted.
I do have

And lastely the doctor is in. I'm really pleased with the energy rings. It's an imposing model due to it that really pops. Took me longer than I liked due to distractions, but I'm happy he's done.

Offline The Voivod

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Re: The Voivod does Marvel Crisis Protocol (Angel/Archangel )
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2025, 09:19:47 AM »
Got these as a present from my wife and decided to start painting them quickly instead of adding them to the pile of shame. Angel was nice and fast. The nmm on Archangel took me a while, but I think he looks striking. Not my favorite character, but pleased with the paintjob.
Planning on doing Mephiston and Apocalypse soon as they were part of the same gift and I try to show her I use what she gives me.

Once I got past the part of the NMM, it was a very enjoyable project. The wings look good, but with all the pinnions and rather shallow detail on the smaller wings, it wasn't the easiest to do.
NMM remains a challenge. I think I'm pretty decent with it now, but that only means I expect better of myself and keep pushing what I find is passing. I do enjoy the look though. By now the birght colours and NMM comic book style I developed is my preferable way to finish a model and I think it's a shame I don't find it a fiiting look for every project.

Angel was a breeze. The hardest part was differentiate a little in the white tones, but I think I pulled that of nicely.

Offline Daeothar

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Re: The Voivod does Marvel Crisis Protocol (Maximoff twins and more added)
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2025, 12:07:22 PM »
Dang dude, those metallic wings are (dare I say) marvelous!

All your minis are great, but this one takes the cake...  8)


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