LoL! Sounds like a well balanced scenario, then!
The table and figures look good and it seems like it was a fun game.
It was a fun game, & I had hoped a balanced scenario, well in as far as neither
commander got what he would have picked, but hey that is war.
Given the right to choose I think the:-
Russians would have added some (more) anti-tank capability. The rules do allow
HMGs to concentrate fire on the tank glacis, but the Russian player declined to deploy
his HMG as the Tiger might pick on it.
Germans would have swapped the Tiger for several lighter/smaller AFVs A/cars perhaps.
The German (during the post action discussion) admitted that the Tiger was an open
country weapon, but that he had kept it on the road to protect the convoy. As it hardly
moved or fired during the scenario it merely acted as a Russian road block would have.
It is nice & easy being a 'Monday morning quarter-back' or 'Back seat driver' one of the
perks of being an umpire.