Got some time to play the play through the first scenario from the rulebook, deserted village. Lead by Nasir el-Khadib, the young charismatic prince an exploration party is sent to investigate reports of a gathering dark force and mysterious events before it can invade their homeland.
Ranger sheet
companions sheet
Starting positions with warband in center, a couple of rats near buildings and zombies along each edge. Clues dispersed with 2 inside buildings (marked green) as per setup instructions.
Pregame special perception roll of tn 8, fakiri having the highest rolls 14+3=17 to move one clue closer. I chose the one at the top of the picture moving from near building closer to a market stall.
Turn 1
Nasir shoots his bow at the zombie in front of him using his steady aim ability, 1+2+5=8 v zombie 3, wins but 8vs zombie ac 12 does no damage. Nasir, Nabil, and Rashad all move towards the nearest clue by the market.
All monsters move towards heroes. Since they're still not engaged, they all move again. The zombie is within 1" of Nasir now so compels him to fight. Nasir 14+2=16 v zombie 5. 16 vs ac 12 does 4 damage but zombie is still up. (Yes I misunderstood the rule for compel combat and thought it triggered an immediate fight roll. I didn't realize the mistake until after the game).
Sharaf archer (on left side) shoots at the zombie to the left, 6+2=8 vs 11, misses. He then moves towards the house followed by Fakiri who's becoming fearful. Azam moves backwards and shoots at the southern zombie 3+2=5 v 15, miss! These zombies are proving hard to hit at range. Badour charges the zombie and strikes with his two handed sword 15+3=18 v 13, doing 6+2(for 2handed weapon)=8 damage cuts down the zombie.
End of turn 1 = draw a 4, another zombie appears
These write ups take a lot longer than actually playing so it will take a few more posts to get through the entire game, please be patient.
Buildings are paper from dave gaffam. Market stalls from battle systems. Rats from etsy, zombies cheap bag o'zombies. Large trees from etsy with polyfiber and flock, smaller trees off amazon.