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Author Topic: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)  (Read 35679 times)

Offline Ultravanillasmurf

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2023, 09:22:43 PM »
There are a number of suitable figures in the Crooked Dice ranges, including cultists.

Offline nicknorthstar

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2023, 12:57:21 PM »
There's a bit more than just Gandalf to the Frostgrave Wizard frame, there's plenty of mystic and cultist options to make. And it's free...

We've lots of other figures in our ranges for your witch. Pulp figures make a very Crowley-ite figure, with a nice piece of terrain to add to your AWT tabletop:https://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=16833
It depends on what kind of platoon you want to build, the most obvious choice would be a well dressed civilian or army officer type, but if you're raising Giants and Pixies to help your force, anything goes methinks.

Offline nicknorthstar

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2023, 01:23:44 PM »
I've had a skim read through a draft of the book, you'll be having a great time sourcing figures for some of the platoons.

The Americans for example are a Volunteer legion. You could use the GWM US Infantry: https://www.northstarfigures.com/list.php?man=20&cat=153&sub=228&page=1
Or you might think the International Brigades are more of a fit: https://www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=835

Either way, one of the units you can add are gunslingers, so these Pulp Figures would be great: https://www.northstarfigures.com/list.php?man=186&cat=522&page=1

Offline Metternich

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2023, 04:54:29 PM »
That Pulp figures PMH 06 figure of Crowley is absolutely brilliant, crazy hat and all.  The Mediums & Mystics set are also a possibility (although how the lady in wheelchair might fare on a shell-pocked landscape is beyond me). And of course the Pulp Weird Menace range is filled with Cowled Cultists (including two pack in gasmask, one with a cultist manning a Hotchkiss machine gun, and another pack with two cultists armed with an MP18  and another with a flamethrower!).

The Evil Hooded Minions are also a good bet:

Offline A_War_Transformed

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2023, 06:57:28 PM »
Pulpy figures are great and there are a host of references to Blavatsky, Crowley, the Golden Dawn and Lanz von Liebenfels in the book but I don't want to be too prescriptive - anything goes really!

The beauty of the Frostgrave sprue is that the plastic bits can mix and match with pieces from other ranges to create robed figures with all sorts of esoterica - I can picture some interesting conversions using not only the bodies from Wargames Atlantic, but the "not 40k" bods from Anvil industry, Cowboys from Great Escape or perhaps even Perry Sudanese (for Swamis and the like!)

Special mention also of the Northstar steam punk range whihc has some great cultists, anarchist types and even a figure that could make a great Mata Hari style stand in.

Offline Metternich

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2023, 07:33:40 PM »
The Steampunk range, yes.  I forgot them.  The Cultists of Amun, and Cultists with Firearms packs are good bets.  The Zombie Jaegers could prove useful (as the Jaeger shako continued to be worn by some troops - although generally out of the frontline after 1915 - including Landwehr troops, see below photo,  That said, I have seen photos of Jaegers marching on Berlin in 1918 still proudly wearing their shakos):


Offline nicknorthstar

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2023, 10:04:24 PM »
The other army that is intriguing is the Russians, as they are still Imperialists not Bolsheviks, & Rasputin is still around.

You can have the option for a Cossack platoon, & here Copplestone Castings have plenty of options. https://www.copplestonecastings.co.uk/list.php?cat=2&sub=60&page=1
Because of the nature of the AWT, I think the Mad Baron would be a totally legit Captain figure: https://www.copplestonecastings.co.uk/prod.php?prod=58

The other option is to have a Siberian influence, led by a Shaman summoning all manner of Slav Myth beasties, with an interesting Siberian Hunters addition: https://www.copplestonecastings.co.uk/prod.php?prod=85. You can also have units of bigger units of 'Conscripts', these figures seem perfect for: https://www.copplestonecastings.co.uk/prod.php?prod=59

Offline Klingsor

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2023, 02:36:01 PM »
The best thing about the Frostgrave sets in general is that you can pinch bits to dress up other figures, so add a staff to an ordinary Great War figure and you have a wizard – a Webley in one hand and a staff in the other sounds about right.
I am wondering how to add antlers to a helmet and not coming up with any good ideas beyond digging out some ancient GW Bretonian plastics that had I think an Antlered great helm among the options and stealing those.
The idea of using the ‘uncle Aleister’ figure is hilarious.
Finns always seem pretty magical in the stories and folklore – with winds tied up in knots.

Offline nicknorthstar

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2023, 02:40:15 PM »
Fireforge games have this in their Undead plastic range, probably a bit much buying a whole plastic box set for one helmet but....

Offline Ultravanillasmurf

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2023, 06:42:51 PM »
There are some exotic helmets in the Frost grave Knights, plus the Frost Grave Demons. Somewhere there is a very Magento like helmet in one of the sets.

Offline Ultravanillasmurf

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2023, 06:45:29 PM »
Not the Knights, but there is a Loki style one.

Offline TheWorker

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2023, 06:02:49 PM »
Hello! I've been keenly interested in this since I saw an advert for it in, I think, Wargames Illustrated a while ago.

What sort of terrain are you envisaging being needed? Is this meant to be an extension of trench warfare into Doggerland, or is it more mobile like the Eastern Front or the late-war offensives, requiring less in the way of fortifications and more in the way of trees, houses, etc?

As for Doggerland itself, is it something that's always been present or has it re-emerged and should it be, essentially, barren mud and sand with no vegetation or buildings?
"Overwork is repulsive to human nature--not work.”  ~ Kropotkin

Offline A_War_Transformed

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2023, 07:04:58 PM »
Hello! I've been keenly interested in this since I saw an advert for it in, I think, Wargames Illustrated a while ago.

What sort of terrain are you envisaging being needed? Is this meant to be an extension of trench warfare into Doggerland, or is it more mobile like the Eastern Front or the late-war offensives, requiring less in the way of fortifications and more in the way of trees, houses, etc?

As for Doggerland itself, is it something that's always been present or has it re-emerged and should it be, essentially, barren mud and sand with no vegetation or buildings?

Great questions!

Doggerland has returned as a consequence of the catastrophic collision of an asteroid with the moon in 1916, throwing vast amounts of lunar rock into space and knocking the moon off its orbit and closer to earth. The resulting changes in tidal pull have caused massive changes in currents and sea level across the world, with the reemergence of Doggerland being of particular importance for obvious reasons. Alongside the geographical changes wrought by the impact, the wounding of the moon has caused the resurgence of the old gods of the earth, ancient deities of fertility and nature, driven mad by the destruction of the natural environment caused by the fighting. Their return has ushered in preternatural growth of vegetation and the rapid return of nature to areas devastated by fighting. Trenches and ruined towns have been reclaimed by wilderness, even as fighting takes place amongst them!

With that in mind, the answer to your first question is both. There are “trenchy” bits of Doggerland, wide flat expanses, crumbling graveyards of wrecked battle ships stranded by the sudden retreat of the water or recent sea battles. On either side of the Doggerland are towns and cities, forests and farmland, all of which are still fought over with the same ferocity and which form part of the larger front.

Offline TheWorker

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2023, 07:40:02 PM »
Ah, excellent!

Makes things easier to make, scenery wise.

Briefly - Doggerland connects the UK to mainland Europe; does this mean that the Great War has reached the UK itself, or does the front line stretch north into what is now the Atlantic rather than east into, say, Norfolk?

Offline A_War_Transformed

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Re: AM(Almost)A - Author of A War Transformed - New Weird WW1 game (Osprey)
« Reply #29 on: August 22, 2023, 08:35:50 PM »
Ah, excellent!

Makes things easier to make, scenery wise.

Briefly - Doggerland connects the UK to mainland Europe; does this mean that the Great War has reached the UK itself, or does the front line stretch north into what is now the Atlantic rather than east into, say, Norfolk?

I’m not prescriptive, the games people play will take place in their own version of the transformed war, so if you want to duke it out with the forces of the Kaiser on the streets of Lowestoft that’s okay by me! As an East Anglian, I whole heartedly approve.

That said, my own feeling is that it is more fluid. The line of trenches is too massive to man properly and the world has been so thoroughly damaged by the catastrophe that there is not the man power anyway. As a result smaller offensives regularly penetrate a reasonable distance in either direction before simply fizzling out! Feel free to use that, or don’t - it’s up to you.


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