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Author Topic: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P6 Perry Foot Knights Bretonnian style  (Read 15674 times)

Offline OSHIROmodels

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P4 Keeper of Secrets
« Reply #60 on: June 17, 2024, 08:23:59 AM »
Just the job mate  8)

Offline Vladimir Raukov

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P4 Keeper of Secrets
« Reply #61 on: June 19, 2024, 12:22:23 PM »
That cow lady's on a whole other level! Bit of a weak point on the right, though.  lol

Offline Constable Bertrand

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P4 Keeper of Secrets
« Reply #62 on: June 19, 2024, 10:32:58 PM »
Thanks James, I wanted once since having the monsters GW combat cards back in school, sadly the closest I could find was the skull zombie head. Back in the day there were mail order and you could order your own combo of limbs, legs and heads!

Thanks pete, when the 2 crab claws fail.. and the mailed fist fails.. sometimes the dainty gloved pointing finger gets the job done.
You know, like... spreading her morning marmalade .. and savagely replying to redit posters

Offline Constable Bertrand

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P4 Keeper of Secrets
« Reply #63 on: December 29, 2024, 02:48:41 AM »
I finished off the last unit of beastmen, these moon clan fellas are double weilding. Now I have plenty of moon clan brutes for dungeon crawling.


Offline Constable Bertrand

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P5 Questing Knights Part3
« Reply #64 on: December 30, 2024, 05:11:56 AM »

Sir Reynard of Atrois(left)
The 3rd son of a noble family in Artois, Reynard wasn't content to just rule the family allotments that were allocated to him, his older brother was the responsible one and Sir Reynard was viewed as the spare son that would not amount to much. After meeting some pilgrims on the way in town he found himself a devotee to the lady and pledged himself to the Quest. Hoping that drinking from the challace and becoming a knight of the Grail will prove his valour to his family, and really stick it to his entitled big brother. He carries a rare manuscript which he often meditates from, and he lights the candles so that his squires can follow him more easy on their long marches through the dark.

Sir Guillaume Shakespear (right)
A kitbash with an empire head/arm, greenstuff cloak and a bits box luggage.

Sir Guillaume has been on the hoof for many years spending some time in the empire doing some cross cultural research, delving through thier vast histories and looking for truths hidden in their records of Bretonnian myths. Guillaume spent some time with a band of crusaders in Lustria in search of the Lady, following one of his folk law leads, where he managed to slay many heathen lizard people. With the lady's blessing he was able to slay the chief warrior in a duel and managed to make an escape for his company, he's still got that lizards skull with him now and plans to mount it upon his library room wall when he finally settles down, he wears the reptilian's shield every day as a lucky icon, knowing the heights that still must be climbed in order to be sanctified to drink from the ladys cup. Learned Guillaume I a bit of a bard and cannot help sharing the stories that he gathers with those around him, he finds sharing a drop of a lovely vintage oak barrel brandy helps these moments of joy after a battle.

Barthold the Lucky of Couronne (left)
Leading this ragtag band of Questing Knights is Sir Barthold the Lucky, of Couronne nobility he has a way with words and the sword, and somehow he manages to always get the outcome he wants. Having such good luck is sometimes suspicious for other Bretonns that have known him for a while, and they whisper of the "dark ones luck", but none can find fault in Sir Barthold. The only thing Barthold wants but seems unable to grasp is the Grail itself. He is determined that by gathering a valiant company of Questing Knights to protect fair Bretonnia itself, that they will be welcomed by the Lady and allowed to sip from the challace. Barthold leads the company into many conflicts and supports fair bretonnia when ever a foe appears across the land. Barthold is currently supporting the Constable Bertrand of Gisoreux. Barthold is unsure exactly how but in all his years he has not seen another person so adept at being in the middle of every critical skirmish and battle in the last age. The Constable has a uncanny sense of finding threats, and that perfectly suits Bartholds plans.

Calard the Brave from Bordeleaux (right)
Sir Calard was a brave Knight, famed for being the boldest and bravest in the company, he won his Knighthood in a tournament riding a massive black bull, and single-handedly slew a minotaur, nothing seemed to fear him. One campaign however he challenging an undead prince in a duel. All was going well for Calard until he slipped on a rock underneath his boot and the dead lord's sword flicked across his eyes. His commander jumped in and prevented Calard's certain death. Recovering in a chapel in Bordeleaux, Calard was lost in his thoughts and problems when he saw a vision of the Lady beconning  him to find her Grail. He went out and swiped a local boy, Tiny Tim, and promptly returned to the chaple and pledged them both to finding the Grail within the hour. Gathering his mighty steed from the stable Calard relys on Tim for observational updates and trusts his life to his horse that knows what to do, Calard has been emboldended as hes noticed that his kill rate really is about the same as it was before he lost his eyes, he must be blessed by the lady herself.. even though his sword is chained to his shield.. it cant be just the horse could it?. Sir Barthold has put a blind man, Calard, in charge of directing the company where to go as he is more able to see and follow the Visions from the Lady.

Heres the whole company marching into battle.


Offline Philotep

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P5 Bretonnian Questing Knights pt3
« Reply #65 on: December 30, 2024, 01:19:10 PM »
These knights are quite impressive! I particularly like the blind banner bearer, Calard the brave - figure and story  ;)

Offline Constable Bertrand

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P5 Bretonnian Questing Knights pt3
« Reply #66 on: December 30, 2024, 08:01:40 PM »
Thanks Phil, my normal painting style of layers and washes and layers and highlights doesn't work well for quartered bright heraldry, hence the 12months to paint 12 knights. I thought a story was fitting for how long they took.

It took so long I forgot I already used the name shakespear for the music champion  ;D I'll need a new name for him now.


Offline Red Orc

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P5 Bretonnian Questing Knights pt3
« Reply #67 on: December 30, 2024, 08:20:26 PM »
Formidable!  :o

They really are a most beautiful bunch. The Flower of Chivalry indeed. Sir Guilaume with his book really made me think of Don Quixote.

Offline Basementboy

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P5 Bretonnian Questing Knights pt3
« Reply #68 on: December 31, 2024, 02:43:01 PM »
Lovely work! There's such a riot of colours on each figure it's almost overwhelming seeing them en masse- exactly as it should be :D

Offline Vladimir Raukov

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P5 Bretonnian Questing Knights pt3
« Reply #69 on: January 04, 2025, 05:28:51 AM »
Thanks Phil, my normal painting style of layers and washes and layers and highlights doesn't work well for quartered bright heraldry, hence the 12months to paint 12 knights. I thought a story was fitting for how long they took.

It took so long I forgot I already used the name shakespear for the music champion  ;D I'll need a new name for him now.


Perhaps they are distant cousins?

Lovely work on them, hopefully they find the chalice one day!

Offline Constable Bertrand

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P5 Bretonnian Questing Knights pt3
« Reply #70 on: January 11, 2025, 12:28:13 AM »
Lovely work! There's such a riot of colours on each figure it's almost overwhelming seeing them en masse- exactly as it should be :D

Exactly, I see wht GW changed to a one colour paint scheme, but it was a VERY BIG step backwards. And thats after them canning the army for years in between editions  >:(

Formidable!  :o

They really are a most beautiful bunch. The Flower of Chivalry indeed. Sir Guilaume with his book really made me think of Don Quixote.

Thank you  :D A bret colour bus is the way to go. mm, perhaps the Don.. some spanish BG perhaps... thanks!

...hopefully they find the chalice one day!

I wouldn't hold my breath, certainly if it correlates to actual gameplay time on the board ;)  lol

Offline Vladimir Raukov

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P5 Bretonnian Questing Knights pt3
« Reply #71 on: January 11, 2025, 06:48:56 AM »

I wouldn't hold my breath, certainly if it correlates to actual gameplay time on the board ;)  lol

I wonder if a horse can drink from the chalice?  lol

Offline hubbabubba

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P5 Bretonnian Questing Knights pt3
« Reply #72 on: January 11, 2025, 02:24:50 PM »
They look pretty formidible, good work.

Offline Constable Bertrand

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - P5 Vintage GW Beastmen
« Reply #73 on: January 19, 2025, 01:58:18 AM »
I have liked the old school painted face shields, but my freehand struggled to get the outcomes that I aimed for. Then I found the new GW orc range had great Shield designs. Using some bluestuff I cast some Greenstuff shields to add to some miniatures. I picked up these old beastmen second hand and repaired their paint jobs, and added their shield.

Offline Constable Bertrand

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Re: Constable Bertrand's Fantasy Thread - p6 LotR Trolls
« Reply #74 on: January 25, 2025, 07:06:49 AM »
I really liked the LotR troll design when I saw the film in theatrical release and loved the GW miniature, and I searched high and low to find one 2nd hand at a good price. Seems others have enjoyed the look also as I was able to pick up some 3d printed doppelganger proxies at the same time I found the metal mini I was looking for.

In the mean time I was exposed to some proper trolls in Troll Hunter and really enjoy the French artist David Thierree trolls.

So now trolls need to have tails, a larger nose and ears, so I added a little greenstuff. Followed up with some tufts, and grasses to sell the mountain troll look.

First up the Moria Troll and the 3D printed shaman

I also found a second hand conversion of an ogre that needed some love, he got the ears nose and tail work as well.

Here the trolls fill a hall of the dungeon. Don't go in there!


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