Inspired by the Great Anime movie Suzume no Tojimari, I will be making a door.
For those who haven't seen the Anime, it's all about a girl named Suzume who runs into a guy looking for doors in abandoned areas. Weird stuff happens and by accident she opens a door, disturbs the keystone which turns into a cat, and finds out that through those open doors a being can enter our world and cause calamities such as earthquakes or worse. She helps the guy Souta to close the door and prevent something bad from happening, but turns out the missing keystone was keeping the door closed. They find the cat at her home, and argue with the cat, but he runs of after transforming Souta into a wooden chair, and from there on, Suzume and Souta the chair travel across Japan following the cat, and finding open doors to close. There's way more to it than that, but you'll just have to watch the movie, it's great so no excuse.
Anyway throughout the movie there are a few doors, some freestanding, some part of buildings or structures, and they all open up to a field of grass under a starry sky. So that's what I'll be making a door. Need to figure out the detail, but it'll probably be freestanding, maybe in a bit of rubble.