That is brilliant. So what bits did you use, if you do not mind me asking?
Thanks! I'm glad you asked!
The bulk of it, i.e. the three legs, the head, the body (where the legs attach) and the cowl are all included in the Ironclad Miniatures Martian Tripod kit.
The two eye lenses and the lens of the heat-ray generator are all from this kit: drilled two holes in the eye lenses to be 'pupils'.
The part of the heat-ray generator that looks like a camera lens-mount is part of the original Ironclad kit: it's a component of the original heat-ray generator which was designed to be slung underneath the head. It originally had a little cone-shape tube sticking out of it: I cut this off and hollowed out the lens-mount with a knife (this took a while) so I could put one of the Zinge Industries lenses in it instead.
The heat-ray generator itself, other than the lens-mount just mentioned, is made up of two parts of this kit: 'fuel tank' and the 'generator')
The strange device which hangs down beneath the body (which I have no idea what is meant to be; I assumed it was a power generator, but not all of Corrêa's fighting machines have them) is the grain silo from the same kit as above.
The cable on the back of the heat-ray generator is one of the original flimsy 'tentacles' that came with the Ironclad kit.
The two large tentacles on either side of the head are from this kit by CP Models:, there's a thin metal disc which is attached to the underside of the body, between the grain silo component and the body itself. This was just kicking around in my bits box and I needed something to do with it: it just so happened to fit the space beneath the body and also covered up the holes where the flimsy tentacles and the original heat-ray generator used to hang from.
This disc was the base from some OOP 54mm barbarian miniature I ordered from Italy in September: