Well, you got the name and location, what else is there? Oh yeah --
My wargaming experience began with Blitzkrieg (a board game) a few decades back and never went very far. Then recently my interest was revived and I was trying to decide between Napoleonic and English Civil War. My dilemma was solved when my son gifted me a regiment of 28mm ECW/TYW and the Pike and Shotte rulebook. Then he gave me a bunch of other figures. Now I've painted several hundred (or is it several million) little army guys for that conflict.
Bloody Broadsides - Napoleonic Naval Warfare.
Waiting in the wings are the following - still in the boxes:
- Warlord Games Stalingrad set (WW2 in 28mm)
- " " American Civil War starter set in "Epic" scale
- Some misc. 15mm American Civil war and Revolutionary war to which I have applied some primer.
Something else I'll be painting as a gift for my son (shhhh, it's a secret)
AND my latest fascination which I haven't purchesed anything for yet - African Bush Wars. I'm wanting to go with 20mm but can't find a good source in the USA. (Purchasing from overseas is problematic, something to do with my bank card not working for overseas transactions. I'm probably on a watch list because all my conspiracy theories turned out to be true.)
- I found the forum while searching for more information on sources for Rhodesian minis, etc, and what rules to use.