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Author Topic: Bazaar of Obscurities Rules - PLEASE READ BEFORE STARTING A TOPIC HERE  (Read 33777 times)

Offline Prof.Witchheimer

  • Elder God
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Bazaar of Obscurities Rules

With immediate effect, the Bazaar of Obscurities board will be subdivided into three areas, or Child Boards: "Wanted", "For Sale/Trade", and "Ebay". Their subjects should be evident; all future Bazaar threads must fit into one of those three categories; you may NOT mix sales offers and wanted requests in a single thread. You may, however, put one or more links into a thread to link to other Bazaar threads of yours.

In addition, no user may maintain more than a single active thread per child board. ALL your respective trading (i.e. all your sales, all your wanted requests, all your Ebay listing links) must be advertised in the respective threads (i.e. your Sales thread etc.). You may add new offers by replying to the thread, but you must keep an up-to-date overview in the first post (or, preferably, keep all offers in the first post and use the rest of the thread for negotiations or enquiries).

Moderators of Bazaar boards - Prof.Witchheimer, Westfalia Chris, OSHIROmodels

Thread Maintenance

You may delete your own old thread using "REMOVE TOPIC" at the bottom of your thread. Or just request (via PM) your old thread to be deleted by the moderators. Please consider, we're not always online and it could take some hours or more so it's perhaps the best to try to delete it by yourself.


The Ebay Child Board

Only "Supporting Adventurers" may start threads on the Ebay Board. All other regular members may only start threads in the "Wanted" and "For Sale" Child Boards. Please note that you may still reply to threads on the Ebay Child Board as a regular member. If you would like to become a supporting member, please donate some money using "Paypal Donate" button at the bottom of this forum. As this site is hosted in Germany, the Paypal donation page will be in German as well. Please contact the moderators if you need any support using this.

Please note: With the recent re-introduction of the donation button, we have removed the limitation that only Supporting Members may post on the E-Bay board. Please see the donation thread for further information on the donation process if you wish to contribute to the financial part of maintaining LAF:


The current state of things, in that any member of the LAF may open and maintain a single topic on the E-Bay board will continue until further notice.


Any kind of "Bumping" a thread (i.e. replying to your thread to move it up the board for increased attention) is only allowed once every three days.

Misuse/abuse of the Bazaar rules

If (you think that) somebody violates the rules of the Bazaar, please do NOT take it on yourself to "teach him/her the rules". Please notify the Bazaar moderator by using the Report button, and we will investigate the issue and, if necessary, take action.

Conducting Transactions and Conflicts

All members utilising the Bazaar boards, be it as seller, buyer or when trading goods in kind, are individually responsible for conducting their transactions in good faith and in observance of all applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, payments, customs and tariffs which may be applicable in case of international shipments.

LAF cannot take any responsibility for any transactions, and cannot be held liable for them or their effects, as we do not have the ability to track transactions.

If you have an issue with a seller or a buyer, please try to resolve the issue first using common sense.

We therefore cannot act as arbitrators, but we will try to help resolving the issue if possible. In that case, if nothing else helps, please contact the moderators via PM.

Thread Titling

In order to improve the clarity of the "Unread Posts" list, all Bazaar Threads must be identified as such by adding the following tag to the front of the Thread title as appropriate for its board:


So, for example a thread title could look like this:

(SALE/TRADE) Some Vintage Citadel Miniatures


If you are willing to accept goods in place of monetary payments, or want to offer goods in trade for items you are looking for, just put these in the respective threads and make it clear in the text body.

So, for example, if you want to get rid of a bunch of "X Brand" miniatures, and are looking for some "Y Brand" that you would like to take in trade, the post should be made in the "Sales" thread, and look something like this:

>>I have on offer 10 "X Brand" Space Warriors. I would like 12 pounds/Euros/etc. for them, plus P&P at cost. Alternatively, I would trade them for "Y Brand Fancypants Elves". Offers welcome.<<

Crowdfunding topics: Kickstarter & Co

In order to achieve better visibility and avoid misunderstandings, the following rules for topics concerning crowdfunding projects (e.g. Kickstarter, Indiegogo) will apply with immediate effect.

What to post? Topics to promote wargaming- and/or modelling-related crowdfunding projects may be posted on the LAF. In accordance with the forum rules, you may not post topics about crowdfunding projects not related to the wargaming or modelling hobbies.

Once posted, the first topic on a crowdfunding project is to be the ONLY topic on it, and all further discussion and updates on the project are to be posted in this topic. Any further topics on the project will be deleted without prior notice. Note that it is not possible to merge topics, so any information posted in a subsequent topic may be lost.

Who may post? Crowdfunding topics may be posted by members of the respective project's team or by interested third parties to increase awareness of the project. If you are personally involved with the project, it is advisable to make this clear in the opening post to avoid misunderstandings about your vested interest.

Where to post? Crowdfunding topics may be either posted on a topical board or on the Commercial board.

  • Any crowdfunding project that focuses on a specific theme should be posted on the most appropriate theme board. E.g. any project with a Scifi focus should go on Future Wars, Fantasy focus on the Fantasy board, etc.
  • Any crowdfunding project that does not have a specific focus should be posted on the Commercial board. Examples would include generic rulesets, tools for the wargamer/modeller, books on modelling techniques, accessories like regimental bases, counters etc.
  • If a project applies to multiple periods, but is not "generic", please choose the one board that is most appropriate or ask a moderator for advice.

How to post? Any crowdfunding topic must include in its topic title a "tag" to identify it on the board page and in the various search pages. This tag should identify the platform the project is running on. So, if you wish to promote a project running on Kickstarter, you should add the tag (KICKSTARTER) or (Kickstarter) at the start of the topic title; if it's on Indiegogo, use (INDIEGOGO) or (Indiegogo).

If you have any questions regarding crowdfunding topics, such as what is eligible, where it should be posted, feel free to contact the Bazaar and Commercial moderator Westfalia Chris via PM.

Bazaar Pruning

All Bazaar threads which were last replied to at least a month ago will be removed without further notice at the start of each month, usually on the first weekend. Thread openers may "bump" their threads by adding a reply if the offer(s) is (are) still current, or you may open a new thread to replace the one removed.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2021, 02:49:55 PM by Westfalia Chris »


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