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Author Topic: Frozen warband (Frozengrave?) - Short battlereport of game 2  (Read 8178 times)

Offline Daeothar

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Re: Frozen warband (Frozengrave?) - Prince Hans finished
« Reply #45 on: January 02, 2024, 10:19:28 AM »
Many thanks guys :)

Well, the crossbowmen did not get painted in time for the game, but also not in 2023; they're (back) on the painting desk, but will be painted at the earliest opportunity.

And to be honest; I have been thinking about making some themed terrain for this warband in the form of those elemental dolmir stones in Frozen 2. You know; just a small side project... ::) lol

Anyway; the warband has performed admirably in their second league game!

I was up against another elementalist with his appretice, two thieves, a knight, a bowman a summoned bear and some other units I can't quite remember, but none of them were Thug fillers!

We rolled for the scenario and it became Haunted Houses. We set up the board according to the scenario, deployed and off we were.

My plan was to get the treaure on my side with Anna and Hans in the center, so they could support Elsa and Marshmallow who went for the central treasure. Olaf was on his own on the cover filled right flank, to go for the treaure on the right centerline and Kristoff and Sven were to run along the open left board edge towards the leftmost treasure. A lone thug was to support either them or Anna, and the two crossbowmen were to take up elevated positions on the left and right of the board to support the others.

And this went down smoothly and without a single hickup! 8)

He sent his wizard and some support down his right flank, his apprentice down his left, also with some support. His bowman took up position in the tower on his right and some soldiers went for the treaure on his side of the board.

This did not go very smoothly.

Hans managed to nab the first treasure in turn two, rolled for encounters and nothing came up, so he made a run for it (true to character as well ;) ). Elsa eventually cast wall between the central and rightmost house, essentially blocking off the entrances to my opponent.

And of course later on, Anna managed to do the same on the left, which pretty much sealed the deal. Marshmallow got to the central treasure without an encounter, and Kristoff and Sven, while under fire from his bowman and wizard managed to get into their house, but did trigger a ghoul, which held them up for way too long. I actually had to send in my lone thug to help them out with the foul creature.

Meanwhile, his soldiers in the center managed to enter the house still accessible to him, but triggered a wraith! This proved to be quite a challenge, so he had to throw his entire battle line into disarray, as he had to send in troops with enchanted weapons from the flanks to deal with the threat!

Eventually the combined efforts of his wizard and thief with magical weapon managed to finish it off, but in the process, his soldiers had not yet collected the treasure, which cost even more time. But he did eventually manage to get it off the table towards the end.

The most interesting stuff however, went down on my right flank. I had blocked off direct access to the door there with an (ice)wall, but in a cunning and succesful move, his appretice cast Crumble on the back wall of the house, giving him easy access after all!

His knight stepped in, but encountered yet another ghoul. This one too, proved quite resilient, and he eventually sent in two more members of his warband to assist.

In the meantime though, Olaf ran in through the door and grabbed the treasure, while his men were busy beating up the ghoul. They killed it at the same time Olaf nabbed the loot, but the next turn Elsa used Leap to pull Olaf out of there, out of reach of my opponent's frustrated soldiers.

This pretty much concluded the game; Hans, Marshmallow, Kristoff and Olaf ran off the board as quickly as possible with their treasures, helped along by Anna and Elsa casting Leap and Fleet Feet on the slowest members of the gang.

Sven and the Arendelle guard finished off their ghoul and fell back to victory as well. My opponent's archer managed to kill the poor guard/thug though. Pure spite and revenge, that act!

My crossbowmen were quite the underachievers, because apart from projecting a potential killzone on either side of the board, they managed to do pretty much nothing apart from spearing an ice toad that had appeared on my board edge during the game.

There were more random encounters though; on two occasions a snow leopard entered the board on my right, but both got stuck in with his forces!

So this was a resounding win for Elsa and her gang; 4 treasures recovered, at the cost of one Arendelle guard; he will be missed. And also replaced; this was just a thug after all :D

And maybe the poor performance of my crossbowmen was due to them being the only unpainted miniatures in the warband. Perhaps that made them too self-consious and insecure? Especially after their really good performace in the previous bout. As good a reason to finish painting them as anything, right? :)
Miniatures you say? Well I too, like to live dangerously...
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Offline Grumpy Gnome

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Re: Frozen warband (Frozengrave?) - Short battlereport of game 2
« Reply #46 on: January 02, 2024, 12:01:33 PM »
Brilliant! ☃️
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Offline snitcythedog

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Re: Frozen warband (Frozengrave?) - Short battlereport of game 2
« Reply #47 on: January 02, 2024, 03:00:29 PM »
Looks like a good time was had by all and I do like that Frozen warband. 
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Offline ithoriel

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Re: Frozen warband (Frozengrave?) - Short battlereport of game 2
« Reply #48 on: January 02, 2024, 10:09:03 PM »
A good game and an excellent AAR!
Clearly the crossbowmen were feeling underdressed for the occasion  :)
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Offline Bloggard

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Re: Frozen warband (Frozengrave?) - Short battlereport of game 2
« Reply #49 on: January 06, 2024, 02:11:42 PM »
lovely stuff.


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