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Author Topic: Colonial Innsmouth TSATF game  (Read 1874 times)

Offline Smokeyrone

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Colonial Innsmouth TSATF game
« on: January 13, 2024, 11:49:11 PM »
For 15 years, I have been so close to a "Shadow over Sebastian"
TSATF game.  Set in Florida about 1900, it would be marines, militia, local rednecks, some Seminoles, and sherrifs raiding  the inlet town of Micco, where the Deep Ones have established a stronghold.  (Why not?  Sebastian Inlet is the World's greatest inlet, with the World's greatest fishing).

Was 90% done in 28mm, but....units and terrain got redirected to other projects, just too long a project.

Since doing a complete 15mm Blood Bowl, I decided to do it right, in 15mm, and have a game in two months.

Going from 28 to 15mm is gold, Jerry, Gold!   So far, I have:

- two units of marines (BM Mexican Revolution us marines)

- two units of militia/locals ( BM armed civilians from Boxer and Pabcho Villa ranges)

-a redneck unit (BM Chicago hillbillys)

- Deep ones (Khurasan)

-Innsmouth normal residents (mix of Khurasan, BM, Old Glory 15s, QRF, etc)

- police/ sherrifs. (Bm police and G men)

- Seminoles. (Qrf, OH15s and BM )

What I need now are hybrid Innsmouth dudes.

Maybe convert appropriate 15mm zombies?  Put cloaks and stuff on em?  They will have the 'Innsmouth shambling look)

And Cultists!   Rebel Minis for some reason has their awesome Cultists pack out of stock forever now.  What's up with them?  (Him?)

So, I need hybrids and Dagon cultists in 15mm.

Any suggestions?
Reigning USTA Florida, and National 50+ Singles Champion  (tennis)  TWO Time Florida 50+ Singles Champion!  Just won State 2019!

Offline MikeLance

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hybrids and Dagon cultists in 15mm
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2024, 12:38:37 AM »
Interesting project!

Have a look at

The cultists are like Khurasan with pointy hoods that fully cover the head.

Could the Mummies proxy as well-wrapped hybrid Innsmouth dudes?

The Starport Scum in the sci-fi 15mm range look rather fishy as well.

Alternative Armies have some sci-fi cultists in cowls rather than pointy hoods who are armed with relatively low-tech weapons that could pass as 1900s weapons.


- Mike

Offline Smokeyrone

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Re: Colonial Innsmouth TSATF game
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2024, 01:27:59 AM »
Great stuff,Mike!

Yep, if I did tissue cloaks, those mummies and star scum would be Great!

Love those cultists

Thank you

Offline FifteensAway

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Re: Colonial Innsmouth TSATF game
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2024, 03:02:39 PM »
15 mm is a great scale to work with in so many ways now that variety of options is so wide.

Yeah, two draw backs:

For some eyesight is an issue when painting but I'm 66 and no real challenges even though harder to see smaller details - just make adjustments like magnifying glasses, and improved lighting, etc.

Generally, not always though, 15 mm (or 18 mm sometimes), come in multiple figure packs, sometimes all the same pose.  But some like Irregular sell one at a time figures or Bluemoon whose packs contain mostly unique sculpts across the pack, sometimes a little duplication but 15 out of 30 being unique is pretty good.

But counter to that:

15 mm per figure costs are a fraction of a 28 mm figure cost.

Storage space is a fraction of what is needed for the same setup in 28 mm.

We can either use a smaller game scape (table size) or enjoy a greatly expanded game scape with more room for maneuver.

Painting takes less time BECAUSE there is less need for detail - a "good enough" paint job just looks better in 15 mm than it might in 28 mm (or 25 mm, still some out there).  I literally paint north of 1,000 figures a year these days - and have for a few years running now and hope to continue for several more years.  And the 3' rule is more like a 1 1/2' rule in 15 mm.

Hard to find a period you can't get figures for - of course, there will be some hard to find but that is true regardless of figure size.

Be curious to see what your game looks like on the table once you get there.

Offline Old Contemptable

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Re: Colonial Innsmouth TSATF game
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2024, 06:30:15 AM »
I like 15mm for big battalion gaming, Napoleonics, ACW FPW, etc. I reserve 28mm for Colonial and AWI. I have played in TSATF games with individually based 15mm but it just isn't the same. 28mm is more expensive but you don't need a lot of them for skirmish gaming. That's unless you go crazy like me.

Offline Smokeyrone

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Re: Colonial Innsmouth TSATF game
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2024, 03:11:39 PM »
I like 15mm for big battalion gaming, Napoleonics, ACW FPW, etc. I reserve 28mm for Colonial and AWI. I have played in TSATF games with individually based 15mm but it just isn't the same. 28mm is more expensive but you don't need a lot of them for skirmish gaming. That's unless you go crazy like me.

I agree.  But after buying @150 figures in 15mm for this, my wallet is very happy!  :)

Offline FifteensAway

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Re: Colonial Innsmouth TSATF game
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2024, 03:38:39 PM »
150 15 mm figures would run in the vicinity of $75 - or less, with a few manufacturers more.

150 28 mm figures would run in the vicinity of $375 - or less or a lot more.  Quite the difference.

Smokey, what is OH15 please?  Don't recognize, know all the others you listed.


Offline JBaumal

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Re: Colonial Innsmouth TSATF game
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2024, 02:20:10 PM »
Smokey, that sounds like an absolutely killer project! Will you be custom building an old Spanish looking fort for the inlet defenses? Can’t wait to see what you do with this project!


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