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Author Topic: Dry Gulchers!!!  (Read 1684 times)

Offline Harry Faversham

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Dry Gulchers!!!
« on: February 21, 2024, 11:14:48 AM »
The denizens of Dead Man's Gulch, have on 'em a mighty thirst. A thirst that's drunk the town dry, after a two week enforced period of temperance, Delores Trollope's' whiskey barrel comes trundling into town. It's heading for the Hotel Red.

Stumpy, Marshal Twerp's sidekick and Deputy, has the unenviable job of escorting the goods to their destination. The Marshal having decided that this day is a wise one to go a fishin'. Dolores staff have gathered to give Stumpy a hand.

Predictably, a dim and thirsty view of this is taken in the Mexican quarters Canteena. Tuco the Bastard and his henchmen hitch up their gunbelts and start to move into town.

A sinister looking figure emerges from his liar, sniffs the air, and can feel a profit coming on. One, Septimus M Barme, the busiest hombre in town!

The mainstreet starts to clear as Stumpy heads for Deloris's Hotel. Old Doc Pearson wishes Stumpy, top of the morning in passing

Things turn nasty very quickly, Madam Victoria spots Tuco slithering up the sidewalk and levels her scattergun.

The resoundin' boom of both barrels brings Dolores running. Tuco falls, a blizzard of lead sweeps through mainstreet, both sides giving and taking hits.

The terrified draft horse bolts from Stumpy's grasp, luckily heading straight for Hotel Red. Dolores leaps into cover as her whisky barrel thunders past!

Doc Pearson dodges through the gunfire, intent on helping the wounded, Tuco staggers to his feet. He takes careful aim at Delores and pulls the trigger... dead man's click!

Back at the Canteena, Tuco's brother Ramone, staggers drunkenly into the street.

Just in time to see Big Bruv, cut in half by Madam Victoria's scattergun!

This ups the ante, both sides loosing of devastating volleys.

Doc Pearson attends to the 'Mysterious Gambler', Dolores' current lover. The Doc is unique in the Gulch this morning, he's already dead drunk! With no medicinal brandy left for the wounded, the hamfisted fumblings of Doc Pearson ends badly. A swift demise for the gambler makes Dolores a widow afore she's been a bride.

Excellent marksmanship from a Mexican rifleman dominates mainstreet.
That is until Scot McScrotum pops up.

Both perish in a point blank gunfight.

In the mayhem old Stumpy manages to recapture his charge. Luckily right next to Hotel Red.

The fighting on mainstreet reaches it's climax. Dirty Gerty's shotgun causing great carnage.

Poor old Doc loses another patient/victim!

The events in mainstreet and in Dlores Trollope's favour. She holster her guns and walks toward Stumpy and the booze cart. Just as Ramone, and a crony sneak from a back alley and open fire!

Stumpy proves equal to the challenge, dropping Ramone, but not before he backshoots Delores! Both sides get right up close and personal. Stumpy's got one last fight left in him, when it ends Ramone's eating dust.

Stumpy joins him just after.

With a little help from one of her surviving staff Dolores wins the fight.

The victors head into the Hotel Red to drink a toast to Stumpy's last stand.

Doc Pearson proves he can do the same for Mexicans as he can for Gringos...

Getting his tape measure a sinister looking figure heads for mainstreet.

"Wot did you do in the war Grandad?"

"I was with Harry... At The Bridge!"

Offline FifteensAway

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Re: Dry Gulchers!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2024, 02:27:38 PM »
Having read the report in the local rag - or maybe not so local - this reader is lead to wonder if the reporter might have had a few too many drinks himself.  How is the thirsty Mexican drunk in a two week dry down?  Though the Doc clearly was at his carefully hidden medicinal 'brandy'.  And what sort of retribution will there be for calling the undertaker a liar - in a manner of misspeaking!?  At least the town has, once again, earned its name. 

Logic defies...oh, wait, logic in a war game?  Maybe just fun pushing figures around!  o_o   

Am I wrong in believing the town has grown a bit since last we've seen it (more buildings added to your collection)?

Is that someone taking a nap in that open coffin while the carpenter works on another?  Hope so or the town's air is going to be less than salubrious.  Or maybe he left his supply of nails over there and is just gathering them up to finish nailing that lid down?

I foresee even greater troubles between one part of town and the other after this days events.  And the citizenry is about to be fueled by that large barrel of whiskey.  Perhaps not the best lubrication of troubled times.  Oh, dear.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2024, 02:36:02 PM by FifteensAway »

Offline Harry Faversham

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Re: Dry Gulchers!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2024, 02:48:04 PM »
It's Dead Man's Gulch innit, allus gonna end badly!


Offline Mad Lord Snapcase

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Re: Dry Gulchers!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2024, 04:17:05 PM »
The victors head into the Hotel Red to drink a toast to Stumpy's last stand.

The whisky might last a bit longer, now there are significantly less people to drink it!

Great game!   :-*

Offline Harry Faversham

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Re: Dry Gulchers!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2024, 05:11:15 PM »
Thanks yer Lordship, praise indeed coming from a peer of yer calibre!

Online CapnJim

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Re: Dry Gulchers!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2024, 07:43:49 PM »
As my caliber doesn't measure up to his Lordship's, you may take my comments as you wish.

It is a good thing Stumpy get ahold of that horse before his unfortunate demise.  No tellin' what wouda happened to that thar likker....

Nice report, too.  Sufficient bedlam and mayhem, I would say...
"Remember - Incoming Fire Has the Right-of-Way"

Offline Harry Faversham

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Re: Dry Gulchers!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2024, 09:30:39 AM »
Best bit, the game was played solo. The only time I've played billy-no-mates, and really had a blast...
only FFofL can do this!

Offline hubbabubba

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Re: Dry Gulchers!!!
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2024, 11:47:08 AM »
Most excellent write up and photography, my complements to the chef.

Offline Johnny Boy

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Re: Dry Gulchers!!!
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2024, 01:54:45 PM »
Looks like a lot of fun. I was wondering here can I source a copy of Fistful of lead with supplements including the Solo play rules as I'm looking to get into more gaming that will be mostly solo. I've looked at Wiley but US P&P with taxes etc puts it a bit cost prohibitive but I like the look of it so any directions would be much appreciated.

Offline Harry Faversham

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Re: Dry Gulchers!!!
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2024, 02:54:40 PM »
Pm sent regarding rules and solo play ideas.

Offline has.been

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Re: Dry Gulchers!!!
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2024, 03:42:10 PM »
Nice to see the scenery out again Harry.
Let me know if/when you want some more.  :)

Offline Harry Faversham

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Re: Dry Gulchers!!!
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2024, 03:57:50 PM »
I'd never part with 'em old pal, the ramshackle look knocks mdf into a ten gallon 'at!
Scenery wise, I'm thinking of scatter for the Great Lame Beaver's village?

Online CapnJim

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Re: Dry Gulchers!!!
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2024, 05:24:02 PM »
Looks like a lot of fun. I was wondering here can I source a copy of Fistful of lead with supplements including the Solo play rules as I'm looking to get into more gaming that will be mostly solo. I've looked at Wiley but US P&P with taxes etc puts it a bit cost prohibitive but I like the look of it so any directions would be much appreciated.

They sell their stuff as pdfs.  Interested in that format?

Offline has.been

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Re: Dry Gulchers!!!
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2024, 12:02:08 PM »
I'd never part with 'em old pal, the ramshackle look knocks mdf into a ten gallon 'at!
Scenery wise, I'm thinking of scatter for the Great Lame Beaver's village?

Let me know what kind of stuff, how much of it & your budget then I'll get on with it.  ;)

Offline Johnny Boy

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Re: Dry Gulchers!!!
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2024, 09:43:39 AM »
Pm sent regarding rules and solo play ideas.
Many thanks Harry, only just catching up with stuff I'm afraid but much appreciated

They sell their stuff as pdfs.  Interested in that format?

Capn Jim, many thanks for that suggestion, it's nice to have the printed rulebooks but the pdf is sometimes the better option