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Author Topic: Macone1 Oldhammering  (Read 3470 times)

Offline Macone1

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Macone1 Oldhammering
« on: February 27, 2024, 09:01:23 AM »
I decided to start a thread for my fantasy projects. I managed to buy a bunch of old citadel norse dwarfs from my friend.
I'll post some pictures here as I paint the dwarves and maybe some goblins and orcs for them to fight against. My first goal is to paint a 24 point warbands for Dragon Rampant. We'll see how long this will take as my ADHD brain struggles to paint mini's for a single project. I have some Anglo Saxons, medieval, bolt action brits and a bunch more to mini's to paint. Wish me luck. :)

Offline Pattus Magnus

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Re: Macone1 Oldhammering
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2024, 01:41:28 PM »
Welcome to the forum! Your dwarves look great! I like your painting style and the figure sculpts have a lot of individuality (as older style figures often do). I am looking forward to seeing more!

Offline jon_1066

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Re: Macone1 Oldhammering
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2024, 03:40:00 PM »
Some classic figures nicely painted!

Don't worry about flitting since the Anglo Saxons or medievals would make fine opponents for these chaps.

Offline Spinal Tap

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Re: Macone1 Oldhammering
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2024, 04:11:47 PM »
I wish I could paint like that, lovely work.

Offline Macone1

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Re: Macone1 Oldhammering
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2024, 05:13:39 PM »
Thanks for the comments. :)
I have around twelve norse dwarfs to paint. I also got some warhammer 6th edition thunderers, but I'm not sure what the norse dwarfs and specially Mr.Bugman would say about black powder weapons...  :D

Offline Elk101

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Re: Macone1 Oldhammering
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2024, 06:12:37 PM »
Very nice work on those dwarves.

Offline Battle Brush Sigur

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Re: Macone1 Oldhammering
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2024, 11:59:47 PM »
Heyhey. :) Macone1 sounds familiar. Maybe we ran into each other before?

Anyway, great-looking dwarfs! As it happens I just played my first game of DR myself and was just about to post my review and battle report. Anyway, great figures. I love the look on the face of theguy with the curly beard (as much as I can see of it ;) ). What's your plan for the warband? Do you have an army list? I always find that having a list of units I want to do helping me to stick with a project.

Offline Macone1

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Re: Macone1 Oldhammering
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2024, 07:03:16 AM »
Heyhey. :) Macone1 sounds familiar. Maybe we ran into each other before?

Anyway, great-looking dwarfs! As it happens I just played my first game of DR myself and was just about to post my review and battle report. Anyway, great figures. I love the look on the face of theguy with the curly beard (as much as I can see of it ;) ). What's your plan for the warband? Do you have an army list? I always find that having a list of units I want to do helping me to stick with a project.

Hello and thanks for the kind words.
I'm planning on a 24 point warband for DR.
1 Elite infantry reduced model unit (My general)
2 units of Elite infantry
1 Heavy missiles unit
1 unit of scouts

Here's a better photo of curley ;).
I think he looks a bit like Bombur.

Offline jon_1066

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Re: Macone1 Oldhammering
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2024, 10:32:38 AM »
Technically I don't think you can spend more than half your points on the same unit types? (could be a hangover from Lion Rampant I've misremebered)

You might also find it a bit dull having three identical units.

You could make the dwarf warriors reduced model units of heavy foot with offensive/veteran for six points each. 

Another alternative would be to spend more on some magical type effects, eg Dwarven runesmith magician or give the leader Venemous (sorry Mighty Hammer!).

Offline Macone1

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Re: Macone1 Oldhammering
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2024, 04:31:08 PM »
Technically I don't think you can spend more than half your points on the same unit types? (could be a hangover from Lion Rampant I've misremebered)

You might also find it a bit dull having three identical units.

You could make the dwarf warriors reduced model units of heavy foot with offensive/veteran for six points each. 

Another alternative would be to spend more on some magical type effects, eg Dwarven runesmith magician or give the leader Venemous (sorry Mighty Hammer!).

You have a point there. I think having troops with more varied stats would make the game more interesting. I think the troop type limit is only for Lion Rampant... could work for DR also.

To keep this thread alive I painted two more dwarfs for my warband. The first one is a Marauder one I think... and the other one is a good old citadel norse dwarf.

I have also started a Goblin warband to fight against my dwarves. First 7 gobbos and a terrible warg from reaper mini's are ready. About 20 Gobbos and 3 trolls to paint. :)

Offline jon_1066

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Re: Macone1 Oldhammering
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2024, 06:11:18 PM »
Looking good.  I would definitely recommend either having reduced model units or simply play with fewer points (eg 18 or 20).

With only 30 goblins you'll struggle to get 24 points out of that at 1:1. 

Can I suggest you go for 1 figure = 3 Strength points for the dwarfs and gobbos initially?  That way your dwarf elite foot can be a leader and 1 bodyguard.  Veteran heavy foot is 4 dwarves, goblin scouts is two armed with bows, goblin light foot is 4 goblins.  You can easily see when a unit is down to half (which is a critical thing in the game). Trolls could be 1:6 so one could be fielded as a greater warbeast or maybe 2 as Fierce foot.

eg sample warbands:
1 Elite foot (2 figs) 6 pts
2 Heavy Foot (4 figs each) 8 pts
2 Heavy Missiles (4 figs each) 8 pts
1 Scouts (2 figs) 2 pts

2 Light foot mixed weapons (4 figs each) 10 pts
1 Goblin maniacs Fierce Foot (4 figs) 4 pts
1 Troll - Greater Warbeast (1 fig) 6 pts
2 Scouts (2 figs each) 4 pts

So 20 dwarves vs 16 goblins and a troll.

Offline Macone1

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Re: Macone1 Oldhammering
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2024, 10:13:25 PM »
I've been distracted by other projects but today I got 5 dwarfs painted.

Here's Estalian mercenary dwarfs, Captain Jon Korleone and his Red Jacket musketeers.

Offline Belligerentparrot

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Re: Macone1 Oldhammering
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2024, 10:23:32 PM »
The orange works exceptionally well, these guys look great!

Offline Macone1

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Re: Macone1 Oldhammering
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2024, 08:44:43 AM »
The orange works exceptionally well, these guys look great!
Thanks! I have 5 more to paint including a standard bearer. The reds took awhile to paint as I started with brownish red and layered up to orange. :)

Offline Macone1

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Re: Macone1 Oldhammering
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2024, 10:21:28 AM »
I've been busy painting some foes for my dwarfs. I decided to put the goblins on a back burner and started a chaos warband.
Chaos warband will be lead by a aspiring champion of Slaanesh named Slane The Perverse.
Slane has a bodyguard of 2 witch elves and a warband of beastmen. Below some photos. All mini's are GW except the troll which is from Knightmare miniatures.