5 bucks is just fine.
I got him saved in my Wishlist for later.
Thanks! And please do share if you get it.
I also started working on my own version of Inquisitor Jaq Draco and some of his warband. I really enjoyed Ian Watson's novel. I read it not terribly long after it was released initially and then the updated Inquisition War series. One of the ideas that I had was for a What If? scenario where Draco used the Webway and general warp shenanigans to effect time travel to recollect his companions and re-enter the Imperium at the most updated time.
I also thought it would be neat if Lexandro crossed the Rubicon Primaris. Mostly I wanted an excuse to design a Space Marine.
Since Space Marine Captains have access to Artificier Armor, I decided his should be made to resemble Mk 3 armor. Perhaps it was a favorite of his or something. Anyway, here is what I came up with:
I'm hoping to get a print of him tonight.
I'd love to hear thoughts about the designs. Thanks all for stopping by.