Hello All,
In honor of getting the orc marauders to a playable army size I hosted a 1,000 (ish) game to introduce them to the Grim Dark future. A Battle Brother patrol has been sent to a region called the stone garden, an area of large rock formations, to investigate reports of Marauder activity. It is just like the orcs to show up when a war is already in full swing.
In the left corner we have Orcs lead by their boss Mad Mike.
In the right corner we have the Battle Brothers. Please take note of the numbers in comparison to the picture above.
Armies deployed in diagonal fashion with 3 objectives across the board. The first turn saw the initial long range shooting. The Brother heavy machine gun brought down two marauders from the distant 3rd mob. The other Marauders mobs were using the dense terrain to hide and gain cover. With a loud war cry Mad Mike ordered Orcs forward to overwhelm the patrol. The central Brother squad is the focus of all the orc fire. While many shots landed the tough armor, and terrain, meant not one brother falls to the barrage. Blessed be the Founder. The Orc truck screams forward and unloads Mike’s mob. The right hand Brother squad had waited for them to get closer and open up, with some effect.
“Mike encourages his boys forward!”
The Brother commander, knowing he had no answer to the heavily armored Ultra bosses opened a comm link to the troop carrier in orbit and transmitted one word, “Omega”. With a blinding flash Brother Destroyers materialized in front of the Ultra bosses. They lost no time and charged into the orc battle suits. Their energy fist carved through two and left one badly wounded. The retaliation of the survivor was weak, damaging one of the destroyers.
Mike snarled in hatred for the loss of his tin man orcs and pointed at the commanders’ squad. The boys leapt forward, Mike himself faced off against the Brother commander. The orc vengeance was swift, and the entire squad was killed under the war axes of the boys.
“The commanders duel, Orc vengeance is brutal.”
The remaining Brother squad brings their firepower against Mike’s mob and brings half their number down stunning the squad. The orcs on the far left seeing the Destroyers fatigued charge into them. Even in this state they beat off the orc mob.
In the following turn the destroyers wipe out the last Ultra boss. The Orc mob once again jumps on the destroyers and manages to bring the wounded one down. They are still repulsed. The Brother squad wipes out Mike’s Mob, except for Mike himself. Another destroyer falls to a rocket launcher armed orc in the truck. Only one remains but is steadfast.
In the last turn the lone Destroyer wipes out the two remaining boys in 2nd orc mob. The last mob of orcs surged onto the remaining Destroyer. Numerous blows land but they cannot bring him down.
“They will know that one stood against many”
The Brother squad attempts to blast the orc mob apart. Their shots go wide as they fear hitting the valiant Brother destroyer. They fail to break the mob.
The APC and the truck contest the middle objective.
The game ends with an orc victory of 1 objective in orc control and two objectives contested.
As always, a quick, brutal, and fun game of Grim Dark. It is challenging to have board control for the smaller Battle Brother’s force. I will need to practice more to see how to pull it off.