Hello All,
I have another OPR battle report for you. We have the HDF, with slightly modified stats, vs. the Orc marauder war band of Mad Mike. 1300 point forces on each side.
After repulsing the orc attack the Human alliance sent a mechanized platoon into the stone garden to pursue the retreating enemy. The Orcs quickly gathered a force to counter the patrol.
Seeing the truck moving at top speed the first MICV sited its weapons.
The truck was heavily damaged, and the driver was dead at the wheel. Mad Mike slammed the corpse on the accelerator and the truck lunged forward. The second MICV fired and destroyed the truck.
The mob leapt from the vehicle with a few losses but stunned.
The 3rd MICV engaged the goblin guns who retaliated in kind. Minor damage was inflicted on the MICV while two goblin guns were knocked out. The vehicle’s missile system proved very effective.
The Infantry squads deployed from their vehicles and prepared to engage the orc foot mobs.
In the second round the command MICV focused on the Ultra boss unit wiping it out. In return the platoon command squad was overrun by Mad Mike’s mob. He is getting very adept at killing enemy commanders.
The orcs on the left flank were suppressed by the A squad’s firepower. The Orc mob in the center did a shocking thing. They won the firefight against Squad B. Screaming “DAKKA DAKKA” they inflicted heavy losses on the humans with minimal losses back. The MICV tried to finish the goblin artillery, but the smoke and explosives from the other destroyed guns obscured the target.
In round 3 the firefight on the left was devasting for the orcs with the mob wiped out. Mad Mike charged into the command MICV and tore chucks out the vehicle. Unable to retaliate the vehicle was forced back, but it was not broken.
The last goblin gun was destroyed and the center orc mob destroyed Squad B…with their carbines…wonders never cease. They held the center objective securely.
In the last round Mike and his mob continued to push the MICV trying to kill one of these accursed tin cans. While the vehicle did not break the crew was obviously very shaken as they missed all their shots.
The other MICVs raced down either flank to secure the pass. The center orc mob was isolated. Mad Mike stood on the roof of the MICV shouting with rage.
A 2-1 victory to the 196th Mechanized Brigade.
As a reflection the report highlighted the power of vehicles, and monsters, in the OPR game. While there are new optional rules for degradation of stats with damage taken, I did not use them. I very much like the feel of the big systems in OPR. They are to be feared. They are powerful but they are also point intensive and can only be one place at once. They can also be countered with the right weapons. The orcs just need more of those right weapons and more painting is required. More on that soon