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Author Topic: Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario  (Read 1932 times)

Offline mikedemana

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Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario
« on: April 22, 2024, 03:05:56 AM »

Just a teaser to start with -- AAR To follow. We got together this evening for another post-apocalyptic scenario from our ongoing campaign using Wiley Games rules. Four survivor gangs witnessed a military helicopter going down over the ruins of the city. No explosion, which means they should be able to secure some salvage! Lots of fun, laughter, and mayhem ensured. A more detailed AAR to follow soon!

Mike Demana
« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 03:08:43 AM by mikedemana »

Offline Mad Lord Snapcase

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Re: Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2024, 10:26:44 AM »
That looks like a great game, Mike.   :-*

Offline AKULA

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Re: Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2024, 11:35:04 AM »
A great example of how just the right amount of terrain creates some challenges for the players


Offline CapnJim

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Re: Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2024, 05:23:29 PM »
Looks good, Mike.  Waiting for the AAR.... :)
"Remember - Incoming Fire Has the Right-of-Way"

Offline Doug ex-em4

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Re: Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2024, 07:40:58 PM »
This looks very promising and it’ll be interesting to read an AAR which isn’t Zona Alfa. I like some of the detail touches in the scenery, for example the flat on the vehicle in the first photo - something that’s so obvious on a wreck but not often modelled.

Are any of the players in the last photo LAF contributors? It’d be fun to know who they are if that’s the case - always interesting to put a face to a name/handle.


Offline mikedemana

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Re: Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2024, 12:41:36 AM »
Thanks for the comments, everyone! None of the players are my regular Sunday evening gaming crew, unfortunately. I've tried to talk them into joining, but so far no luck. Here's the AAR -- apologies for repeating the pictures! Keeps everything (and my mind) in order...  lol I promise there are a lot more to spice up the narrative, hopefully.

I'd been waiting for an available Sunday evening to run the sixth scenario of our post-apocalyptic campaign. After the cooperative game of "Where the Dark Things Gather," this would be a competitive one. In the beginning, players were avoiding shooting each other. Eventually, though, they got into the spirit of it and began blazing away at each other around the smouldering, downed helicopter. The back story was that their survivor gang had seen a military chopper go down but with no resulting explosion. They surmised the pilot must have auto-rotated a soft enough landing, which meant one thing: available salvage!

Only four of my players were available, so I sat out and GM'd the affair. Each started in their respective corner back edge and began moving towards the center of the board where my recently-constructed downed chopper terrain piece was placed. I had six potential salvage spots, two on the helicopter's base and four flung out 10" in each of the the cardinal directions. The center spot was an intersection in a heavily damaged section of a city. Wrecked vehicles blocked sight lines along the roads leading to the chopper. The rest of the board was filled with my ruined buildings and urban scatter that I have been working steadily on now for a couple years.

The players were unaware that I had increased the chance of arrival of wandering "bad guys." Normally, after each 10% casualties on the board, something appears -- usually a Machines Scout Bot. As each
subsequent 10% level is reached, they go up to a Patrol Bot, then Military Bot, and (maybe one day) Destroyer Bot. I gave a 50/50 chance that the Scout Bot would be an aerial drone instead. Same stats, but flying. I also gave a 50/50 chance it would be a ground creature drawn by the noise of the gunfire. I had my giant rats (ROUS's - Rodents Of Unusual Size) and feral dogs out, but only the rats arrived other than machines. At one point, I had four bad guys on the board, but it was usually just one or two at a time. In addition, before the 10% casualty level was reached, I gave a 20% chance a bad guy would show up.

A new innovation this time (that I will likely continue using), was that I had the players "roll off" to see whose sector the bad guy showed up in. Low roller got the creature or machine. Everyone except Joel had a bad guy show up in their sector. Some of them did no damage to the players -- the Bass Reeves killed the ROUS with a shotgun blast after its first move couldn't contact one of their survivors. Others suffered heavily. The lethal Bucknuts lost two of their four men to a rabid ROUS. Allen's Followers of the Dark Prophet had two guys wounded and downed, but each time luckily drew an Ace or Queen of Hearts next turn to recover.

On the section of the board closest to me, the Bucknuts and Bass Reeves deployed opposite each other. They did not advance forward, but both began to shift laterally towards the center. The Bucknuts were the first to dash someone forward to snag salvage that had been flung from the wreck. The Bass Reeves sent Dreadz climbing up the tall, corner ruin to obtain a great sniper spot. He held off on shooting any of the rival survivors until the Bass Reeves were attacked first. Dreadz was also lucky to move early in the turn, when he began his climb. Shortly after he scrambled up a couple levels, a ROUS appeared well within range of where he'd been standing. Frustrated by the disappearance of the human it had (apparently) been stalking, it charged across to the gang's leader, Big Bass. Hearing it skittering towards him, but coming up short, Big Bass stepped around the corner of a building and blasted it with his shotgun. It gave a squeal and went down for good, relegated from a threat to rat burgers with one shot!

Across from the Bass Reeves, firing broke out as the Followers of the Dark Prophet reacted to the sudden appearance of a Scout Drone Bot from behind them. It whirred forward and blasted away, wounding one of the dark-robed survivors. The remaining three members whirled round and blasted away at the drone, Eventually, Dafyd hit a vital spot on the machine and it dropped to the ground. More salvage! Across from Allen's troops, his brother Joels' F Troop was taking advantage of the distraction provided by the drone to advance closer to the smouldering wreck. No signs could be seen of any survivors. Had they escaped on foot, or had the rats gotten to them? No one was sure, but their looked to be all kinds of things to loot from the helicopter -- ammunition boxes, rations, medical kits, and electronic components.

At this point, the lure of avarice took over. The survivor gangs ended their unspoken truce and began firing at each other. Ironically, it was Joel's F Troop who fired the first shot -- at his brother! We joke how Allen's wife admonishes Joel every Sunday evening when he picks up her hubby to "not kill your brother!" So, it is a running gag that sometimes they follow her directives and other times all bets are off. F Troop had moved Pvt. Picnic up near the chopper while the other three remained behind vehicles and walls to cover him. Not to be beaten to the punch, Allen moved Dafyd (who'd knocked down the drone) up to contest the salvage. Shots were fired, but both men remained standing.

Allen took that as cue to sprint Amram towards the metal box that could be seen on the ground, just feet away from the helicopter. Amram was astonished when Jackie ran up, as well. Both looked from the metal box to the other, sizing each other up. Shots rang out all around them as men and women from all four factions began firing at each other. The "Bad Guys" added to the cacophony as a Patrol Bot clomped onto the board's far edge. Its machine gun had plenty of range, though, and it blasted away and another of the Followers of the Dark Prophet fell to the ground wounded.

Someone fired at Ned of the Bass Reeves, and that gang of survivors joined in the shooting, as well. Tosh took advantage of the confusion to sprint forward and snag the closest piece of salvage, a duffel bag that looked as if it had been tossed from the helicopter on impact. The players had been careful in the early turns, and minimized exposing their survivors to enemy fire. However, risks were taken now as the desire to snatch up the loot before their rivals overcame their caution. One of the early successes, Wrich of the Bucknuts, had dashed back to what he thought was the safety of the buildings after snatching up a box of ammunition he'd seen lying in the street. He ducked behind the walls, panting from the exertion, relieved that he was no longer in the open street.

A high pitched shreik from behind him startled Wrich. He turned, horrified, as a ROUS bore down on him. He spun, leveling his rifle, but too late. The giant rat was upon him and clamped him in his jaws. The beast shook him back and forth battering his head several times against the stone walls. Wrich went limp and lost consciousness. In the ruins of the next building over, Brutus saw the attack and inadvertently shouted, "Jesus H. Christ!" The rat heard him, dropped the unmoving prey from its jaws and began skittering towards Brutus. The large man screamed in terror and tried to slam home the magazine he'd been loading into his weapon. He fumbled and the metal magazine clattered to the ground. The ROUS launched itself at Brutus and seized him him by the shoulder. Brutus was a big man, but the rat's weighed dashed him to the ground, senseless.

All the shouting drew the attention of Coach Coop, the Bucknuts leader. He shifted to get a better angle on the rat and let loose a burst of his assault rifle. The creature turned and bared its bloody jaws at him. Coop cursed and drew a bead on its beady eyes and fired twice. The rat let out its last squeal and fell dead. Coop called to Jackie to fall back, and moved up to see if his friend was still alive. Many of the survivors looked up as another Scout Drone whirred overhead, the machine's guns blazing at their human foes. Bullets kicked up all around F Troop's Pvt. Picnic and he fell to the ground, clutching his shoulder. Meanwhile, the Followers of the Dark Prophet called to each other and began to withdraw from the open streets, moving through the ruins towards the table edge.

The casualties and increasing number of machines and feral denizens of the city convinced the factions it was time to pull back. Those that could grab some last salvage or supplies did so, while hugging the cover of the ruined buildings. All of them had taken hits and most had at least one of their four out of action. The Bucknuts and F Troop were each down to half strength. Carrying their wounded, they withdrew from the bloodied intersection. Each hoped that the blood spilled was worth the rewards they had gained.

I felt the scenario had started out a little slow, but it picked up speed and was a blazing hot mess by the end. The players were laughing and having a good time spraying their rivals with gunfire at each opportunity. I really liked giving the players "control" over where the enemies appeared by having them roll off. Allen saved his worst rolls for then, but in general his Followers of the Dark Prophet came on top. They picked up two caches of supplies, knocked out a drone, two rivals (Ned of the Bass Reeves and Pvt. Angel of F Troop), and escaped with all four members off-board. His success may lead to future challenges, though, as I give players who lost a member to enemy fire bonus victory points in subsequent missions for exacting revenge and taking out one of theirs.

Joel's F Troop took it on the chin, again. I'm not sure why, but fortune has not favored this former army unit in its post-apocalyptic missions. Joel escaped with no supplies and lost two members (both of whom fortunately ended up being just "winged" and okay for the next scenario). The rat-ravaged Bucknuts discovered a weakness in their formerly lethal, long-range tactics. They lost two members to an ROUS, Wrich being just "winged" while fleshy Brutus will recover with some rest time. They did kill one rat and escape with one cache of supplies, so all was not lost.

Mike W's Bass Reeves picked up three caches of supplies (which includes carving off enough rat burgers for a feast). They carried Ned off the battlefield (who fortunately was also just "winged") and killed the ROUS. All in all, the players rolled VERY well in their post-battle recoveries. It could have been much worse for them. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Now that I retire in just over a month, we hopefully will be playing more post-apocalyptic scenarios soon. Then again, don't I say that every time after every game??

Hope you enjoyed it -- thanks in advance for any comments...  :-*

Mike Demana

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Re: Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2024, 04:51:13 AM »
A great looking game and (most importantly) it sounds like a lot of fun!

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Re: Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2024, 06:03:04 AM »
Looks like fun!
I hope some gang made a run for those pretzel bits....
: 3

Offline Kourtchatovium104

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Re: Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2024, 02:36:59 PM »
Great table and great game !  :)

Offline Mr. White

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Re: Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2024, 08:21:31 PM »
Great looking table and love the write-up! Your AARs are detailed enough to help me create scenarios for my own table, so thanks sharing the work!

Did any of the players bring painted forces or was it all from your collection? Did they name their warbands or was it all from your design? I ask because my post apoc table is at a less common scale (1/72 or 20mm) so any games played on it are all from my collection. This is kinda new to me. usually when we play a minis game everyone brings their own teams/forces.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2024, 08:23:45 PM by Mr. White »

Offline mikedemana

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Re: Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2024, 11:55:20 PM »
Did any of the players bring painted forces or was it all from your collection?

Thanks for the kind words, Mr. White. And everyone else, it makes me happy to know folks are reading and enjoying the blog.  :-*

All of the miniatures and survivor gangs are from my collection and my own concoctions. I have a couple players who have a tendency to min/max or accidentally "miscount"  lol their force creation. So, I like to provide it and ensure no one is being unfair. They're a good group of players -- don't get me wrong!

We are using the Wiley Games rules which do allow you to buy new skills and abilities for your survivor gang as it progresses and characters gain experience. I pretty much use the Wastelands Warfare rules for that. If anyone is using it, as well, remember that once a regular character acquires a second skill from experience further ones are purchased at the "Specialist" rate.

Once again, thanks for the kind words everyone!

Mike Demana

Offline CapnJim

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Re: Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2024, 07:00:40 PM »
Great report and fight, Mike.

And I too, provide everything that is needed when I run a game, whether for my weekly group, or at conventions.  The only exception is my post-apoc campaign, where Ted and Gene provide their own factions (well, Gene hasn't finished his yet...).

Offline Mr. White

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Re: Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2024, 08:42:44 PM »
Up until recently, I’ve always had friends bring their own forces. That’s always been part of the draw of minis games over, say, a board game… the collaborative creation.

However. With my post-apoc, and also now Ronin, I’m the sole creator of the table (painted minis, terrain, etc) and the one building the sides. Friends just come over like it was a board game. No effort on their part. I just hope no one feels their force was underdeveloped or not how they’d design them. Again, in board games that’s fine… you just play with what the box offers, but with these minis games there’s also a whole layer of list building on top and I hope players are ok just rolling with what I’ve made.

Offline CapnJim

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Re: Chopper Down! post-apocalyptic scenario
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2024, 03:21:59 PM »
I've not had a problem providing the whole lot.  Generally, that's how my regular gaming group operates.  Host provides the stuff (and the snacks...).  And our games are usually scenario-based, so army lists are based on the scenario (rarely are the forces equal...).  It works for us.   


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