now where was I? oh yes, doing a thread. I've been neglectful. but better this thread than the children. right?

anywhos, first, time for some painted Quars:

Coftyr Rhyflers

throw in a sharpshooter:

With the Playtest rules for Tractors (tanks) being released for This Quar's War: Clash of Rhyfles, it seemed time to upgrade. The Coftyrans have the only Anti-tank / anti-infantry gun so far in the form of a small thing officially called "RCO m60" which is short for "Royal Coftyran Ordnance Field Howitzer Model 60."

it's basically a mini howitzer.
a very mini howistzer.

aaaannnnnddd some crusader infantry just to not be completely one sided.

In Mid November, I attended a local game convention and spent a day hosting 2 games of Clash of Rhyfles.
here are some pretty pics:
the basic table set up before deployment:

and some in game pics:

Me in the Purple shirt, pointing with intensity.

2 lone rhylfers defend the barrier. though if there's two of you, you're not exactly lone.

and that's enough image spam. You get the idea. there were miniatures and terrain...
CoR continues to be one of most favorite favorite games.
I haven't done much at all the last part of the year and continue to wallow in other obligations. Next year will continue with more Quar.
Thanks to all that take the time to read this thread. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year.