Hi everyone! Hejsan allihopa!
I am very glad that I found this forum, a nugget from the "older internet". Usually I'm more of a lurker, but when forums like these are hard to come by nowadays, no time for lurking, better start contributing

War gaming has been my hobby yo-yo since I was 10 and finally after a few decades it's finally here to stay. ("Change of taste" and a disposable income might have something to do with it

Here's my not quite so short summary of my war gaming journey so far:
- Warhammer fantasy 6th ed
- Warhammer fatansy 8th ed -> warhammer 40k (6th I think)
- Pandemic and unexpected interest from my gaming buddies (3 others) for warhammer 40k 9th ed -> 10th ed and even Old World
- Parental leave -> A lot of youtube for background noise -> discover other game systems/manufacturers
Currently working on a Burgundy themed army with Perry miniatures (15-16th century Europe is probably my favourite era). Never mind the billhooks looks really fun, waiting for my copy to arrive as of time of writing.
I also fell in love with Oathmark's goblins and rediscovered my love for simpler models compared to detail rich and sometimes complex builds of the modern games workshop kits. It wasn't (only) through rose tinted glasses that made me remember fondly myself building my old high elves miniatures.
Fun hobby fact: despite playing warhammer on and off for 20+ years, I've never played a "proper" game, always some degree of house rules, own narrative scenario etc.