Something I’ve needed for a while, across a range of projects. Most commercial river systems are either too narrow, looking more like a simple brook than a river, or are overly winding, something that on the scale I play, looks absurd. Anyway, there are some beautiful examples out there of incredible rivers, but this is an attempt to simplify the build.
I’m going to concentrate on the first four foot of it (and a bend) but I intend to have at least seven feet eventually. I am using up a bridge I’ve sat on for a while, built into one section, but I will need a replacement piece ( or alternate crossing ) so I can vary its use.
I am deliberately making it to match the hidden ditch I made for the Northern shenanigans thread.
Anyway, on with the build.
I am using 1.5mm plasticard as a base in order to keep the river flush with the table top. I bought a pack of ten A4 sheets. This will allow me to make 12” sections.
I decided the simplest way to do this, was to cut sections always ensuring ends will match up with different sections, but trying to add a little shape variety without being daft. Having a couple of inches spare to use on width means I can offset each end if necessary.
I bevelled the edges of the plates, then added a thin green stuff sausage along each bank.
Then I’ve sanded the banks. I didn’t fancy messing with filler over the length of this. The bridge section was glued to the plate and I used a few offcuts of plasticard to pop under the ends of the road.
Spray black then start painting.
Deciding against a complex way of painting the river itself, I’ve opted for a dull yellow green so added a couple of coats of that.
I want some reeds mixed in with the flora, so this is added to the top of the water with dabs of superglue.
Then the first layer of yacht varnish is added.
Next up, another layer of varnish…then adding flora to the banks…and maybe a few ducks…..