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Author Topic: Q-Factor  (Read 5698 times)

Offline Tolemykus

  • Bookworm
  • Posts: 65
Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2024, 02:43:57 AM »
Game Rules and Instructions

When I create scenarios, I prefer to keep them modular. While I have written scenarios for specific games, I avoid publishing anything that requires copyright permission unless I have explicit authorization. It's easy for companies to issue Cease & Desist Orders nowadays, and I'd rather avoid any potential legal issues.

It's commonly believed that you cannot copyright game mechanics, but that doesn't stop some from trying to intimidate you. To avoid this hassle, I create my own rules. Most intellectual property claims aren't worth much in the long term. If someone is worried that you might profit from their creation, it's likely they aren't making much money from it themselves.

Why Use Your Own Game Rules?
Using game rules created by others can be beneficial because some are exceptionally well-designed. Converting scenarios for these rules is straightforward. However, writing your own basic rules set for scenarios can be advantageous, especially for those without any rules. It allows you to avoid copyright issues and provides flexibility for customization.

These rules are released under the Creative Commons Share Alike license.

Overview of the Hi/Lo System
These rules are designed for single-model activation skirmish games.

Task Resolution
This system, called the Hi/Lo system, involves rolling a d6 and a d8 together. The d6 is the main die used for task resolution, including combat. The d8 is the effects die, providing narrative information relevant to the situation.

Turn Order
Turns are divided into two phases: combat and non-combat. This division creates a smoother narrative flow, allowing characters to complete objectives unless they are incapacitated.

Phase 1: Combat
1. Activate a model/character.
2. Move 6".
3. Initiate combat (ranged or melee).
4. Proceed to the next character in Initiative order until all characters have activated.

Phase 2: Non-Combat
1. Move 3".
2. Attempt a non-combat action.
3. Proceed to the next character in Initiative order until all characters have activated.

Action Resolution
- The active player rolls the main die and adds modifiers.
- The inactive player does the same.
- The highest total wins the contest.
- If the active player wins, use their effects die roll for a ranged contest. For melee, use the winner's effects die total.
- The inactive player does not use their effects die unless it's a melee contest.
- The inactive player can only damage the opponent in melee, not in ranged combat. This allows for a more cinematic contest.

- The effects die determines the damage for the contest loser.
- Damage is narrative, not based on hit points. It includes stuns, minor wounds, and descriptions of what happened to the character.
- Damage applies 'effects' that the character must contend with during their action.

- Characters can be removed from the game through a harsh roll on a simple chart, which will be both cinematic and gritty.

- Task resolution is similar to combat contests.
- Roll a d6 and d8 for the character and the task individually.
- If the character is successful, match their effects die roll and modifiers to the 'effects' chart for Moderate Tasks.
- If unsuccessful, use the effects die roll from the task for the chart.

These basic rules of the Hi/Lo system are designed to be modular and flexible. The game revolves around a simple narrative chart covering different weapon strengths and task successes. Details of the Effects Chart will be posted in the future.

More Rules Information Next

Offline Tolemykus

  • Bookworm
  • Posts: 65
Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2024, 04:13:35 AM »
   The effects chart will be the focal point of the task resolution system. If your action succeeds then your effects die will be used for the chart, although ranged combat may be an exception. The basic game uses the d8 for the effect although the chart itself will have ten effects. This takes modifiers and special skills from the optional rules into consideration. Damage effects stack.

Effects Chart For Combat

1.  Miss
2.  Dazed [-1 to all tasks]
3.  Stun 1 [Movement halved for 1 turn]
4.  Stun 2 [Movement halved for 2 turns]
5.  Shock 1 [Character cannot take next action]
6.  Moderate Wound* {MW} [Dazed and Stun until healed]
7.  Heavy Wound* {HW} [Cannot use Special Skills. A MW or another HW = Death 1]
8.  Bleed 1 [You receive Death 1 three turns from now in end phase.]
9.  Bleed 2 [You receive Death 1 two turns from now in end phase.]
10. Death 1 [You die after your next action. No Movement.]

These are just the game effects. The final chart will have gruesome descriptions for the narrative. They are just for fun.

Any ranged combat within 6" add +1 to effects chart.

*These effects do not go away until healed. Some games will not have a method to heal during a game. Usually only fantasy and science fiction allow for this.

Personal armor doesn't always do much in historical games depending on the weapons used. In futuristic and science fiction games they tend to have a greater impact in games. In basic Hi/Lo armor will modify the effects chart. For future and science fiction it may have additional benefits, such as, Stun Reduction 1. This will reduce the number of turns that a character is stunned by 1 turn.

Light Armor [Effects die total -1]
Moderate Armor [-1 movement. Effects die total -2]
Heavy Armor [-2 movement. Effects die total -3]


More rules next post.

« Last Edit: July 31, 2024, 04:20:20 AM by Tolemykus »

Offline Tolemykus

  • Bookworm
  • Posts: 65
Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2024, 05:31:50 AM »
There are two modes of gameplay. Basic and Optional. Using an optional rule will replace the Basic rule.

Basic Rule Main Die
Roll maximum on the main die and you add +1 to your total.
Roll a 1 on your main die, you automatically miss.
Technique optional rules can change this.

Basic Rule Effects Die
Don't roll effects die for the basic game.
Every loss in a combat contest gives a Moderate Wound.
Two Moderate Wounds convert to a Heavy Wound.
Another Moderate or Heavy when the character already has a Heavy Wound means the character now has Death 1.


Techniques (Special Skills)
These are additional abilities and skills that characters have from training or natural aptitude. Techniques can change or interact with the basic rules to allow characters the ability to perform different from other characters. There are standard and complex versions of techniques. They are optional and you can allow, or disallow, one or the others, or even both.

Characters   Main      Techniques    Techniques 
              Die Bonus   (standard)      [Complex]
Civilians           -1      0         0
Militia            0      0-1         0
Trained           +1      1-2         0
Veteran         +2      2-3         0-1
Exemplar           +3      3-4         0-1

Some examples:
Motivated: +2 Initiative
Immune (x) x=effects
Reckless   +2 Movement but Ranged targeting you +1 to effects.
Accurate   Roll additional main die and keep highest.
Grim Duty    Reroll one effects die if you win a ranged contest.
Dedicated    Ignore Hasty Retreat once per game.
Lock Step    Once per turn this character can be activate at the same time as another character activation. You cannot use this on the first activation of the turn.
Rapid Reload    No movement. Ranged Combat twice once per game.
Fake Out    Switch Phase 1 movement with Phase 2 movement. Vice versa.
Slim Profile    +1 cover
Stance       -1 on Effects die roll against this character.
Iron Grit    Ignores Retreat rolls
With Extra Force Push enemy back 1" when you win HTH. Step with them.
Death in a Box    +1 Effects chart by Active Character against opponent
Retreat with extra Retreat When you lose HTH you suffer damage then move 3" directly away from enemy removing yourself from HTH.

Techniques [Complex]
 (Some will neglect training in one area to focus on another)
Master of Effects   +2 to Ranged Effects die and -2 HTH Effects die
Switch hi/lo die   Your Main die is the opposite of Effects die
Forceful Strike      +1 to HTH total, +1 to Effects die -1 to Ranged
Equipment Operator   Excavator, crane, grader, etc.
Demolition Expert   Boom!
Security Expert    Clandestine security disabling

Effects Chart For Combat

1.  Dazed [-1 to all tasks]
2.  Stumble [Immediately move d6 random direction. Stop if path crosses an object.]
3.  Confused 1 [-2 to all combat main dice for the rest of the turn]
4.  Help! [You cannot activate this character until a friendly character ends their movement within 1"]
5.  Shock 1 [Character cannot take next action]
6.  Moderate Wound* {MW} [Dazed and Stun until healed]
7.  Heavy Wound* {HW} [Cannot use Special Skills. A MW or another HW = Death 1]
8.  Bleed 1 [You receive Death 1 three turns from now in end phase.]
9.  Bleed 2 [You receive Death 1 two turns from now in end phase.]
10. Death 1 [You die after your next action. No Movement.]


Even more rules next post.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2024, 05:37:39 AM by Tolemykus »

Offline Tolemykus

  • Bookworm
  • Posts: 65
Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2024, 02:00:02 AM »
Not to confuse anyone, here are examples of a character list using the rules. I made them up using Star Trek references just for funzies. Take a look. They are just rough ideas, not based on any other game's list.

Everyone is Trained +1 Main Die

Klingon Leader x1
   Moderate Armor [-1 movement. Effects die total -2]
   Disruptor Pistol [+1 Effects]
   Immune [Stun]
   Immune [Shock]
Klingon Soldier x4
   Moderate Armor [-1 movement. Effects die total -2]
   Disruptor Pistol [+1 Ranged Effects]
   Bat'leth [+1 Melee Main Die Total]
   Reckless: +2 Movement but Ranged targeting you +1 to effects.

Federation Leader x1
   Phaser [+1 Ranged Main Die Total. -1 on Effects die roll]
   Accurate: Roll additional main die and keep highest.
Federation Security x3
   Phaser [+1 Ranged Main Die Total. -1 on Effects die roll]
   Vigilant Duty: Reroll one effects die if you win a ranged contest.
Federation Science Officer x1
   Phaser [+1 Ranged Main Die Total. -1 on Effects die roll]
   Tricorder [+1 Task Effects Die]
   Switch Hi/Lo Die: Switch your Main die with your Effects die.

Romulan Leader x1
   Light Armor [Effects die total -1]
   Disruptor Pistol [+1 Effects]
   Master of Effects: +2 to Ranged Effects die and -2 HTH Effects die   
Romulan Guard x2
   Light Armor [Effects die total -1]
   Disruptor Pistol [+1 Effects]
   Stance:   -1 on Effects die roll against this character.
Romulan Specialist x2
   Light Armor [Effects die total -1]
   Retreat With Extra Retreat: When you lose HTH you suffer damage then move 3" directly away from enemy removing yourself from HTH.

Andorian Leader x1
   Phased Pistol [+1 Ranged Main Die Total]
   Motivated: +2 Initiative
   Fake Out: Switch Phase 1 movement with Phase 2 movement. Vice versa.
Andorian Radical x3
   Phased Pistol [+1 Ranged Main Die Total]
   Ushaan-tor [Ignores Armor]
   Lock Step: Once per game this character can be activated at the same time as another character activation. You cannot use this on the first activation of the turn. Only one Lock Step per Activation.
Andorian Hacker x1
   Phased Pistol [+1 Ranged Main Die Total]
   Slim Profile: +1 cover
   Security Expert: Clandestine security disabling

Offline Tolemykus

  • Bookworm
  • Posts: 65
Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2024, 05:50:47 AM »
Non Combat Tasks
Communications:    Once per game, call your superior for further orders or information. +2 to next task.
Focus:          +1 main die on next Task roll if you avoid combat.
Use Item:       Specific item will determine if there is a need for a roll.
Attempt Objective:    Mission or scenario goal.

Ranged Attacks
All ranged Attacks are single shots unless character is stationary. If the character is stationary then use the ROF from the chart below.

Type              ROF
Pistol         1
Rifle                 1
Automatic Rifle      2
Submachine Gun   3
Light Machine Gun   4
Heavy Machine Gun   5

*These numbers do not represent the number of bullets being shot but the overall effectiveness of the weapon.

Futuristic Weapons

 Type I: +1 to Effects die
 Type II: +1 to Main die
 Type III: +1 to Effects and Main die
 Type I: +1 to Effects and Main die
 Type II: +2 to Effects and Main die

Automatic Rifle:
 Type I: +1 to Main die and +2 to Effects die
 Type II: +2 to Main die and +3 to Effects die

Modern Weapons

 Type I: +1 to Effects die
 Type II: +1 to Main die
 Type III: +1 to Effects and Main die
 Type I: +1 to Effects and Main die
 Type II: +2 to Effects and Main die

Automatic Rifle:
 Type I: +1 to Main die and +2 to Effects die
 Type II: +2 to Main die and +3 to Effects die

Submachine Gun
 Type 1: +3 to Main die and +1 to Effects
 Type II: +3 to Main die and +2 to Effects die

Light Machine Gun
 Type I: +2 to Main die and +2 to Effects die
 Type II: +3 to Main die and +3 to Effects die

Heavy Machine Gun
 Type I: +3 to Main die and +4 to Effects die
 Type II: +4 to Main die +4 to Effects die

*The Type I to III refers to weapon caliber.

Next up is a mini battle report testing the rules. After that, more rules.

Offline Tolemykus

  • Bookworm
  • Posts: 65
Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2024, 06:30:53 AM »

These rules are obviously in pre-alpha state. In order to take them to a more complete state, some playtest and further development is needed. I threw together a rough character list using Star Trek as a test platform. The list is in a previous post.

We played a game to determine if the rules were garbage or if maybe they had something worthwhile to pursue. It was a three player game. The scenario was simple. There are three objectives. In the picture they are the numbered blue disks. The third one is just off screen top right. They represent groups of local people that control the Dilithium deposits. In four turns the player who gains the most number of verbal commitments from the locals with get a contract for the Dilithium for their people.


The game seemed very strategic. It isn't a type of game for everyone. I can see a reason to bring a lesser number of models for your party and increase the experience of the group overall. The more models you have the longer the game will be. This is the way I wanted. I'm not trying to please customers that want a fastplay super power combo experience that want to trash their buddies. I want a more relaxed quality game that tells a story. Not that there is anything wrong with trashing your buddies. Maybe next time.

Still, there needs to be some changes. There are too many different Effects to keep track of at once. This could be because we had 3 players instead of two. On the pistol and melee Effects chart we saw everything except Bleed 1 and Bleed 2 and it was very hard to remove anyone from game.

I did mention to the other players that if they were not always so blood thirsty, and if they concentrate on achieving the objectives instead of killing anything that moved, that they would not have to worry about the game needing more blood. However, their point is still accurate.

Dice rolls. Am I right? One player always has to be difficult!!! If the only real problem is the dice rolls then maybe there is no real problem? When one player rolls a 1 almost every time and the other rolls a 6 almost every time, there isn't much you can do.

Next post I will list changes to the Effects chart and the additional rules we wanted to include. This should help with any questions about the more uncommon situations. We also discussed allowing a character to leave a melee if they are outmatched. There are pros and cons either way. However, I reminded myself that this wasn't just a strategic game but a narrative one so I reversed the rule, and added a rule to allow it, but with a penalty.

I could ramble on forever but the rules changes and additions will clear up what we talked about. The next playtest will allow us to confirm if the changes were good or if further development is needed.

As to the scenario. We played four turns and each player received exactly one verbal agreement each from the locals. We'll have to settle the matter the next game. Game tied. :( Dice! Am I right?

Offline Tolemykus

  • Bookworm
  • Posts: 65
Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2024, 03:59:26 AM »
After some discussion and considerations from playtesting, here are some changes and additional information that we thought would provide the best opportunities for fun. The very last section are base ideas that I am thinking about.

Effects Chart For Combat v.001.1b

1.  Dazed [-1 to all tasks]
2.  Stun 1 [All voluntary movement halved for 1 turn]
3.  Stun 1 [All voluntary movement halved for 1 turn]
4.  Stun 2 [All voluntary movement halved for 2 turns]
5.  Gory Wound* [Dazed and Stun until healed]
6.  Gory Wound* [Dazed and Stun until healed]
7.  Gory Wound* [Dazed and Stun until healed]
8.  Heavy Wound* [Same as Gory Wound plus cannot use Techniques. A 2nd Heavy Wound or a new Gory Wound = Death 1]
9.  Heavy Wound* [Same as Gory Wound plus cannot use Techniques. A 2nd Heavy Wound or a new Gory Wound = Death 1]
10. Death 1 [You die after your next action.]

-Move to larger caliber-
Shock 1 [Character cannot take next action]
Bleed 1 [You receive Death 1 three turns from now in end phase.]
Bleed 2 [You receive Death 1 two turns from now in end phase.]

1.  Trapped [Cannot voluntarily leave melee for 1 turn]
2.  Trapped [Cannot voluntarily leave melee for 1 turn]
3.  Confused 1 [-2 to Main die for the rest of the turn]
4.  Confused 2 [-2 to Main die for 2 turns]
5.  Bloody Wound* [Trapped and Confused until healed]
6.  Bloody Wound* [Trapped and Confused until healed]
7.  Bloody Wound* [Trapped and Confused until healed]
8.  Heavy Wound* [Same as Bloody Wound plus cannot use Techniques. A 2nd Heavy Wound or a new Bloody Wound = Death 1]
9.  Bleed 1 [You receive Death 1 three turns from now in the end phase.]
10. Death 1 [You die after your next action. No Movement.]

-Use for larger caliber ranged weapons-
Help! [You cannot activate this character until a friendly character ends their movement within 1"]
Stumble [Immediately move d6 random direction. Stop if a path crosses an object.]

Melee combat ties
 Both Parry

To say the least, leaving melee is now a thing. I wasn't thinking about the narrative.

½” of the target to charge or perform a task.

A Technique for free hit on a character leaving a melee combat. Roll Effects die and apply. Modifiers as appropriate. 'Cut Them Down!'

Melee With Multiple Combatants
   Combat up close can be a hurdle few want. When it is forced upon you, you still have to contend with the ordeal.
   The Activating character is the key to resolving the scrum. You 'simply' check to see who is in base to base at the time that the activating character states they wish to fight. All characters who are touching the activating character will participate. The activating character, before rolling any dice, states who they are focussing on. That character will receive the damage if they win, accounting for all modifiers. If the activating character loses, then they will suffer damage as normal, accounting for all modifiers.
   If the non-activating characters outnumber the activating character then they get a +1 Main die bonus per character after the first for supporting the 'targeted' character. For example, in a 3 versus 1 fight the non activating side will get a +2 bonus to their Main die. The activating character will never outnumber anyone when they activate.

Hasty Retreat
   Some characters are simply not prepared for hand to hand combat. They will do anything they can to remove themselves from the situation. They have to 'fake-out' or trick their opponent in some way to not immediately follow them. This effort takes a few moments of precious time.
   To account for this the player must subtract 2" of movement from their movement total in the phase that they are leaving melee. They cannot take a combat or non combat action after they have moved. There are Technique(s) that allow the character(s) to ignore this rule in some way.

Engaging in a Combat Action
   When you wish to combat an enemy character with your active enemy character, you must select the closest enemy model. You may choose to ignore an enemy character engaged in melee contact. There are Techniques that allow the activated character to ignore this rule.

Chemical Enhancements


Science Fiction

Character Creation
   2 items
   2 Techniques

*Or 2 items for 1 complex item
** Or 2 Techniques for 1 Complex Technique

These do not include setting specific and scenario items and Techniques that a character may have. They are in addition to the base items and Techniques.

Next up should contain the Effects chart for Rifles, and more.

Offline Tolemykus

  • Bookworm
  • Posts: 65
Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2024, 08:39:18 PM »
   Here is the Rifle Effects chart. It is similar to the pistol except there is no 'dazed' result. Instead, I shifted the Stun results down and added Shock from the original chart. However, this Shock is different. It needed to work with the Gory Wound Results and not overlap the result creating a pointless effect.

   Of course, now this exposes another issue that I will have to think about. Gory Wound from and pistol and a rifle will mean different things. This would obviously be pretty ridiculous to try to keep track of, but for now, I'll just display the chart and eventually come up with a solution that doesn't mean 50 different tokens on the table.

1.  Stun 1 [All voluntary movement halved for 1 turn]
2.  Stun 1 [All voluntary movement halved for 1 turn]
3.  Stun 2 [All voluntary movement halved for 2 turns]
4.  Shock 1 [4+ Task for Shock or cannot Activate]
5.  Gory Wound* [Shock and Stun until healed]
6.  Gory Wound* [Shock and Stun until healed]
7.  Gory Wound* [Shock and Stun until healed]
8.  Heavy Wound* [Same as Gory Wound plus cannot use Techniques. A 2nd Heavy Wound or a new Gory Wound = Death 1]
9.  Heavy Wound* [Same as Gory Wound plus cannot use Techniques. A 2nd Heavy Wound or a new Gory Wound = Death 1]
10. Death 1 [You die after your next action.]

*These effects do not go away until healed. Some games will not have a method to heal during a game. Usually only fantasy and science fiction allow for this.

Next I will explore how characters interact with terrain.

Offline Tolemykus

  • Bookworm
  • Posts: 65
Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2024, 07:13:18 AM »
The Twist

I hold a secret,
I’m ready to unveil—
No human gains psychic power
From crossing the dark well.

The rumors surrounding the Q-Factor experiments are merely a smokescreen. The truth is far more insidious: only those who have crossed dimensions can manifest psychic powers through the Q-Factor phenomenon. This uncertainty provides cover for deeper, more dangerous experiments.

The Horrors, malevolent entities from beyond, can only possess human hosts, unable to manifest in their true form within this dimension. However, their influence remains limited—there simply aren't enough humans to achieve their dark ambitions. The arrival of more human colonists could tip the balance, providing the Horrors with new opportunities. Yet, this is a double-edged sword: too many humans could overwhelm the Horrors, but too few would thwart their plans entirely. Time is running out, and their insatiable hunger grows.

Some humans, driven by ambition and the thirst for power, are willing to strike a deal with these dark entities. The Horrors, with knowledge gleaned from countless dimensions, can tempt the weak-willed with forbidden secrets. In exchange for their loyalty, these humans could gain unimaginable power, allowing the Horrors to manifest physically in this universe and feast upon its inhabitants. After all, this dimension is unlike any the Horrors have encountered before.

One such human was approached by the Horrors with a simple proposition: betray the Archons by reopening the dimensional portal, and in return, receive advanced technology that could elevate humanity to the Archons' level. This technology, based on highly advanced nanites, would grant humans incredible physical strength and agility, making them appear as though they had acquired psychic abilities. The Archons, deceived by this ruse, would remain unaware until it was too late that the Horrors were the true orchestrators behind the scenes.

Next up for rules will still be terrain.

Offline Tolemykus

  • Bookworm
  • Posts: 65
Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2024, 02:53:30 AM »
Not much. Still thinking about how granular I want the terrain rules. Here is some basics as well as some Techniques.

Cover: A character has cover if they are in base to base with an object that does not block line of sight from an attacker. Gain a defensive bonus if an enemy that performs a Ranged Combat Contest against this character, if their line of fire is not obstructed. The defending character will add +1 to their total defense.

Intervening Cover: Non line of sight blocking terrain that is between the character performing a Ranged Combat Contest against the target will subtract 1 from the Effects chart of the weapon per intervening object.

Moving Across Terrain: Characters can cross any object as long as they have enough movement to clear it during that Phase's movement. Every full, or part, of an inch an object is high, the movement cost increases by an inch. i.e. A one inch high barricade that is no more than an inch wide will cost 2 inches of movement to clear.

Ladders: Characters can climb ladders even if they cannot clear it during that phase's movement. Measure the height and the movement cost is equal to the height. Mark the character's position on the ladder so that there is no doubt where they are on that ladder.

Techniques (standard)
Athletic: Can cross obstacles with no extra cost. i.e. Measure object width only, not height, although the object cannot be higher than the model. Otherwise follow the standard rule.

Parkour: Can cross obstacles with no extra cost. i.e. Measure object width only, not height. The object can be as high as that character's movement for the current phase. Otherwise follow the standard rule.

Complex Technique
Trainees, Thugs and Recruits: Remove 1 Trained character from your roster and add 2 Militia to your roster.

Free Trained Techniques
Apply Tourniquet (unique)
Assigned Duty 5+. Reduce the Effects on target character by one less level. Must be within 1/2 of target's base to use this Technique. Cannot use this Technique on the same character more than once.

Unskilled Characters
Rabble and Militia do not participate in Phase 2 of each turn.

Character damage still needs work. It is not quite right.

I'll upload a still picture of the last playtest in the next day or two. It is just the beginning board state. I forgot to take more. :(

Offline Tolemykus

  • Bookworm
  • Posts: 65
Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2024, 06:14:41 AM »
   Colony Guard Marsden Caliver and Archon Security Chessa Foxcraft are crouched behind an outcrop on an arid plain. Their target is nearby, a suspected runaway experiment with enhanced abilities. They are whispering to avoid being detected.

Marsden Caliver whispers, "We need him alive, Chessa. I can't risk blowing this. HQ wants him for questioning. No fatal shots."

Nodding "I know. We’re not dealing with just any suspect. His nanites are unpredictable—could be even more dangerous than we’ve anticipated. Non-lethal takedown, but we can’t let him bolt", Chessa replies.

"He won't get far. We'll box him in. His enhancements might give him speed, but we're smarter. You ready?", asks Marsden.

"Always. But... if he tries something... off the charts, I'm going to have to use my psychic abilities."

"Just be careful. Pushing too hard can take a toll, and if you're drained, we're both vulnerable. Pauses Let’s circle him slowly, get him boxed in, no room for escape."

Before they can move, the suspect starts to glow with a faint blue light, and in an instant, he speeds past them, leaving a shimmering afterimage. Marsden curses under his breath and pulls his weapon, giving chase with Chessa close behind.

"Dammit, he’s fast! Keep up, Chessa! We can't lose him!"

Focused, voice strained from the effort of running while using her psychic senses. "Mars, I’m tracking him… He’s heading towards the cliffs. Let’s guide him into the bottleneck. Force him into a dead end.

Panting but determined, activating his own government-issued nanites to boost his metabolism and stamina. "Right. I’ll shoot left, you take the right. We corral him like a stray. No escape routes."

They begin firing carefully timed shots, aiming not to hit the suspect but to force him to veer in the direction they want. Marsden's shots flash in rapid bursts, while Chessa’s more calculated blasts direct him toward the cliffs.

"Left! Now!", shouts Chessa.

Adjusts his aim, firing a barrage of shots to box the suspect in. "We’ve got him! Keep pushing!", retorts Mars.

"I’m on it! His pattern’s shifting… He’s trying to outmaneuver us—watch for anything sudden!"

The suspect twists in mid-air and suddenly glows brighter, activating his own nanites. His body begins to distort, becoming semi-transparent as he attempts to phase through the environment.

Gritting his teeth as Mars feels his body heat spike from overclocking his nanites. "He’s shifting! I can’t keep this up for long—need to push him into a corner before he phases out completely."

Eyes glowing faintly as she extends her psychic reach. "I can lock him down… but it’s going to take everything I have. I need you to drive him closer!", Chessa directs.

Nods, determined. "On it. Brace yourself, Chessa!"

Marsden grits his teeth and pushes his enhanced body to its limits, sprinting forward and shooting at the ground in front of the suspect, forcing him back toward the cliff edge. Chessa concentrates harder, her mind locking onto the suspect's fluctuating nanites, forcing his phasing ability to falter.

Suspect: Struggling, his glowing body flickering as he tries to resist. "You... can’t... hold me!"

Sweat beading on her forehead as she strains, her voice calm but labored. "Stay... where you are..."

Mars fires one last shot, sending the suspect stumbling back into the trap Chessa has set with her psychic power. "Got him!"

The suspect collapses, his glow fading as Chessa's psychic force overwhelms his nanites. He struggles weakly, but Marsden quickly moves in, securing him in reinforced restraints designed to neutralize his abilities.

Panting heavily, wiping sweat from his brow. "That… that was too close."

Exhausted, leaning against a rock, her voice weak but steady. "We got him though. No fatalities… just the way we planned."

Grins tiredly as he glances at the subdued suspect. "Yeah, but next time… let’s hope we get someone without nanites."

Offline Tolemykus

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Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2024, 04:58:43 AM »
Beginning scenario board state except the alien ancient to show where he moves to after he is summoned from the portal.

This was just a quick playtest to determine if the combat progresses smoother with the updated damage tables. Access two control panels, lift the anti-grav platform to get access to the portal controls, then release the slumbering ancient to grill it for secrets. Other than the portal, the table was already set up this way when we rolled into the FLGS. We just went with it.

Offline mikedemana

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Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2024, 05:19:31 PM »
Nice board! And I enjoyed the story of capture...

Mike Demana

Offline Tolemykus

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Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2024, 07:46:37 AM »
Maestro Falconguard Ascends


A massive square filled with thousands of Archon citizens. The air hums with tension as Maestro Falconguard ascends a platform overlooking the restless crowd. His tall figure casts a shadow over the masses, his piercing eyes glowing faintly with psychic energy. He steps forward, lifts his arms, and begins to speak, his voice resonating not just in their ears but in their minds.
"My people! My loyal defenders of the Dynasties! The time for indecision is over! For too long, the weak-willed members of our Council have shackled us with their fear—fear of conflict, fear of action, fear of victory! They cling to futile hopes of diplomacy, of harmony with the humans who infest this world as if they have a right to it. And all the while, the Horrors—those unspeakable creatures from beyond the Veil—wait in the shadows, ready to strike when we are at our most vulnerable!"

He pauses, letting his psychic energy flow into the crowd, their hearts beating faster, their minds aligning with his vision.

"We cannot wait! We cannot stand idly by while the Council dithers and talks. They waste precious resources on terraforming—a child's game, when we should be building defenses strong enough to tear the Horrors apart when they finally arrive in physical form! The Council would have us believe that time is on our side, but I say to you—time is a luxury we do not have!"

A wave of murmurs spreads through the crowd. Falconguard's voice grows sharper, more insistent, pushing deep into the thoughts of his listeners.

"You know this to be true. You feel it in your bones, in your blood! The Horrors will find a way to breach our dimension—they always do. And when that moment comes, no half-measures, no words of peace will save us! Only strength, only power, only dominion over this planet will secure our future. The humans have no claim here. This world will be ours, and we will defend it with everything we have!"

The crowd begins to nod in agreement, their expressions hardening as Falconguard’s psychic influence binds them to his cause. He steps forward again, his gaze sweeping over the assembly.

"Join me! Join the Enforcers! Together, we will show the Council that action—decisive action—is the only way forward. We will seize control of the human colony. We will halt their expansion and crush any who dare to resist us! No more cowering behind treaties or negotiations. We will take command of this world, and when the Horrors come, we will be ready!"

The air crackles with intensity. Falconguard’s psychic presence surges like a storm, amplifying his words, binding his will to the crowd’s.
"The Council would have you believe that peace is an option. But I say to you—peace is the death of our people. Only through strength will we survive! Only by claiming this world for ourselves can we hope to build the defenses needed to defeat the Horrors! Anyone—human or Archon—who stands in our way will be swept aside! We will not be cowed by weakness!"

The crowd roars, swept up in Falconguard’s passion. His psychic power twists their doubts into resolve, and their fear into fury. He raises his hand, issuing his final command.
"Seize the communications network! Control the flow of information, and you control the power! No one will stand against us when we hold the very channels of thought in our grasp! This is the moment of our ascension! This is the moment we rise as one, and take what is rightfully ours! For the Archon Dynasty! For our survival!"

With a final surge of energy, Falconguard sends a wave of psychic command through the crowd, and they move as one, heading for the control centers of the planet. His orders echo in their minds as they march.
"Take the communications. Take the power. And we will shape the future of this world in our image."

The crowd disperses, their eyes glowing with newfound purpose, as Falconguard watches them go, a satisfied smile on his lips. The future of the Archon Dynasty—and the fate of the planet—is now in his hands.

Offline Tolemykus

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Re: Q-Factor
« Reply #29 on: August 25, 2024, 04:33:22 AM »
Scene: The Great Trading Hall

A colossal chamber bustling with brokers, investors, and merchants dealing in all forms of commerce, both mundane and unnatural. Flickering holo-screens hover over the heads of the traders, showing rapid changes in market value. It is here that Archon Magaertha Silent Wind, draped in a dark cloak, moves unnoticed.

Magaertha’s voice is low and measured, almost a whisper as she speaks to herself.
 “Korinthis Stagforce... Slippery, self-serving parasite. Hiding behind power you don't deserve. But today, it ends.”

She weaves through the crowds, her presence flickering in and out of awareness. The traders who glance at her dismiss her almost immediately. Some see a shadow, others see an errand girl. Her psychic aura envelops her as she nears her target: Korinthis Stagforce, a man lounging at a corner table surrounded by sycophants. His sharp eyes scan the Hall, a faint smirk on his lips as he basks in his carefully manipulated success.

Magaertha stops a few meters away, her eyes locking onto him.

Magaertha: (quietly to herself)
"He suspects nothing... yet. But the moment I make my move, he’ll know. I must be swift."

Korinthis leans back, his hand lazily swiping over a control panel that shifts markets with a mere flick of his wrist. His voice cuts through the noise as he addresses a small group of investors hanging on his every word.

"Forward Tech... Ah yes, you see, you invest now, while it’s still undervalued. Trust me, gentlemen, it's a gold mine waiting to be discovered. Those who doubt... will be left in the dust", explains Korinthis.

He chuckles darkly. Magaertha watches him closely, her fingers twitching as she prepares to strike. But suddenly, Korinthis stiffens, his eyes darting towards her direction. His smirk fades into a scowl.

(with a sneer) "You... You can't hide from me, whoever you are. Luck... fortune... it’s on my side."

His gaze sharpens, and a wave of chaotic probability ripples through the room. Magaertha feels it—a dizzying, disorienting effect, like reality itself shifting beneath her feet. But she steadies herself.

(calm, yet firm) "Your games are over, Korinthis. Your fortune will not save you this time", uttered Magaertha.

Korinthis stands, panic flashing in his eyes as he realizes who she is. He had heard of the Silent Wind—an Archon assassin whose name is spoken only in whispers, whose very existence slips through memory like sand through fingers.

"No... I won’t let you!", Korinthis shouted defiantly.

He extends his hand toward the crowd, his psychic influence surging outward. Several traders suddenly lurch forward, their minds bent by Korinthis’ command, becoming his unwilling shields. They move in front of him, confused and dazed.

"Pathetic. You would sacrifice them all to save yourself?", said Magaertha coldly.

Korinthis doesn’t respond. He’s already turning to flee, shoving his human barriers toward Magaertha as he slips toward the exit. But Magaertha doesn’t move. Instead, she closes her eyes, focusing her mind on the hapless traders blocking her path.

(whispering, Magaertha's voice resonating inside their minds) "You see nothing... You see no threat. I am not here."

One by one, the traders blink in confusion, their minds bending under Magaertha's influence. They step aside, their fear of her erased. She steps forward, her eyes locking onto Korinthis as he reaches the exit. Her voice becomes steel as she releases her full power.

"You cannot run from what you’ve brought upon yourself, Korinthis."

Korinthis stumbles as her words echo in his mind. He turns, eyes wild with fear, and tries to manipulate probability once more. But Magaertha's power wraps around his senses. To Korinthis, the hall begins to shift and twist—no longer a grand trading floor, but a vast, endless plain. He sees only barren land stretching to the horizon, nothing in sight, nowhere to run.

(panicked) "No! No, this isn’t real! This—this can't be happening!"

(stepping closer, Magaertha's voice cold and final) "Your time is over, Korinthis. You wanted to play with fate. Now it’s playing with you."

Korinthis falls to his knees, his mind shattered by the illusion. To him, the world is collapsing, spinning out of control. He can no longer manipulate probability, nor can he flee. His power slips away like water through his fingers.

"Rest now, in the oblivion you deserve"--whispered Magaertha.

With a final push of her psychic power, Magaertha severs Korinthis’ consciousness from reality. He collapses, lifeless, as the traders around them continue their business, oblivious to what just transpired. Magaertha walks away, leaving no trace of her presence.

The Great Trading Hall continues its endless churn, unaware of the quiet storm that passed through it. The market fluctuates as always, but Korinthis Stagforce is gone—a silent correction to the universe's balance.

"Another one falls. For the greater good."


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