I haven't played both but I have 3 versions of the Supersystem rules and I like the way they play - the goal mechanic is good and, having gone through 4 editions, the 4th edition of SuperSystem is at the pinnacle of detailed Supers gaming - wide variety of build types and powers that can recreate most (ahem) cinematic or comic book heroes. Having said that, it's the detail that can be a problem; it's good for a few heroes on each side but can bog down a bit with lots. 4 colours studio have developed other games (Super Mission Force and Slugfest) based on the 4th edition fast play rules (in the book) that enable you to field big superhero brawls using the same systems. I fully intend to get the Super Mission Force rules at some point to run them alongside SuperSystem 4e - comprehensive, detailed and adaptable, I'm a big fan of the SuperSystem family of games.