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Author Topic: X-Men Marvel United and Proselytizing the Hobby  (Read 1127 times)

Offline Mars Miniatures

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X-Men Marvel United and Proselytizing the Hobby
« on: August 08, 2024, 10:49:03 PM »
From blog post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2024/08/x-men-marvel-united-and-proselytizing.html

 Early 80s. Elementary school. I grew up able to afford 3 comics titles per month. One was Alien Legion (I thought it was the greatest thing ever. Im afraid to look it up today and ruin that illusion), Groo (I have looked it up and it is STILL the greatest thing ever! Rufferto ftw!) and… X-MEN (I think the 1st issue I bought was a confusing story but I was still hooked. Apparently, because of Claremont. My fond memories are of the storylines where Art Adams was artist. Something about Mojo and Longshot. Also the X-Men and New Mutants lose their memories and end up in Asgard. It was like D&D with mutants. So with my new outlook on life and hobby, I delve into Marvel United for the minis. I might play the game as is, I hear it is a fine game. But I will use the minis for my own hodge podge minis rules.

Here are the first batch of X-men figures.

X-Men Assemble!  (No, no. wrong team. Different slogan.)
To me, my X-Men (Its really a terrible slogan.)
Protect the world that hates and fears us! (its kinda whiny and too much of a mouthful.)

Jean Grey and Cyclops
No time for romance Dr Jones…

Beast and Iceman
Beast: Im listening, Seattle…

Wolvie and Colossus
Wolverine: Fastball special, bub!

Storm, Prof X, Psylocke
Prof X: Careful my students. Danger is near. Perhaps in the next Room. A Danger Room…

Colossus versus the Juggernaut!

Wolverine versus Sabertooth!

Oh dear! Mystique has been pretending to be Jean Grey all this time? Those 40k Callidus Assassins and their Polymorphine…


Bonus story:
I am slowly evangelizing the medical community to the joys of painting miniatures. My primary doctor has asked me if I could show her how to paint minis after I gave her a princess on a horsey. Yeah, it was my Nimrodel Goldberry figure from http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2021/11/the-tale-of-goldberry-and-fate-of.html

And now I have spent a day with my dialysis nurse, Wei! Showing her the basics of painting a house. Here she is happily brushing paint unto her tower.

I think it is a good idea to make happy the people who keep my alive. For one, I get better medical service from them. Im almost embarrassed when they go above and beyond while others are in the waiting room or dialysis place. Well tough luck all you unwashed masses! Maybe you all should learn a hobby and offer painting classes in your home. Doctors and nurses need some peace in their lives too. Not everything can be about saving your life!



Offline beefcake

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Re: X-Men Marvel United and Proselytizing the Hobby
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2024, 02:04:16 AM »
Very cool. I like the job you have done on Mystique the most. :)

Offline Mars Miniatures

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Re: X-Men Marvel United and Proselytizing the Hobby
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2024, 02:22:57 AM »
Thanks buddy pal. Tell the truth, these are straight up foundation paintwork. No inkwashes. No Drybrushing. I like the simple paintwork to give it a comic book look.


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