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Author Topic: More figures for Lunar  (Read 5923 times)

Offline Daeothar

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2024, 01:39:11 PM »
Happy to report that I just received an email from the Spectre site, reporting that the Lunar game was back in stock!

So now they're one copy short already :D
Miniatures you say? Well I too, like to live dangerously...
Find a Way, or make one!

Offline zemjw

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2024, 04:01:15 PM »
I caved at the weekend. I managed to stop at the 2 player starter set, but some of the other astronaut sets are tempting. I have the Crooked Dice astronauts, so it'll be interesting to see how they look next to each other. I also have a Reaper astronaut, but he's holding his helmet, so limited use on the surface lol

I also splurged a bit on the Revell 1/48 Apollo Lunar Module kit Amazon UK link. Given Revell's passing relationship with scale, I am hopeful, if not optimistic.

I did have a nostalgic look for the Airfix 1/72 Astronauts, but the reprint they did is long gone. Not a big deal, and much more a stroll down memory lane than anything else.

Offline Inkpaduta

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2024, 06:36:17 PM »
I got some dead astronauts in cracked helmets ect. Everything is better with zombies!

Offline Ultravanillasmurf

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2024, 06:57:55 PM »
Crooked Dice Zombie Astronaut https://ultravanillasmurf.blogspot.com/2016/04/zombie-astronaut.html
Not put the picture here as it is someone else's thread.

Anvil have a range of NASApunk astronauts (POD) plus you can use their Biohazard range with the Astronaut helmets. 

Offline Cat

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2024, 07:51:51 PM »
If the plastic kit doesn't work out for you, there are paper options. 
In 1969, Gulf Oil gave away Lunar Modules.  I picked up a number of them at my local station — they were great!
Looks like somebody's re-done them as downloadable files.  The original was c.1/44 scale.  As a file download, you could scale as desired for printing:

Offline zemjw

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2024, 08:08:32 PM »
I got some dead astronauts in cracked helmets ect. Everything is better with zombies!

I may actually find a use for one of my favourite figures of all time - the old limited edition Citadel Space Skeleton

Offline zemjw

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2024, 09:45:50 AM »
If the plastic kit doesn't work out for you, there are paper options. 
In 1969, Gulf Oil gave away Lunar Modules.  I picked up a number of them at my local station — they were great!
Looks like somebody's re-done them as downloadable files.  The original was c.1/44 scale.  As a file download, you could scale as desired for printing:
That does look like an amazing model. I dabbled in paper modelling to build some simple buildings a while back (World Works Games, if memory serves). That was pretty much the limit of my ability, so the thought of trying to build something as complicated as that landing module in paper makes me want to hide under my desk in a feotal position ;D o_o  ;D

Offline Cat

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2024, 02:51:30 PM »
For the weak of heart, the original was punch-out cardboard with tab and slot construction.  They printed so many of them, they still pop up on EBay regularly.
I suspect the re-done print outs are the more common fold and glue style of model, so yeah a little more involved than a basic building.
: 3

Offline Daeothar

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2024, 10:12:33 AM »
I caved at the weekend. I managed to stop at the 2 player starter set, but some of the other astronaut sets are tempting. I have the Crooked Dice astronauts, so it'll be interesting to see how they look next to each other. I also have a Reaper astronaut, but he's holding his helmet, so limited use on the surface lol
From what I've read on the Black Site website and in reviews, their miniatures lean towards 35mm, so quite a bit bigger than the 'standard' 28mm we're used to. I have the CD astronauts as well (for my UFO project), so even though I probably know the answer already, I will be comparing the two, obviously.

Also; I got the two player starter and the 2 player expansion set, for a total of 5 astronauts per side. I would ultimately also like to have some unmanned rovers, a buggy or two, a Russian LK lander and maybe even a Svezda moonbase or the US equivalent... ::)

I also splurged a bit on the Revell 1/48 Apollo Lunar Module kit Amazon UK link. Given Revell's passing relationship with scale, I am hopeful, if not optimistic.
lol I did exactly the same thing. Although it's an older kit I got for pretty cheap. It's in silvery grey plastic with a base for the lander to stand on. It's also scaled at 1/48, so I think it's probably the same kit in an older box? Revell tend to do that a lot (and other companies just as much actually).

As for paper models; I've dabbled in Scalescenes paper buildings before. They're highly detailed, require all kinds of paper and card thicknesses, and a lot of work. When I think paper models, I think a quick afternoon of cutting, folding and glueing, but when done right, they take as much time as a good styrene kit!

And to model an Apollo LM, with all the supports, legs and oddly angled surfaces, would no doubt be a real challenge, especially as they're probably not to the exacting quality standards that the Scalescenes products are.

I highly respect those who can work such wonders with paper, and the results are often spectacular, but I remain a polystyrene guy myself... ;)

Offline Rick

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2024, 10:24:09 AM »
So tempted but (so far) I'm resisting the strong temptation. Mind you, that didn't stop me looking at the various 1/48 lunar rover, moon buggy or space 1999 moon buggy models available - not exactly spoilt for choice but there are a few available.

Offline zemjw

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #25 on: October 10, 2024, 10:40:34 AM »
lol I did exactly the same thing. Although it's an older kit I got for pretty cheap. It's in silvery grey plastic with a base for the lander to stand on. It's also scaled at 1/48, so I think it's probably the same kit in an older box? Revell tend to do that a lot (and other companies just as much actually).

The lander kit arrived yesterday. It's got a 50th Anniversary edition logo on the box, so presumably re-released in 2019.

It's 14.1cm tall (from the box), which comes in at 6.77m. The real lander seems to be 7.04m, so it's pretty close. The only things that I can gauge against are the ladders, and they look okay.

It also came with glue and paint, which explains all the warning signs on Amazon at the shipping stage (although I've seen them when buying PVA glue as well)

The game should be arriving today :D

Getting further from the Cold War origins of the game, MPC do a 1:48 Space 1999 Eagle Amazon UK link, but, as well as being way too expensive, it's 22" long, which could get a bit tight on a 24"x24" table lol

So tempted but (so far) I'm resisting the strong temptation. Mind you, that didn't stop me looking at the various 1/48 lunar rover, moon buggy or space 1999 moon buggy models available - not exactly spoilt for choice but there are a few available.

@Rick Do you have any links or manufacturers for those? The only thing I can find when I search is a Meccano type kit. Thanks

Offline anevilgiraffe

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #26 on: October 10, 2024, 11:15:25 AM »
Getting further from the Cold War origins of the game, MPC do a 1:48 Space 1999 Eagle Amazon UK link, but, as well as being way too expensive, it's 22" long, which could get a bit tight on a 24"x24" table lol

that just means that there's room for the interior

Offline zemjw

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2024, 03:48:14 PM »
From what I've read on the Black Site website and in reviews, their miniatures lean towards 35mm, so quite a bit bigger than the 'standard' 28mm we're used to. I have the CD astronauts as well (for my UFO project), so even though I probably know the answer already, I will be comparing the two, obviously.

The box just arrived :D The back of the box describes it as a 28/32mm game and I am happy to report that the figures are about 32mm to eye level (or where I'm guessing the eyes would be).

Overall, they are bulkier and maybe half a head taller than the Crooked Dice figures, but they're wearing much bulkier spacesuits. They shouldn't stand out too much when mixed with any current stuff (although opportunities for mixing seem limited ???)

Offline Daeothar

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #28 on: October 10, 2024, 07:01:15 PM »
Good to know :) I'm also eyeing one of their other games; Don't look Back, and that's being advertized as being in 35mm, which is where I got that notion.

On another not; I also just received my (vintage) LEM kit. BUt in order to give Oldgamer the chance to re-rail his thread, I've started my own instead. For now, you can see some pics of the kit I received there :)

Offline Rick

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Re: More figures for Lunar
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2024, 12:43:41 AM »
@zemjw - I'm on my phone and it doesn't do links very well. I typed in '1/48 Lunar Rover' and found a 'Space Voyager Lunar Roving vehicle' which looks like a toy but with 2 seated crew, a 'Space Adventure Lunar Rover' toy set with not just the lunar rover but a few other interesting items and a couple of figures. In addition there were a couple of resin kits, a metal one, a 4d (?) puzzle kit and the one you mentioned I think. When I typed in '1/48 Moon Buggy' most of the hits were for Space 1999 models of the 6 wheeled buggy they used - the same type as used in 'Silent Running' on the Valley Forge. It seems to be available in 1/48 resin or a plastic kit (almost certainly long OOP) as well as resin Space 1999 astronauts in the same scale - also available via Crooked Dice or Ainsty castings in 28mm to fit in with their astronauts.


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