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Author Topic: Minor Madness - or a goal, maybe (Finish line has been crossed day 100 + 10)  (Read 14402 times)

Offline FifteensAway

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Re: Minor Madness - or a goal, maybe (Painting challenge- day 80* update pg 5)
« Reply #75 on: January 09, 2025, 01:40:07 PM »
Thanks for the kind and encouraging words.  And, no worries on beating myself up.  Except on this point - and only mildly so - the eighth was the actual day100 and it is now the ninth.  Oh, well.  As you say, the production is itself the victory.  And I will cross 1,000 figures before I am finished, have that I have no doubt.  I think my mental error stemmed from being so tired from that flare up of the back injury causing some serious sleep loss and still catching up; it not only caused sleep loss but some real and genuine anguish at the possible long term consequences if it had stayed like that - it was on the wrong edge of debilitating.  Thankfully, it has subsided and I'm back to more normal - and I will be following up with my doctor for certain. 

I'd rather miss that 1,000 mark on day 100 than go with the compromise it would have taken to get there.  Even with my acceptance of 'adequate' paint jobs, the only way I was going to finish was with a less than adequate paint job, probably why I didn't return to the paint job. I do have some standards!   ;)
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Offline FifteensAway

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Re: Minor Madness - or a goal, maybe (Painting challenge- day 80* update pg 5)
« Reply #76 on: January 10, 2025, 02:44:11 AM »
Almost 7:00 PM, haven't gotten to the painting desk so my total will be Zero for this ten days (+1).  Lots close, even more got started, but none finished. 

A big part of the challenge is it was a beautiful day and wife and I were out cleaning the yard getting ready for spring - which is threatening to arrive much too early this year - and guests coming over this weekend.  And perhaps too much time checking in on the disaster down in LA well south of us (a few hundred miles south). 

Not to worry, I will persevere with progress - but maybe settle for just over 1,000 to end the challenge.  Getting pulled in various non-hobby directions of late.  Though one distraction is a game tomorrow with some friends. 
« Last Edit: January 10, 2025, 04:17:42 PM by FifteensAway »

Offline syrinx0

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Re: Minor Madness - or a goal, maybe (Painting challenge- day 80* update pg 5)
« Reply #77 on: January 10, 2025, 02:54:22 AM »
A game with friends is always worth it.  I never count those against my schedule.  lol
Painted:  2025:158; 2024: 410; 2023: 37; 2022: 56

Offline LordBrentlake

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Re: Minor Madness - or a goal, maybe (Painting challenge- day 80* update pg 5)
« Reply #78 on: January 10, 2025, 07:55:23 AM »
Regardless of the exact numbers, you have achieved a moral victory. Hearty congratulations.

Offline mikedemana

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Re: Minor Madness - or a goal, maybe (Painting challenge- day 80* update pg 5)
« Reply #79 on: January 10, 2025, 08:15:50 PM »
it was a beautiful day and wife and I were out cleaning the yard getting ready for spring - which is threatening to arrive much too early this year

Good God, it's snowing here! And supposed to get really cold over the next several days. Where do you live that you have such positive signs to your weather...?  :D lol

Mike Demana

Offline FifteensAway

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I have the good sense to live in California far from the snows of Ohio! 

Seeing flowers blooming that shouldn't for a couple of months.  Hope we are having a bit of 'false spring' and the weather will turn back to intermittent rainy.  I can wait for spring - though a bit of nice weather is welcome.

But such an early spring, if it comes to pass, is not a good thing.  Probably mean a very long, hot summer.  A couple of years ago we had a string of too many days at or above 110 degrees Fahrenheit.  Even with our lower relative humidity, that is unbearable.  One day is bad but a week or more is dangerous.

What is really needed is a good deal of slow, steady rain on Southern California devastated by those wild fires.  Even if the homes lost belong to rich people - some are, most unlikely are not - the emotional impact is hard on anyone.  Sadly, too many people still building too many homes in places that it is just ridiculous to build - and where a disastrous fire is guaranteed at some point, whether in a year or two or a decade or two.

Thankfully, we live near Sacramento so not in the worst danger zone but what the last many years have shown is that nowhere is safe from devastating weather impacts - and that is worldwide.

So, bundle up, stay warm, and plan a visit to sunnier climes to make you feel better - if only in your dreams!   :D

Offline syrinx0

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Hope CA gets some serious steady rain soon. My son lives in the Burbank area and has been watching several major fires move away from him.  Wish we could send him the snow falling outside right now.

Offline FifteensAway

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Back on the painting front - I have reached the finish line and as of today, the last day of the 100 + 10 day painting challenge I have finished painting: 1,023 figures!  I'd pop a bottle of champagne but I gave up drinking forty years ago; and never really cared for the bubbly anyway.  lol. And almost a half hour to spare!

Painting table in a bit of disarray:

Four regiments, six generals, and three guns that didn't make it across the finish line - but all have some progress.

And the last three units that did get completed:

Green Mountain Boys on the left, Virginia and Maryland Rifles in the center, and a 'unit' of African men, field hands, workers, slaves, former slaves, whatever a game calls for.  Obviously, bases still need texturing - and despite my best efforts, I have a back log of units to base texture, just the finished French and what I finished today.  With the pressure off, I can focus on getting that done sooner than later.

While I'd hoped to make it to 1,200, I'll take the final number.  Respectable even if the paint jobs are only tolerable/acceptable - they'll play on the table just effectively as those works of art others put forth.  But do note, I'd love to have those 15 mm Three Musketeers Deano (Steve Dean, professional painter) painted and displayed here on LAF in my own collection.  Someone, somewhere has them and I hope is putting them to much good use.  They are gorgeous figures.

When I have more time I will post some links here to other threads where I will continue to post progress, threads more specific to a period like AWI or Old West, etc.

And thanks to all who offered support along the way, especially to Lord Brentlake - who stood by for the entire journey: Thank You, sir.

How do I feel here at the end of the challenge?  First, glad it is over since towards the end it became something of a 'sword of Damocles' hanging over my head.  But quite glad it worked out with so many figures completed.  And I will certainly continue to push for at least 1,000 figures painted per year and more if I can.  Just without that same level of 'pressure' to perform.

A top priority is to keep painting AWI for pending anniversaries, Lexington/Concord and Bunker Hill up first.  And a game tomorrow but a made-up scenario that would not have been possible without progress shown here in this thread.  But Robin Hood, Three Musketeers, and pulpy Banana Wars are jostling in the wings for attention.

Beyond painting my next priority is downsizing on most miniatures fronts.  Right now only AWI resists - but it may join 'the party'. There will be just shy of 500 figures in the game tomorrow and it will come close to 'crowding' the table.  And with ten times that to paint for the period, I think I can safely back away from doing them all and still have a highly versatile collection.  Or I will paint away until it is all painted since the AWI is my top interest period I have figures for.  But every other period, unless already small - and even most of the smallest can benefit from reduction frankly, are ripe for rework to smaller numbers. 

Not to worry, even with a drastic down size I will still have a prodigious number of figures.

Happy painting and happier gaming to us all.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2025, 07:41:29 AM by FifteensAway »

Offline LordBrentlake

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Well done sir!

I’m sure that you would have done it anyway, but thank you for the acknowledgment of my sometimes inane encouragement.

Although nowhere as ambitious as you, I have started this year’s project with enhanced determination due to your example.

Again, well done and all success going forward.

Offline snitcythedog

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Very well done.  Can we get a group shot of everything that you finished? 
A bottle of scotch and two aspirin a day will greatly reduce your awareness of heart disease.

Offline FifteensAway

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Forgot to state that the last round was 57 finished figures.  No great shakes but it got me across the 1,000+ number.

snitchy - I might, at some point, be able to put up a photo of all but I wouldn't hold your breath - figures from three different periods and mostly boxed away but with this thread as a guide I can at least identify what belongs in the photo and take a 'group shot'.  Not sure how elucidating that will be because it will be hard to see any individual unit let alone a figure.  I intend, over time, to have a thread for each period and track progress unit by unit or, in some cases, even figure by figure which I hope will be more enlightening.  And, who knows, might even get me to up my standards.  But REALLY don't hold your breath on that last bit.  My figures are just 'fun toys' so the paint job is of tertiary importance at best.

As I sometimes claim, I am the "Cecil B. DeMille of fifteen mil."  And for those not in the know, DeMille was famous for movie spectacles - grand scope, masses of extras.  So, like the movies, there is the facade of 'historical' but there are lots of cheats to get there on the cheap.  Or, more properly in my miniatures case, I like the overall look of the game with figures, buildings, and terrain and will sacrifice detail for the 'helicopter' view of it all.

Offline mikedemana

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Awesome job! I call that a resounding success...  ;D

Mike Demana

Offline syrinx0

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Congrats on hitting your mark.


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