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Author Topic: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...  (Read 10449 times)

Online Kikuchiyo

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #45 on: October 13, 2024, 07:17:54 AM »
I'd like to figure out which of Tom's ranges are the small ones

Heritage miniatures are 25mm foot to top of head

Offline Maceface

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #46 on: October 13, 2024, 08:56:57 AM »
Do you know if the dragonlance minis were 1/72 ish or 25mm? They seemed slender if I recall correctly.

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #47 on: October 13, 2024, 09:24:56 AM »
Do you know if the dragonlance minis were 1/72 ish or 25mm? They seemed slender if I recall correctly.

The Ral Partha ones? They're definitely not 1/72 and are 25mm to the eye at the smallest (for humans); I think some may be bigger.

They are slender compared with, say, Citadel, but Ral Partha always were. I'd guess that quite a few of them are more like 28mm to the eye and 30mm to the top of the head (I'm basing this on the very similar RP miniatures of the time with same sort of chunky bases - they're from an era when RP had moved on from the very tiny figures of the early ranges).

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #48 on: October 13, 2024, 12:16:18 PM »
I'd like to figure out which of Tom's ranges are the small ones

The historical ranges are very small - probably the smallest they did (although some of the Vikings are 25mm to the eye, though still very slight). The Julie Guthrie RP figures tower above the French man-at-arms, for example. See the attached photo for a comparison - the man-at-arms looks like a kid. The Viking's more viable with the JG Dark and Dangerous figures, but he's shorter than the female cleric (their eyes are both 25mm, but she's got a much wider stance - and you'd expect the average Viking to be taller and bulkier than the average woman). But the rangers don't look out of scale - they just look like shorter people.

The Personalities and Things that go Bump in the Night range has some very small figures (25mm to the top of the head), but the later figures in the range are a lot bigger.

You can still get some of them from Ral Partha Europe (some come with size warnings!): the cleric and the thieves, for example.

The Dennis Mize Children of the Night range contains some very small figures.

But these figures are small compared with the Julie Guthrie All Things Dark and Dangerous Line. Actually, you can buy at least one of the Dark and Dangerous figures from Ral Partha Europe: the anti-hero. There may be more, but it's hard to cross-reference them with the RP listings!

There are loads of figures in that RP listing that scale well with Guthrie figures. Watch out, though, for ones on long chamfered bases (like this wizard): those are more like slotta-era Citadel figures in their proportions.

Heritage miniatures are 25mm foot to top of head

Are you sure about that? The Heritage goblins I have are 30mm to their helmet tops (their eyes are just below 25mm but their helmet brims are - and they've got very wide stances). I also have a couple of the Heritage hobbits, which are bigger than their Ral Partha equivalents, I think. The guy you posted is maybe 26mm to head-top, but he's in quite a wide stance and hunched over - so probably 25mm to the eye in a straightened stance. I think he'd look very chunky compared with, say, the Ral Partha historicals (but that's just a guess!).

For what it's worth, the Ral Partha Julie Guthrie clerics I have are 25mm to the eye while not standing up straight. It may be that the rangers (who are from the same range) are just meant to be short guys. Or perhaps they were early efforts in a range that crept up. I also have some of her Dark and Dangerous gnolls, which are slightly bigger than the 'knoll' she made for the Fantasy Personalities range.

This link to an old Ral Partha catalogue is really useful on the relative sizes of the All Things Dark and Dangerous range. Have a look at page 10. You can see that the rangers are quite small compared with their peers (including the clerics, who are right next to them): essentially, the rangers seem to be a bit shorter in the leg than most of JG's figures. For example, the female cleric has her eyes on the same level or a bit higher than all the rangers, even though she's in a more crouched stance.

And if you look at the bottom of the page, you can see the champions, who are a perfect match for the Fantasy Personalities in stature. They also match well with the rest of their own range. 

Hope that's helpful! I think if you're going to base the project around those rangers, they'll definitely look best with other JG figures in the same sculpting style and with the same size of hands, weapons and heads. Lots of the figures available from Ral Partha Europe will look good with them too - and the JG Grenadier dwarfs are a perfect match size wise with Meier RP dwarfs. The great thing about this size, though, is that you can use monsters in many different scales and sizes, and they'll all look good.

Online Kikuchiyo

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #49 on: October 13, 2024, 12:30:58 PM »
That has been helpful

I think you are right about the Rangers being smaller that the rest of the range. I do want to base the adventuring party around them, the cleric will help, the dungeon dweller heritage minis are definitely 25mm, well the human one zi've seen atleast but the heads are bigger than the JG Rangers

The more I look at the Rangers the more I'm thinking they are closer to 1/72 than 25mm  ::)

Online Hobgoblin

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #50 on: October 13, 2024, 01:08:55 PM »
The odd thing about those rangers is that the woman is the tallest of the three (if you adjust for stance). She looks a good fit with the rest of the range while her two male comrades are very much on the short side.

But then again, you do get tall women and short men. If I were you, I'd paint up the Grenadier fighter mage and see how he looks against the rangers. I mean, I know guys who are 5'6" and 6'6", and the disparity between the rangers and the fighter mage doesn't look anything like that. If you can match heads, hands and gear, you're on much safer ground than looking across scales/sizes. One thing I've noticed about the Fantasy Personalities, though, is that they do have slightly thicker bases than the Ral Partha JG stuff - sometimes by as much as a millimetre.

On 1/72: I've attached a picture of some Tumbling Dice 1/72 figures with various Ral Partha minis. Now, the Tumbling Dice figures are 24 or 25mm to the top of their heads when standing upright. But as you can see, they're dwarfed even by the tiny Ral Partha historicals (trust me - your rangers are bigger than those!).

(I should add that I'm having to work this weekend; this size/scale discussion is a welcome distraction! ;))

Offline Maceface

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #51 on: October 13, 2024, 01:15:00 PM »
Would love to see those comparison photos as JPEGs if you are able. I'm not subbed to lightroom at the moment.

Quite keen to try make some 1/72 scale Dungeoncrawl figs...

Online Hobgoblin

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #52 on: October 13, 2024, 01:31:02 PM »
Do these work?

Online Hobgoblin

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #53 on: October 13, 2024, 01:31:53 PM »
And these ...

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #54 on: October 13, 2024, 01:33:00 PM »
Note that the (Light?) Dark Alliance elves are HUGE compared with other 1/72 figures; they're really 25mm in soft plastic.

Online Kikuchiyo

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #55 on: October 13, 2024, 02:26:53 PM »
I thought the tumbling dice darkage would be useful as the Samurai range are big, seems not

Online Hobgoblin

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #56 on: October 13, 2024, 02:54:53 PM »
I thought the tumbling dice darkage would be useful as the Samurai range are big, seems not

How do your TD samurai look next to the RP rangers?

Online Kikuchiyo

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #57 on: October 13, 2024, 03:11:19 PM »
 I don't have any to hand but here is the JG wizard, a 20mm samurai from b&b (which is smaller than the td minis) the Ranger and a dark alliance ranger


Online Kikuchiyo

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #58 on: October 13, 2024, 03:13:35 PM »
Just wondering how the ceasar range stack up against dark alliance

Online Hobgoblin

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #59 on: October 13, 2024, 04:00:14 PM »
I had to do a double-take at that Dark Alliance ranger: I have some of those, and that guy looks a lot bigger in the photo.

When I look at those figures, the thing that immediately strikes me is how short the JG ranger's shins are. If you compare him with the fighter mage on the left, it's the length of the shins that's the main difference between the figures: everything else is scaled appropriately.

Just wondering how the ceasar range stack up against dark alliance

As Mystery Machine said, the Caesar elves are very small (small by 1/72 standards, even). The dwarfs, orcs (second set), lizardmen and ratmen work well with 25mm figures, though. The dwarfs and orcs are helped by their non-human proportions (big heads, especially); you could mix Caesar dwarfs with Ral Partha ones without too much trouble. Conversely, Ral Partha dwarfs work well in 1/72 scale.

You get a useful breakdown of the sets here. Be warned, though, that some of the sets - notably the adventurers and undead - are long out of production.


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