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Author Topic: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...  (Read 10450 times)

Offline Kikuchiyo

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #60 on: October 13, 2024, 06:20:20 PM »
I had to do a double-take at that Dark Alliance ranger: I have some of those, and that guy looks a lot bigger in the photo.

He's one of the larger figures in the set but he is really convincing me that the Ral patha  will work with 1/72 figures

Online Hobgoblin

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #61 on: October 13, 2024, 06:58:19 PM »
He's one of the larger figures in the set but he is really convincing me that the Ral patha  will work with 1/72 figures

Yes - no doubt. It helps that the RP figure has a hood - it disguises the larger head. The other thing is that in a skirmish game or RPG, when figures aren't ranked up, minor discrepancies don't matter that much. And if you're using the metal figures for player-characters, a little hierarchical scale isn't going to hurt.

In this photo from page 1, I'd say that the RP shield maiden works (just about) with the 1/72 figures and with the 25mm RAFM figures. But the latter two don't really work together. She's a petite woman in 25mm and a hulking valkyrie in 1/72. It helps that the 1/72 figures here are Strelets (the bashi-bazouk), which are more like "mm" miniatures rather than scale models, with big heads and hands; Zvezda (the hoplite), which are very tall; and Emhar (the Viking), which are also at the largest end of the 1/72 scale.

Offline MysteryMachine

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #62 on: October 13, 2024, 07:11:15 PM »
Kikuchiyo, thanks for sharing the comparison shot with the Dark Alliance ranger. The original ranger is smaller than I was expecting, and I can see your point about 1/72s being quite compatible. I'd be interested to find out where you got the original models from!

I really like the smaller, older Tom Meier sculpts, and have picked up a few from ebay sellers. It's amazing to see the quality alongside the pre 1980 date on the base!

Hobgoblin, re your question:

"Where's that Sarumanish fellow from? I recognise the Elheim figure and the Caesar adventurers."

He's one of the figures from Ares Games' War of the Ring boardgame. I found some spares of the main character models being sold on ebay, and they are only a bit larger than standard 1/72s.

I think this is the same seller:

Obviously not as nice as some of the other options out there, but it's always useful to have some more fantasy-oriented choices to go with the historical 1/72s.

Online Hobgoblin

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #63 on: October 13, 2024, 11:51:13 PM »

Hobgoblin, re your question:

"Where's that Sarumanish fellow from? I recognise the Elheim figure and the Caesar adventurers."

He's one of the figures from Ares Games' War of the Ring boardgame. I found some spares of the main character models being sold on ebay, and they are only a bit larger than standard 1/72s.

Obviously not as nice as some of the other options out there, but it's always useful to have some more fantasy-oriented choices to go with the historical 1/72s.

Indeed - thanks!

Kikuchiyo: Darmok Miniatures on eBay has a lot of early Ral Partha stuff at reasonable prices (I see quite a few of the really small old ones).

Offline Kikuchiyo

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #64 on: October 14, 2024, 07:36:49 AM »
Does anyone own any Denizen Miniatures

I wonder how they stack up as they are 25mm

Offline Kikuchiyo

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #65 on: October 14, 2024, 08:04:02 AM »
Indeed - thanks!

Kikuchiyo: Darmok Miniatures on eBay has a lot of early Ral Partha stuff at reasonable prices (I see quite a few of the really small old ones).

Thanks, there's quite a collection in that store

Online Hobgoblin

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #66 on: October 14, 2024, 12:11:17 PM »
Does anyone own any Denizen Miniatures

I wonder how they stack up as they are 25mm

Yup - see attached!

From left to right: Julie Guthrie (Ral Partha, female); Denizen; Ral Partha (small); Denizen; Julie Guthrie (Grenadier); Ral Partha (historical, small); Tin Soldier UK; Denizen (orc - so short and stout).

To my eye, these are all usable together. The Denizen wizard is about 26mm tall; the Denizen caveman is 25mm to the top of his head but is in quite a crouched running pose; I think he'd be about 27mm to the top of the head if he was standing straight. In general, the Denizen figure are slightly squatter and with quite big heads: they're a bit further along the scale to "heroic" Citadel-style proportions than the Julie Guthrie and Tom Meier figures, and that's more pronounced when they're wearing helmets.

As a general thing, I think it's helmets (and weapons) that make 25mm and 1/72 figures look the most distinct; 1/72 figures have smaller heads as they're a scale rathe than a size, and helmets serve to exaggerate the difference. With knights in barrel helms and the like it can be really glaring.

I find that most 25mm ranges look quite good together once they're painted up: Ral Partha, JG Grenadier, Tin Soldier UK, Denizen, Minifigs, Lamming, etc. The very small Ral Partha figures still have heads about the same size as their later, larger peers, so they just 'read' as small people. For the most part, there's a big gap in either direction with 1/72 or 28mm/"heroic scale".

Offline Kikuchiyo

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #67 on: October 14, 2024, 12:26:20 PM »
Cool thanks for that

Offline Kikuchiyo

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #68 on: October 14, 2024, 01:34:13 PM »
Looks like this chap will fit right in and avalible on RPE too

Offline Kikuchiyo

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #69 on: October 14, 2024, 01:45:28 PM »
I've also wondered about trying a couple of Eureka elves, I know they are supposed to be 18mm but I'm told they are massive

And this picture would agree

Offline MysteryMachine

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #70 on: October 14, 2024, 07:03:07 PM »
Hi Kikuchiyo,

Re my picture of painted magic users, and your question:

"They look great, where did the two on the left come from?"

The far left mage is an Elhiem adventurer, and the second one in is a 'not-Gandalf' from the Caesar adventurers set. Sadly the latter is difficult to get hold of.

Re the Eureka elves - I ordered some. The musicians worked well with the Caesar set, as did a female sorceress. I'll try and get round to taking some pictures.

Offline Kikuchiyo

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #71 on: October 14, 2024, 08:18:51 PM »
Great thanks

Offline Kikuchiyo

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #72 on: October 19, 2024, 02:33:21 PM »
I think this project has morphed into a 1/72 fantasy project and I'm happy with that :)

« Last Edit: October 19, 2024, 02:35:32 PM by Kikuchiyo »

Offline Pattus Magnus

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #73 on: October 19, 2024, 07:41:25 PM »
Kikuchiyo, I sent you a PM about some figures.

Offline Kikuchiyo

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Re: Old school DnD a project on a slow burner...
« Reply #74 on: October 20, 2024, 07:05:50 PM »
Thanks for the message.

Continuing withe the 1/72 approach, a couple of tumbling dice norman  crusaders


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