My gaming buddy and I were excited by the news that PSC were going to release Vietnam rules - Nam 68. It's a period I have always wanted to game and the rules based on large skirmish games seemed ideal.
A week ago the rules arrived and I was very impressed. Well written, with clear explanations about the sequence of play, easy to understand actions plus a good index. However the best part of the rules was a great campaign system that allows you to play a variety of scenarios across a 'years' worth of actions. The only downside is that you have to give each model a name, which means that inevitably one will get attached to the character and suffer accordingly should he die.

The set up and post action require a normal set of playing cards but this being central to the action I wanted these to be 'in theme' and a search on the internet found these and ordered a set.

Even before the rules had arrived I had started to accumulate some terrain. I intend to build some purpose built terrain but also re-purpose some existing terrain in my collection. I'll add shots of these once they're done, plus some 'how I did it' tutorials along the way.