I'm back from India and in the middle of catching up on hours for work and my house heating system went out last night and it was -10 F.
Despite all of that I got some more Trench Crusading in.
Here are some more Black Grail models, 4 Corpse guard and one more of the thralls.

The shield guys up front:

Then I also got started on some Trench Pilgrims.

These guys are fun. I decided that these are forces sent by King Prester John XXIV to aid his co-religionists in their struggle against hell.

I've still got the regular pilgrims to do as well as the leaders and the Shrine, but so far the Stigmatic nuns and the pumpkinheads are all finished as well as the communicant.
Can't imagine that communicant is going to make it to his first battle intact with that flail the way it is, but we'll see.