Some "Rebel scum" for my Star Wars skirmishes:

These are made using the Stargrave plastic boxes, "Crew" and "Crew II" specifically. I am finally beginning to feel I have the hang of assembling plastic figures. I no longer feel the urge to run screaming in terror when confronted with arms, legs, and heads that need to be attached to a torso...!

As always, there was a nice variety of heads in these boxes. In fact, I would say that the head choices rather than weapons are my favorite part. Many of the various blasters begin to look the same to me, simply being a slightly different length.

That said, the blue guy above shows I still have mastered the art of assembling these things. I did not position the right army carrying the rifle blaster appropriately, apparently. Once I tried to glue the left army there was no way it was going to reach an appropriate support position for the gun. So, he's firing one-armed, "Rambo-style"...

My biggest struggle (other than the arm above), was telling the female torsos from the male ones...!

Seriously, I tried to paint this batch up as generically as possible. I didn't want a "uniform," per se. These were going to be for small scale skirmishes not fleet actions or big battles or anything.
Hope you like them!
Mike Demana