I've had a couple if games of CDS, but still a newcomer.
Now, at the club I can put on a full size game on a 6x4 board but at home the biggest I can do is 3x2.
So yesterday evening I decided to have a practice game because I've mastered the basics if CDS and wanted to bring in other aspects of the rules.
Bur CDS is a company sized game and getting a company of 15mm figures on a 3x2 just doesn't work.
So here's what I tried.
I put just a single US platoon on the table but whereas in the rules each card activates a platoon I decided that each card activates a squad.
And you know what. It worked just fine!
That's all I did.
So I wondered if anyone else had also tried this and, if not, then maybe you might want to give it a go if space is limited.