You can always modify it later 
I don’t really want to post something that isn’t complete or correct.
Post what you can and then reply to yourself 2 or 3 times to reserve the subsequent posts. Then modify those replies in due course, that will get you round the issue of the picture number limit in a single topic posting.
That’s a cunning plan. Not sure about it but it’s certainly an idea. Incidentally, I didn’t know there was a picture limit in a single posting. Does it go by number of photos or files size?
Not for LAF but I have written text for a post in a word document first. You can grab the link for pictures already loaded in your LAF gallery and put that into your document as well. Then cut and paste into here.
Also a good plan. I’ve done that with the text before - just written it in "notes" then copied and pasted. Haven’t tried it with the photo links included.
Ther’e are some work-around solutions here but I’d still be interested to know how long an unfinished posting remains "live".