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Author Topic: Splattergutz County Chronicles - starting with the Saga of Jakob  (Read 2698 times)

Online FifteensAway

  • Galactic Brain
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Re: Splattergutz County Chronicles - starting with the Saga of Jakob
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2025, 07:57:35 AM »
"Invisible Progress"

Today I spent a major part of the afternoon continuing late into the evening winnowing through the foot only civilian figures of my Old West stuff to reduce down to, mostly, just the unique sculpts.  There will be a few areas where I will retain duplications - children because there are so few sculpts out there, some photographers just because I want them, and some train crews since I have so many locomotives painted already. 

But, so far, it is looking great to have quite a wide variety of figures without duplication, men, women, and children - and Mexicans, colored folk, and Chinese which all also have men, women, and at least a few children for each ethnicity - as will the native villagers when I get to them. 

Still have to tackle most of the foot only armed figures to decide how I will handle that - have done some, like knowing I have at least 24 unique sculpts for my Mountain Men on foot only (there will be some mounted versions).  I might allow some duplication of armed women, again because the sculpts are fairly few and far between in 15/18 mm.  One thought I have regarding duplication, probably keep it to just three of each (dancing girls might be an exception); we'll see.

Not sure what the percentage reduction will be yet but it could be as high as 80% but probably closer to 70% or so.  That will still leave me with more figures than most people would even consider.  I'm okay with that; even after the reduction I will retain enough figures with enough variety to run a tremendous kaleidoscope of scenarios.

Ran out of time to do a few boxes - and will take another pass through all of the containers because I skipped over most of the saloon folk and card players (and maybe some more duplication allowed here) and, of course, the dancing girls (almost certain duplication - can just paint in different colored dresses and with different colored hair).   That second pass will allow pulling out the child duplicates I may want to keep as well as the train crews, maybe one more camera somewhere in the mix.

Will take longer to work through the mounted sets of civilian figures because I'm not yet sure how I want to tackle that portion of the reduction project.  The cavalry is getting a pretty good reduction - for now, but no excess figures until I make some big decisions down the road a bit.  And really haven't started yet on the Indians - still pondering.  But a reduction is in order for the native folk.

Not parting with any of the already painted figures at this point, even if duplicates.  Other than with some of the already painted figures, my plan is to move forward with single figure basing.

One thing is certain, I will heave a massive sigh of relief once I know the greatly reduced number of foot only civilian figures that need painting.

The reduction is fun - and a lot faster (and cheaper) than the build up. 

And anyone in need of a bunch of 15/18 mm unarmed civilians (mostly) for your Old West games, just let me know - I will have plenty of excess very soon.

What about the expense on all of the soon to be excess?  Money well spent given the fun I had and the distraction provided that allowed me to survive those last many years in the working world sitting behind a desk.  That was seriously hard duty for a man like me who spent most of my working years in more active capacities. 
We Were Gamers Once...and Young

Online FifteensAway

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Re: Splattergutz County Chronicles - starting with the Saga of Jakob
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2025, 06:13:15 PM »
First reduction has brought down the total to around 500 fewer figures to paint for the on foot civilians.  And a plan to almost certainly reduce the remaining total to fewer than three hundred - well, knowing me, probably a bit more.  More details at the blog: https://whiskeyhills.blogspot.com
« Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 04:43:42 PM by FifteensAway »

Offline CapnJim

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Re: Splattergutz County Chronicles - starting with the Saga of Jakob
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2025, 09:16:39 PM »
Your painting output amazes me.  Your stuff looks good, too.  I paint at a much slower pace...
"Remember - Incoming Fire Has the Right-of-Way"

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Re: Splattergutz County Chronicles - starting with the Saga of Jakob
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2025, 06:55:43 AM »
Fun and distraction from the World plays a big part in why I have this hobby!  :) The best of luck to you sir for getting the weeding out sorted!
"Who knows what Evil lurks in the heart of men?"
"The Shadow knows!!! Hahahahaha!"

Online FifteensAway

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Re: Splattergutz County Chronicles - starting with the Saga of Jakob
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2025, 07:01:36 AM »
More progress winnowing.  And note I properly posted in the Whiskey Hills blog - put the post in a different blog.  Oops.

And thanks for the comments. 


Many hours later and returned from, mostly, wife's shopping expedition of the day (five stores!).  That's not the yikes, this is:

So, I tallied how many 'sets of six' I set aside before saying enough is enough and find there are at least 161 sets; that is 966 figures (the rest are mostly willy-nilly but I will probably sort a good chunk of the remainder into 'sets' eventually)!  Far too many to retain and no intention to do so, just figured it will be easier for someone to find use of six thematic related figures in a 'set' than pawing through a pile of figures. 

But!  Huge one, too, Bertha (old joke, very old). 

I'm pretty certain I won't be able to dwindle all the way down to just 30 sets, that leaves out too much 'really cool to keep' stuff.  So, I'm going to eventually end up with more than that.  Though hopeful the process will convince me I don't need as much as I think I do (heavily downward revised 'think I do').  If 50 sets that's only 300 figures plus the 50 dead, 350 total, almost a thousand or so fewer than at the start of the process.  Not too far off to a mentioned number

Moral of this story is - keep on winnowing.  A lot.   :o

The horror, the horror.  {quick, identify the movie}
« Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 03:52:02 PM by FifteensAway »

Online FifteensAway

  • Galactic Brain
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Re: Splattergutz County Chronicles - starting with the Saga of Jakob
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2025, 02:38:57 PM »
And done, use the link above to Whiskey Hills blog and you will find a listing dated January 26, 2024 showing the results of the first major winnowing down of the collection.

And, now, really, I've fixed the above link.  And here it is again: https://whiskeyhills.blogspot.com
« Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 04:44:14 PM by FifteensAway »

Online FifteensAway

  • Galactic Brain
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Re: Splattergutz County Chronicles - starting with the Saga of Jakob
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2025, 05:03:59 AM »
6mmfan posting about Boot Hill game has sent me back to the pile - need to add a funeral procession and a band, and sort out a bull (I have one but need to replace) to fight a bear (which I have several to choose from).  Maybe two processions and bands, one for more sombre and one for more colorful funerals.

And a couple hours later all sorted out.  Two groups of mourners, one of 6 men and 6 women in well-to-do attire and another group of 6 men and 6 women in not quite so high attire - but still respectable.  Most of those figures are duplicates from others already selected but these will be painted in mourning attire.  And then a group of men including a grave digger, an embalmer, and a messenger.

And then two bands of seven men each with a leader and three drummers and three brass; one sombre, one celebratory (the banjo players will stay with the saloons).  For the celebratory times, a group of 3 men and 3 women to be entertainers - Josephine of Wyatt Earp fame anyone?  And then four boys and their two dogs to add to the townsfolk, different pose for the boys than in other groups.

On a different front, I selected the figures for my Old West fort occupants.  There is a mounted (with dismount) commander and his standard and top sergeant.  Then three command and two groups of six marching infantry soldiers plus six artillerymen.  Or three command and two groups of firing infantry soldiers and six artillerymen.  Or three groups of work parties or resting soldiers, six each including command.  Not decided if that is three sets of the same men in different guises or three different sets - likely paint one full set plus the fort commander and proceed from there.  There is also two groups of three signalmen - and a signal tower, and two flags with stands.  Also three of the trusted Indian scouts.  And last, six 'naked' horses and a bunch of stacked rifles - and a total of 15 dead men.

An unanticipated addition or two - but some extra scenario options with those additions - and the fort sorted out with a reduction of figures that had been slated for the fort.  Good progress.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2025, 06:51:37 AM by FifteensAway »

Online FifteensAway

  • Galactic Brain
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Re: Splattergutz County Chronicles - starting with the Saga of Jakob
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2025, 05:40:24 AM »
Sorted out the Indian villagers for Fistful of Lead - and perhaps as overall keepers.  My "main" village will have 33 unique sculpts on foot representing 39 people (babes in cradle boards, paired kids, etc.) in six groups (1x3, 5x6) and six dead.  Then there are the travelers, 9 horses and 4 travois, 3 male riders, 2 female riders each with a child, and two wounded on the four travois - and again all unique except there are two each of the two different style of travois (might need to pull some dead figures for the travelers).  Also six sets of 'village scatter' with things like hides drying, fires, dogs, etc.  That adds up to a village of 48 people.

Separately, I sorted out three more villages with each having 21 unique sculpts representing 25 people and three dead for each of the three villages.  Each of these villages gets two sets of village scatter.  Still need to sort out riders and travois for these three villages but ran out of time before I had to go tend to dinner for wife and I.

And then it was time to watch Buffalo Soldiers, the movie.

Next up is sorting out the Apache for Fistful of Lead - and one of those last three villages will be assigned as Apache old, women, and children.  Progress is being made.  A good part is that this is another significant reduction in the overall number of figures that need painting.

Closing in on how I will do the multi-base figures which will be for running games of Greasy Grass/Little Big Horn and Rosebud battles - or hypothetical large cavalry versus Indian affairs.  Probably leave an entire 'regiment' out of the mix for yet another significant painting reduction.  Will still be a big collection, just a lot less than previously. 

Online FifteensAway

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 5295


Senior Officer, Senior Cornet, Chief Musician
Sergeant Major, Quartermaster Sergeant, Saddler Sergeant
Junior Officer, Cornet, Musician, Sergeant, Corporal, Privates x 7
Junior Officer, Cornet, Musician, Sergeant, Corporal, Privates x 7
Junior Officer, Cornet, Musician, Sergeant, Corporal, Privates x 7
Native Scout x 6

Total Strength 48 figures

All of the above figures have a mounted on a horse, a dismounted, and a dead version.
For every three of above there is an ‘empty’ standing saddled horse to mark points of dismount and a dead horse.  Total number of figures to paint is 196.


Senior Officer, Standard Bearer, Drummer
Junior Officer, Sergeant, Corporal, Privates x 9
Junior Officer, Sergeant, Corporal, Privates x 9
Junior Officer, Sergeant, Corporal, Privates x 9

Total Strength 39 figures

For senior, one dead figure, for balance, one dead figure for every six for a total of nine dead figures.  Total number of figures to paint is 48.


6 gunners and 1 gun - assigned to fort
6 gunners and 1 gun - assigned to fort
6 gunners and 1 gun - add a limber and caisson (number of figures to be determined)
6 gunners and 1 gun - add a limber and caisson (number of figures to be determined)

6 crew and 1 gatling gun on wheeled carriage plus limber with additional 6 figures
6 crew and 1 gatling gun on wheeled carriage plus limber with additional 6 figures

Total fighting strength is 36

For each gun there is 1 dead figure, for each limber/caisson or carriage/limber there is also a dead figure.  Six pieces of weapon equipment and six non-weapon equipment, 48 (+?) crew figures, at least eight dead.  Total number of figures/equipment/horses(8?) to paint is 68 (subject to possible change with addition of limbers and caissons)


Mounted officer with dismounted version, standard bearer, musician plus one dead figure, one dead horse, one standing horse                     
Officer, Standard, Music (1)                        
6(1), 6(1), 6(1) men at ease (parenthetical is dead, same for below listed)      
6(1), 6(1) men firing                           
6(1), 6(1) men marching                        
3(1), 3(1) signals detachments                     
3(1) native scouts attached to fort      

Total strength is 42               

Total numbers of figures to paint for the fort is 73.

48      39      36      42    = 165
196      48      68 (?)      73   = 385 figures to paint (unless a little more or less with limbers / caissons

If that seems excessive, the plan is to paint cavalry high command and one unit of 12 figures, infantry high command and one unit of 12 figures, one gun and gatling with crew, and one portion of the fort equal to approximately 1/3 of inclusive figures.  And then, if still desired for more, to paint the next roughly 1/3 of figures and, again if desired, then paint the balance.  So, closer to 130 figures to paint to get ‘the ball started’.

Sure, the overall numbers are still high but a lot less in many ways.  And the 'plan' has a pretty reasonable starting number.  Don't have to go all the way to 'the end' of the painting if smaller numbers are proving more than enough fun, just have more in reserve if needed or just desired.


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