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Author Topic: My New (or Relaunched) Five Parsecs from Home Campaign  (Read 1557 times)

Offline capthugeca

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My New (or Relaunched) Five Parsecs from Home Campaign
« on: December 29, 2024, 06:06:08 PM »
I've had a previous go at running a 5PFH campaign but life seemed to get in the way. Having recently retired, I hope that I have more time to get my teeth into it so I've recently launched the crew of the Pacifier.
Their first mission was to deliver a package for Kunda Kah, a member of the planet's council of elders.
Unfortunately and unbeknown to Bing Sang and his crew, these little blighters were waiting for him.

« Last Edit: December 29, 2024, 06:41:50 PM by capthugeca »
I don't know whether to be a good example or a horrible warning.

Offline capthugeca

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Re: My New (or Relaunched) Five Parsecs from Home Campaign
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2024, 06:43:31 PM »
Sorry, the previous link sent you to Flickr.
This should take you to the right place https://fiveparsecs.blogspot.com/

Offline hubbabubba

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Re: My New (or Relaunched) Five Parsecs from Home Campaign
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2024, 07:45:59 PM »
I like those critters.

Your table looks pretty good, I'd like to get the low down on your crew too.

Keep them coming.

Offline LouieN

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Re: My New (or Relaunched) Five Parsecs from Home Campaign
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2024, 07:46:30 PM »
They look hungry

Offline capthugeca

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Re: My New (or Relaunched) Five Parsecs from Home Campaign
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2024, 07:59:51 PM »
I like those critters.

Your table looks pretty good, I'd like to get the low down on your crew too.

Keep them coming.

Yes, I like them so was please when I rolled them up for the first mission. They Carnosaurs from Checkpoint Miniatures.

I've put the lowdown of the crew on my blogger but I'm happy to add their profiles here as well if people would like.  :)

Offline capthugeca

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Re: (Update and Crews Lowdown) My New Five Parsecs from Home Campaign
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2025, 04:32:35 PM »
Well a lot has happened since my initial post.
The mission was achieved pretty easily - no injuries and reasonable payment at the end of it - but that's when in all started to pear-shaped.
My roll for a campaign event resulted in the crew deciding that they wanted a new captain and then I rolled a 1 so Bin Sang, the original captain, decided to walk out with all he was carrying and, as it was his ship, I felt that he ought to kick the rest of the crew off the Pacifier.
And for the character event, I got Fua Londo arguing with the rest of the crew and refusing to take part in a task.
The dice can be cruel and rather uncanny!
So I've decided to divide the campaign into two. I have Bin Sang with a ship but needing to recruit a new crew and Sona Bah, the new captain, needing to keep the crew together as they look for a new ship. And I suspect that there is a rivalry developing between the two parties.
So here is a lowdown of the crew of the Pacifier as it stand ats the beginning of the second campaign turn.

Bin Sang
Reaction: 2
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Savvy: 0
XP: 3
Luck: 0
Background: Military Outpost
Motivation: Fame
Class: Negotiator
Patron: Bartu dos Jibola (a dodgy, wealthy individual)
The establishment of a Unity military outpost on Venducci was greeted with puzzlement as the inhabitants had always been a peace-loving race. Following a gathering of their government, the Sens-Moot, the Venduccians (referred to as "Bajjers" by Unity) decided simply to let the interlopers play soldiers while they carried on their lives as normal.
Bin Sang, like so many of his people, made a living as a freelance negotiator. It was during a job on Tanaquil Standpoint that he met Bartu dos Jobola, a mysterious magnate who seems to have an interest in so many business deals and just about stays within the law. Bartu was so impressed with Bin Sang's approach to his art that he offered to loan him the credits to buy his own vessel, the Pacifier - a former diplomatic vessel - on the understanding that he would carry out the occasional mission for him. Bin Sang accepted the offer.
He was soon able to recuit a fine band of people to join him and all was going well until the secretive job they carried out for Kunda Kah, a member of the planet’s Council of Elders.
What had seemed a simple task could have turned out very differently because Kunda Kah did not warn them of the infestation of Sand Runners in the area. The rest of the crew blamed Bin Sang for failing to obtain a detailed briefing and decided that one of the others should take over leadership. Bin Sang was going to have none of that but for once his negotiating skills failed him so he decided to kick the mutineers off his ship.
Left on his own, Bin Sang has started to recruit again.

Reaction: 2
Speed: 4
Combat: 1
Toughness: 4
Savvy: 2
Se’Artu is a decommissioned combat robot that Bin Sang encountered in a local bar. After a brief conversation Bin Sang concluded that it appeared to be at a loose end so Bin Sang offered it a place on the crew. Se’Artu immediately accepted. At present Bin Sang knows nothing about the robot’s history.

Offline capthugeca

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Re: My New (or Relaunched) Five Parsecs from Home Campaign
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2025, 04:37:19 PM »
And here's the other crew

Sona Bar
Reaction: 1
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Savvy: 1
XP: 7
Luck: 0
Background: Alien Culture/Peaceful High Tech Colony
Sona Bar is the child of missionaries. His formative years were spent on Arusha - a highly advanced  planet populated by a strange alien race. His parents had hoped that he would continue their ministry amongst the Arushans but he had been disillusioned by what he had seen his parents go through over the years. Instead, he decided to become a merchant, selling the high-tech products of Arusha across the sector. But things didn't always go as he had hoped and he struggled to make ends meet.
It was during a low time, when an important sale had fallen through, that he met Bin Sang and the promise of success and fame caused him to drop the trading and join the Venduccian on his quest for fame.
Following the crew’s mutiny, the others have chosen Sona Bar to lead them - a task he has willingly accepted. Now he just needs to find a ship.

Wasa Camara
Reaction: 1
Speed: 5
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Savvy: 0
XP: 3
Luck: 0
Background: Bureaucrat
Motivation: Romance
Class: Scoundrel
Wasa Camara is an Arushan who, worked within the Ministry of Commerce, recording imports and exports. Deciding that his wage wasn't enough, he made it known to his clients that his palms were always open to a little bribery. Unfortunately, he made it known too loudly and was soon discovered and dismissed.
Jobless and with a record for corruption, he found himself an outcast from his people. He had little option other than trying his hand at scrounging, cheating and petty theft.
It was while he was practising these skills in the starport that he was approached by one of his former clients, Sona Bar, who offered him a better option - to offer his services to Bin Sang.
Not surprisingly, during the mutiny, Wasa Camara put Sona Bar forward as a suitable replacement captain.

Naja Wince
Reaction: 1
Speed: 5
Combat: 0
Toughness: 4
Savvy: 1
XP: 3
Luck: 0
Background: Research Outpost
Motivation: Survival
Class: Criminal
Naja Wince grew up on the outskirts one of Unity's largest research posts on the planet of Fortunata, where nearly 90% of the population found employment servicing and supplying the research. Much of the work was focused on developing more powerful propellants Unfortunately many of the bi-products of that experimentation were toxins and other pollutants, which caused cancers and other health issues amongst the population.
Naja Wince decided that he would have none of that. Initially he got involved in sabotage and subterfuge to undermine the outpost's work. He had thought that he would be regarded by his people as a freedom-fighter or "Robin Hood" figure but he soon learnt that he was simply labelled a crook. So he escaped the planet and landed on Tanaquil Standpoint where he met up with Bin Sang.
Following the mutiny, he felt that success is more likely in numbers and so decided to stick with Sona Bar and the rest rather than risk his chances with Bin Sang.

Fua Londo
Reaction: 1
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Savvy: 0
XP: 3
Luck: 0
Background: Space Station
Motivation: Order
Class: Negotiator
Patrons: the local government of Tanaquil Standpoint and The Riven Patriots (a private organisation whose aims are not fully clear to Unity)
Fua Londo was born and grew up on the space station Orbiter094. The risks involved in living in such dangerous and cramped conditions can easily lead to disputes escalating into violence so the station employed teams to defuse such situations. Even as a child Fua Londo was good at calming things down so he was a natural for the roll.
With the decommissioning of the space station, he found himself homeless and jobless so started promoting himself as a negotiator and soon found he was in much demand. Some of his work brought him into contact with Bin Sang and a partnership has formed between them.
When the others decided to depose Bin Sang Fua Londo was the only one to voice convern and did it quite loudly but, in the end, he decided to stick with the majority and to perhaps work towards a reconciliation.

Taolo Sebaga
Reaction: 1
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Savvy: 2
XP: 5
Luck: 1
Background: Long-Term Space Mission
Motivation: Revenge
Class: Working Class
Rivals:Clan of the Seven (Planetary Nomads)
Taolo Sebaga was a member of the exploration team to the far-flung Contemporary Complex. Such long flights in space can mess with a person's mind and she found that some of her colleagues were more able to relate to the machinery that they tended than to the humans around them, including her. Taolo Sebaga has never disclosed what happened to her on that mission or who caused it to happen but it is very clear to those around her that she has a hatred of a particular being and will, given the chance, eliminate them. Given the opportunity to join Bin Sang's crew, she snapped up the offer, regarding it as a way to hunt down her intended victim.
Impatient to hunt her prey down and disillusioned with what she perceives as Bin Sang’s weak leadership, she was the most vocal for ousting him from his leadership.
Her bitterness sometimes flows over into her dealings with others which has caused her problems. For reasons best known to them (and possibly Taolo), a clan of nomads on Tanaquil Standpoint hold a grudge against her.

Concord Gilpin
Reaction: 1
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Savvy: 0
XP: 0
Background: Religious Cult
Motivation: Faith
Class: Scavenger
Concord is on the Sacred Path of Self-Sufficiency and longs to share his experiences with others. He proud wears his unusual clothes, all of which were rescued from the shredder and his handgun is second-hand as well. He feels that being part of a crew will give him the opportunity to travel and meet other like-minded people and, ignorant of Sona Bah’s lack of transport, ha readily accepts his offer of a place on the crew.

Offline hubbabubba

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Re: My New (or Relaunched) Five Parsecs from Home Campaign
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2025, 09:02:57 PM »
Excellent, now I know who I'm rooting for.

Offline capthugeca

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Re: My New (or Relaunched) Five Parsecs from Home Campaign
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2025, 08:00:13 PM »
Bin Sang carried out his second mission with his new partner, the combat robot, Se'Artu - breaking into the planet's municipal building and accessing a computer console. Unbeknown to them, a local corporation had employed a couple of secret agents and a spook to hunt them down.
You can read the mission on my blog (https://fiveparsecs.blogspot.com/) but TL:DR - the two were successful with no casualties but nor did they inflict any wounds.

Next stop: meanwhile, what have Sona Bah and the mutineers been up to?

Offline punkrabbitt

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Re: My New (or Relaunched) Five Parsecs from Home Campaign
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2025, 01:29:06 AM »
I have just started a Five Parsecs campaign, so I will be following this with interest.
Hi! I'm Harry. I am a hobby addict; I game sci-fi, fantasy, and historical (including Ancients, Dark Ages, Renaissance, and World War II Manchukuo.)

Please visit my OSR products for sale at www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/17194/Punkrabbitt-Publishing

Offline capthugeca

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Re: My New (or Relaunched) Five Parsecs from Home Campaign
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2025, 10:13:59 AM »
I have just started a Five Parsecs campaign, so I will be following this with interest.
Yes, I'm watching yours too.  :)

Offline capthugeca

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Re: My New (or Relaunched) Five Parsecs from Home Campaign
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2025, 03:09:28 PM »
Sona Bah and his team were given the mission of returning to the target building from the first mission and securing it until trucks from Ravenslow Inc can come and collect their missing packages.

Last time they had to face an infestation of Sand Runners but, as Bin Sang had been troubled by hired muscle in the shape of secret agents, it made sense that Sona Bah would face similar opposition but rather than drop the Sand Runners all together, I decided to use them as a Battle Event, rolling a D6 and if the number rolled match the turn number then 1D3 Sand Runners would arrive and attack the nearest figure whether crew or secret agent. They certainly added to the battle because they ensured that the "cautious" secret agents had an enemy within 12" and so used their default tactic rather than the AI options.

While Bin Sang's encounter with the secret agents had been rather stalemate with no one being injured, Sona Bah's battle was more of a blood-bath with all Sand Runners being wiped out, four out of five secret agents being killed and three of Sona Bah's crew being Ko'd, including Sona Bah himself. The post-battle actions are going to be interesting.

You can see a full battle report at https://fiveparsecs.blogspot.com/ but here's a few pics of the action.


« Last Edit: January 16, 2025, 09:20:58 PM by capthugeca »


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