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Author Topic: New Year's Revolution!  (Read 2333 times)

Offline FifteensAway

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Re: New Year's Revolution!
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2025, 02:24:50 AM »
Can we change it to its proper name, please: Unsocial Media!  aka: land of mental poop.  Ummpoo for short.  Or, as I like to call far too many of the denizens of the network world, webworms.  And my apologies to the real worms for the insult.  Wait, did I just identify a new species: ummpoo worms?!  :o
After years of hoping to get to this point, I have crossed over 'the barricade' and started working to reduce almost all of my collections to more reasonable numbers.  The impetus was pretty simple, my first Fistful of Lead Old West Game I ran just seriously underscored the excess I have accumulated.  But, perhaps - and, of course, I hope not needed - I've found a good reverse course plan.  And that is if members of the gaming community in Southern California (I am further north in the state) lose their collections in the fires, donate what I won't be using, mostly 15/18 mm and mostly unpainted.  Haven't heard yet of anyone in that plight but too soon to know.  A friend went through that with the terrible fire in Chico a few years back so I've seen first hand the impact such loss can have on a person.  And with the volume of destruction, I worry it is probable that someone is in that boat down south.  Hope not.

Note, I will almost certainly still have excess numbers of figures but A LOT LESS THAN I DO NOW (even if no donations needed).  And no worries about the time and expense collecting the excess, it was fun and worth it to me however odd or weird that may seem.  I know once I've reduced numbers I will actually enjoy my figures more since I know more of it will get painted faster as a percentage of the total and thus get played with more often (painted 996 the last few months and 150-250 earlier in the year 2024; so I can paint fast).

Truly, less IS more.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2025, 02:26:24 AM by FifteensAway »
We Were Gamers Once...and Young

Offline HerbertTarkel

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Re: New Year's Revolution!
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2025, 03:03:58 AM »
Social media … isn’t social. I have LONG abandoned anything “social media” related.

The algorithms associated with the new versions, the impossibly creepy AI, just make it impossible to return - ever.

My New Year has been incredibly productive! I’ve already painted MORE minis than last year, thanks to a commission. It might even lead to some gaming. Who knows?!!

Offline syrinx0

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Re: New Year's Revolution!
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2025, 04:21:46 AM »
I resolved last year to paint more of my collection which has gone fairly well considering sporadic arm issues.  Quite a few of our family & friends sadly have passed recently which has lead my wife to decide retirement and travel are this years focus. I'm trying to push towards a few historic sites across the pond but otherwise I'm totally on board.

Other than LAF & other hobby only focused sites our social media lately is focused on alumni groups which mostly keep us all informed of who has left us.  Heading to a funeral tomorrow of a long time friend...

Do what brings you joy - buying, painting or gaming.
Painted:  2025:158; 2024: 410; 2023: 37; 2022: 56

Offline HerbertTarkel

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Re: New Year's Revolution!
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2025, 05:27:46 AM »
I resolved last year to paint more of my collection which has gone fairly well considering sporadic arm issues.  Quite a few of our family & friends sadly have passed recently which has lead my wife to decide retirement and travel are this years focus. I'm trying to push towards a few historic sites across the pond but otherwise I'm totally on board.

Other than LAF & other hobby only focused sites our social media lately is focused on alumni groups which mostly keep us all informed of who has left us.  Heading to a funeral tomorrow of a long time friend...

Do what brings you joy - buying, painting or gaming.

So sorry to hear about your loss, Syrinx; I am also in that boat where loss made me change my life perspective. I retired very early, have visited and travelled (with the Covid Times interruption). This year my partner and I are picking our next adventure.

Toys, painting, and things have reduced meaning - but experiences are vastly increased. Balance?

Offline FifteensAway

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Re: New Year's Revolution!
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2025, 05:29:56 AM »
May we all live long enough that no-one is left to attend our funerals!  Or not, as the case may be.

Syrinx0, sorry to hear of your travails. 

Retirement is the best job I've ever had, by far.   ;)

Travel is great, do as much as you can afford as young as you can while you still can - and sneak as much history as the wife will let you!  But it can be costly.  So balance travel with other life joys.  This year wife and I are staying domestic for our travels, northwest first and then northeast in the early fall (USA).  But three weeks in Britain last year was grand. 

Offline HerbertTarkel

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Re: New Year's Revolution!
« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2025, 05:37:45 AM »
game more would be a good goal.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2025, 04:51:59 PM by HerbertTarkel »

Offline dwbullock

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Re: New Year's Revolution!
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2025, 02:36:14 PM »
game more would be a good goal.

Game any would be a better goal.

Offline carlos marighela

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Re: New Year's Revolution!
« Reply #22 on: January 17, 2025, 09:22:38 PM »
Over the years, Carlos has been required on countless occasions to mention to his punters his fourth dictum on continued employment. These unfortunates, who have been called to meetings with their employer or required to attend Commission conferences and hearings seeking either the continuance of their gainful employment or their reinstatement to such are frequently treated to this advice.

Carlos' fourth dictum states that 'Social media isn't and Facebook friends rarely are.' At least in an employment setting. If you do insist on cataloguing your various crimes and misdemeanours don't be surprised that these tidbits of idiocy are used against you as evidence. 'Oh yeah, I forgotten I had added my manager to that Wotsapp group!'

This ties in neatly with Carlos' fifth dictum. Try not to appear to be a a complete c***, even if you are (in an employment setting, naturally).

I like the sound of PHUCK. I do question whether Ice Hockey isn't actually a fantasy thing anyway, a bit like professional wrestling. Would the table top version reduce the gratuitous violence and focus more on game play to differentiate it from the actual thing?
Em dezembro de '81
Botou os ingleses na roda
3 a 0 no Liverpool
Ficou marcado na história
E no Rio não tem outro igual
Só o Flamengo é campeão mundial
E agora seu povo
Pede o mundo de novo


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