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Author Topic: The Socialist Alliance Assembles  (Read 7515 times)

Offline CapnJim

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #45 on: January 13, 2025, 03:30:12 PM »
Oh, for the love of all that is righteous and holy!  Will the jingoistic poppycock spewing from the Communists, that passes itself off as propaganda, never cease?  My hope and prayer is that that Lady Karma has her way with them.  Anyone who willfully and purposefully desecrates such a hedge and garden as that at the Cringing Peasant ought be desecrated upon themselves.  A pox on them all, I say!

Now, we need only wait for the forces of Law, Order, and All Things Good to descend upon these heathenistic vermin, and administer that afore-mentioned Karma...

There.  Was that strong enough?  :D
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Offline Doug ex-em4

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #46 on: January 13, 2025, 10:53:17 PM »
Oh, for the love of all that is righteous and holy!  Will the jingoistic poppycock spewing from the Communists, that passes itself off as propaganda, never cease?  My hope and prayer is that that Lady Karma has her way with them.  Anyone who willfully and purposefully desecrates such a hedge and garden as that at the Cringing Peasant ought be desecrated upon themselves.  A pox on them all, I say!

Now, we need only wait for the forces of Law, Order, and All Things Good to descend upon these heathenistic vermin, and administer that afore-mentioned Karma...

There.  Was that strong enough?  :D
Well Jim, that certainly told…..someone? :) . It’s a tricky one. Are you just addressing the communists (ie the miners) or the whole platoon? Because most of them are POUM and they’d be very unhappy to be called communists. Although one thing they do agree on is a total lack of respect for hedges. And gardens.


Offline CapnJim

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #47 on: January 13, 2025, 11:22:09 PM »
It's possible I may have exaggerated and over-generalized just a wee bit... ;)

Offline Aethelflaeda was framed

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #48 on: January 14, 2025, 12:35:22 PM »
Although one thing they do agree on is a total lack of respect for hedges. And gardens.

Perhaps the hedgehogs and gnomes will enlist in the reactionary militia?  Then the Red Caps will join in opposition to the gnomes. Where will this madness end?
« Last Edit: January 14, 2025, 12:41:39 PM by Aethelflaeda was framed »

aka Mick the Metalsmith

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Offline Doug ex-em4

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #49 on: January 14, 2025, 02:01:45 PM »
It's possible I may have exaggerated and over-generalized just a wee bit... ;)
Understood - things are tense at the Cringing Peasant and nuance is notable by its absence.

Perhaps the hedgehogs and gnomes will enlist in the reactionary militia?  Then the Red Caps will join in opposition to the gnomes. Where will this madness end?
You’ve no idea how relevant this is as will be revealed, hopefully fairly soon.


Offline Aethelflaeda was framed

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #50 on: January 14, 2025, 02:55:14 PM »
I tremble with…anticipation!

Offline Doug ex-em4

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #51 on: January 14, 2025, 07:47:42 PM »
I tremble with…anticipation!
I can understand that but try and stay calm - I feel responsible….

It doesn’t take long for the road to be blocked in both directions, substantial barricades being erected to the detriment of the inn’s fixtures and fittings. As can be seen by a glance at the repairs to the inn’s roof, this was not a particularly profitable business, at least recently. Its adoption as the 47th’s HQ has made a bad situation a lot worse. However, the cause of The Revolution outweighs any bourgeois considerations of business sustainability.

The barricades are defended by the two sections currently present and the 1st section’s Lewis gunner provides support from the inn’s balcony.

Concentration is well underway - when the rest of the platoon and it’s assets are present, it can begin its invasion of Borsetshire

Isn’t this a rather under strength platoon, with only two sections, I hear you say? And of course, you are correct. But fear not, a third section has been allocated by Higher Authority and it’s on its way to join the rest of the platoon. However, the platoon lorry is busy collecting various support elements so 3rd section has to make its own way to the rendezvous. Which means on foot. Which is quite a long walk because 3rd section is made up of volunteers, recently fighting with POUM in Spain. They arrived clandestinely in a nondescript ship at Bristol docks and immediately set out to march to join the rest of the platoon in Borsetshire. They’re still marching.

It can’t be long now before the 47th tests its mettle against whatever the reactionary, bourgeois running-dogs of Borsetshire can throw against them.


Offline Mad Lord Snapcase

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #52 on: January 15, 2025, 05:14:27 PM »
Some dodgy geezers there, alright! Nice painting and an imposing addition to the forces massing at the Cringing Peasant.

Offline Doug ex-em4

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #53 on: January 18, 2025, 01:46:39 PM »
The POUM lorry has been back to Liverpool and collected some platoon support assets.
The Liverpool Socialist enclave has quite a variety of weapons available having seized various inward and outward shipments. From this treasure house a light anti-tank gun has been allocated to the 47th. The three man crew were originally clerks at a law firm in Chester. The amazing coincidence of their surnames made them friends from the start of their careers. They are John Partridge, Christopher Wren and Jack Sparrow. As a group, they were given various nicknames like The Legal Eagles or Birds of a feather. Because they were involved with accounts, humorous remarks like “Jack, have you got a bill” were bandied about. Or “John, has that client been up before the beak yet?” Such chaff (chiff-chaff?) was taken in good part.
However, things got more serious when civil war broke out and, as members of the Labour Party, they went over to Liverpool where socialist units were forming. They were given command of the a/t gun and a new nickname -
The Battery Hens

The Battery Hens get in some training after arriving at platoon HQ


Offline Mad Lord Snapcase

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #54 on: January 18, 2025, 02:36:02 PM »
Superb and some more nice painting.

Are these scousers robin stuff? It might be too much to swallow, so I'm going to duck out and head for a pheasant diversion! (I'm here all week).  ;)  ;)

Offline Doug ex-em4

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #55 on: January 18, 2025, 02:55:33 PM »
Superb and some more nice painting.

Are these scousers robin stuff? It might be too much to swallow, so I'm going to duck out and head for a pheasant diversion! (I'm here all week).  ;)  ;)
Snappers, I love you too much to grouse about this…..


Offline Legionnaire

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #56 on: January 18, 2025, 03:36:44 PM »
The POUM lorry has been back to Liverpool and collected some platoon support assets.
The Liverpool Socialist enclave has quite a variety of weapons available having seized various inward and outward shipments. From this treasure house a light anti-tank gun has been allocated to the 47th. The three man crew were originally clerks at a law firm in Chester. The amazing coincidence of their surnames made them friends from the start of their careers. They are John Partridge, Christopher Wren and Jack Sparrow. As a group, they were given various nicknames like The Legal Eagles or Birds of a feather. Because they were involved with accounts, humorous remarks like “Jack, have you got a bill” were bandied about. Or “John, has that client been up before the beak yet?” Such chaff (chiff-chaff?) was taken in good part.
However, things got more serious when civil war broke out and, as members of the Labour Party, they went over to Liverpool where socialist units were forming. They were given command of the a/t gun and a new nickname -
The Battery Hens

The Battery Hens get in some training after arriving at platoon HQ


No clucking about!  lol

Those are some excellent paintings sir, nice setup for the vignette and now with heavy ordinance in the game, I feel that there's a proper revolution brewing!
"Who knows what Evil lurks in the heart of men?"
"The Shadow knows!!! Hahahahaha!"

Offline CapnJim

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #57 on: January 18, 2025, 04:21:16 PM »
While, as you may have surmised, I'm no fan of the POUM side of this affair, I must admit they all look spiffy enough.  And the eagle-eyed among you will note I did not commit the cardinal sin of making bird puns...hmm.  Having types that, I may now need to eat crow... :D

Oh well, on with things, old chap... 

Offline Doug ex-em4

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #58 on: January 18, 2025, 11:05:31 PM »
Superb and some more nice painting.

Are these scousers robin stuff? It might be too much to swallow, so I'm going to duck out and head for a pheasant diversion! (I'm here all week).  ;)  ;)
And by the way, Snappers - the Battery Hens aren’t Scousers; they’re Cestrians….

No clucking about!  lol

Those are some excellent paintings sir, nice setup for the vignette and now with heavy ordinance in the game, I feel that there's a proper revolution brewing!
Thank you Legionnaire for the comments but not the pun, which is truly dreadful :o  ;)

While, as you may have surmised, I'm no fan of the POUM side of this affair, I must admit they all look spiffy enough.  And the eagle-eyed among you will note I did not commit the cardinal sin of making bird puns...hmm.  Having types that, I may now need to eat crow... :D

Oh well, on with things, old chap... 
I understand that the Borsetshire Brigade is where your sympathies lie, Jim so I’m very pleased you can like the bashers of the bourgeoisie at least a little.
Your bird puns are definitely a class above Legionnaire’s but Snapcase should be ashamed that he’s egged people on to follow this line of humour.  lol


Offline Mad Lord Snapcase

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Re: The Socialist Alliance Assembles
« Reply #59 on: January 19, 2025, 06:43:31 AM »
And by the way, Snappers - the Battery Hens aren’t Scousers; they’re Cestrians….

Apologies, I did not know they hailed from south of the Mersey. I was an early bird on this thread and am quite often referred to as a raven lunatic. No egrets. This may tern ugly, wren will it end? Toucan play at this game, quail before my wit!


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