Build Something Competition 2025 'The Potato Cup'
This description has basically been copied from the 2023 post, which followed Vanvlak's 2022 post, etc. etc. It's turtles all the way down. We're just standing here admiring the view. This year we have a banner ad!
The theme for the BSC2025 is:
VESSEL/CONVEYANCEGeneral RulesPlease use this child board in the Workbench section to post your build threads.
Timelines (all times are midnight Pacific Standard Time of that day stated - yes my timezone means you get an extra 8 hours you lucky European sods)
- Start Time - Feb 1st
- Last Registration Day - Feb 8th
- Construction Completed - March 31st
- Painted Photos Due - April 7th
- Voting Begins - April 15th(ish)
To register, you need to do 2 things:
1. Please indicate interest in replies below. You will then be listed in the registration post. The list of entrants will be in order of which their intent has been posted. Please let me know if your username is wrong in my list.
2. Create a thread in this subforum
Please name your thread according to this pattern:
BSC2025 <member name> <build title> - for example, 'BSC2025 Burgundavia's Chocolate Factory', where ‘Burgundavia’ would be the user's forum name and "Chocolate Factory'' would be the object being built.
Other notes- If you change your mind, if Real Life intrudes or if you realise after some contemplation the theme is not to your taste - just let me know and I shall remove your name.
- One entry per member (no joint contributions).
- Build threads should include lots of photos, but no substantial painting progress (priming and small details are allowed - you can blur for certainty)
- Keep in mind that the documentation of the build process has some impact on how people vote.
Completed Photos and VotingThe first entries must consist of either one photo OR a photo-montage of the finished piece. No photo manipulation will be allowed apart from cropping, white balance and contrast within reason. Again, if you are unsure then please ask. You may include one separate 'standard' figure in the final entry photo to indicate the relative size of the entry.
Photo size should be 1000x1000 pixels and sent as a jpeg to
buildsomething2024@gmail.comDepending on the number of entries, voting will take place in one or more group, and then, again depending of the number of entries, the top one or two entries of each group will advance to a final vote.
You will be allowed to enter new photos between rounds if you like. It has proven a good idea to keep interest up among voters.
For the last round you will be allowed to use your build in a "fully dramatized" setting, meaning placing the model on a game board surrounded with as many wargames miniatures you like.
I (Burgundavia) will, hopefully be entering a build myself. I have only finished one BSC, where I was knocked out in the first round, so doubt I'm going to be much competition. My brother, Wirelizard, is likely to enter as well, just to provide full disclosure.
While everyone is allowed, as per usual, to comment in progress threads, please keep things encouraging and constructive.
Although winners will be voted by the members collective of the LAF, if there is any sense of foul play the judges’ decision is final, although we would hope that it won't be necessary given the friendly nature of the LAF.
Theme Rules- The entry must include something that ties in with the theme of 'Vessel/Conveyance'.
- You have to construct a model (scenery, a vehicle, anything else) which has something to do with, or depicts, a vessel or conveyance. I very much appreciate that this can be very broad, but if you are uncertain whether your idea fits the bill correctly, pm me or post on the BSC thread to get a clarification.
- One feature of the entries is that they should be practical gaming or scenery pieces, so no varnished walnut veneer bases or artful backdrops with LEDs and baroque or rococo trimmings.
- Remember that the competition is run within the confines of the Workbench board: you have to build something. What singles out the Build Something Contest is that it is about construction of something new. The vast majority of the piece should be scratch built, and only 0-25% can be commercially bought items or figures, including commercially-created 3D printed pieces. The rest must be handmade. If you have any questions either ask them here or via pm, but please label your pm Build Something 2025.
- Any period or setting is allowed as long as it fits with the theme including sci-fi, historical, pulp, fantasy etc.
- Just like previous years, any amount of 3D printing is allowed but we ask you to be especially diligent in including images from design steps (3D design files) and of part printouts in the your progress thread.
- Conversion of commercially-bought items is allowed also e.g. as long as it is a major 'refactoring'. Another example could be a plastic aeroplane kit: adding a couple of extra parts to the kit would not be sufficient to qualify, but having some of the parts from a sprue on an entirely new build would be fine. Again, if in doubt, please ask.
- Lastly, purely functional parts of the build, just as the build or terrain tile it is built on do not count towards the above total of either commercially-produced parts or 3D printing. This includes things like the old Sally 4th Terraformer MDF tiles, 3D printed OpenLock tiles or cut foam hexagons. As with other notes, ask if you are at all in doubt.
- It's not possible to cover all the eventualities, so please use your common sense and play fair.

Good luck, and happy building to all - and don't forget to REGISTER YOUR INTENT and START A THREAD.
Post any rules queries and comments as replies.
* The name 'The Potato Cup' comes from an early run of the competition where a number of items were offered to the winner, among them a raw unpeeled potato. The winner picked the potato. The name stuck. The prize does not exist, at least not until someone prints or builds a potato cup, whatever that is. Maybe it can be the theme for BSC202