604 = The Sailors advance to the stream.
616 = My Infantry, lead by the T26 follow the road towards the ford.
Each of my advances are followed by NKVD troops. If any of my troops try to run from
the fight they are under orders to fire on them.

As I attempt to wade the stream Sam's concealed section opens up.

Lots of lead, & at short range (I had failed to spot them) he is very unlucky & fails to inflict
any casualties. I take a morale test (2x D6) getting below the average 7. Surprise fire takes
a large 3 point off that, but due to taking no losses (another -3)I scrape by & they pause
their advance.
603 = My T26 advances towards the Facist tank. I can hear it, but as James is hiding it behind
a building I cannot get a shot.
617 = Someone has to stick their nose out, so the Soviet Armour moves first. Still can't see him!
James grabs the opportunity. He moves forward & shoots... a miss

He has made an error, rather than shooting on the move & disappearing behind another
building, he is stopped in the road! I have a chance of a shot.
618 & 619 = LUCKY SHOT ! (Armour throw D6 & D10. The D6 is for their chance of hitting
The D10 is just for the vagaries of war. 1 = Downgrades the result. Penetration hit
becomes non penetration. Non penetration becomes a miss. While a 10 upgrades
the result. Miss becomes a non penetration hit etc. BUT if the D6 is high enough
for a hit, & your gun can penetrate his armour at that range, then the 10 results
in a triple value hit.
Normally my gun would have difficulty penetrating his frontal armour,
but Jasmes is side on !!!!!
With the negative tactical factors (new target, moving target etc) I needed a 5 or
on the D6...I got a 5 !
Normally I would do 8 points of damage (Bad for James, but not fatal) but...
Lucky hit results in the Hungarian tank taking 24 points of damage. Blows up!
620 & 621 = Meanwhile Sam pays the price of not stopping the Russian horde. Soviets swarm
over the exposed Germans in the wheat field. One survivor makes it back to
the section in the building.
Sam's troops in the building do inflict a rout on one of my sailor sections. As they flee they
are mown down by the NKVD. still the fight is over & it is a Russian win.
Sam & James were both unlucky at several key points. It would probably still have been a
Soviet win, but at a higher cost. My morale was VERY brittle. Given my innate ability to score
ones on a D 6, panic was a constant worry for me.
Had I not got a very lucky tank shot I would have had to assault his tank with my infantry.
Such an action is classed as 'Heroic' & if attempted you throw your morale dice & MUST get
8 or higher . See my comment on my dice throwing.

(Each failure makes it one point harder,
so if I failed just once I'd need to get 9+ !!!! Wot wiv d6s

I still think it was an interesting game & I hope the others enjoyed it.
We will find out when they add their comments & pictures.