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Author Topic: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread  (Read 3234 times)

Offline mcfonz

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2025, 11:19:25 PM »
I thought I would share a little of my process for terrain although some of it isn't relevant for all if that makes sense. Several years ago, I spotted a lot on ebay of mdf sci fi terrain. I clicked on the listing to find it was TTcombat selling off some prototypes. Essentially they did all of the templates, cut them and made sure they could all fit together before going back and adding in all of the detail you normally get on their kits. It was something silly like £20, too good a bargain to pass up on.

So here is one such platform.

Now, this was an early one where I chamfered the plasticard that incerts into the bulkheads, my advice - don't do this as it then misses some of the pips that help hold it in place. I can get away with this as the 2nd platform for this building avoided that issue so there is enough hold between the two.

The purpose for this is that whilst mdf designs have come a long way, they are often described as still being very flat. Some companies produce budget mdf kits deliberately without frills so to speak.

Well, something as simple as cereal box cardboard can be your friend. In this instance, adding a raised lip around the grill sections to give the impression of grates. If you look back at the red building, it uses the same platforms as these, I am simply repeating the process, though I am going to try some different details this time too.

Some melta/plasma/energy weapon/acid damage having blasted through a grill section like someone was shooting from below at a target above.

Looking at it, I could be a little braver and fully carve one level in two to be spread over more levels but I think I'll keep it as is for now.

Finally, I am looking for a relatively inexpensive 3x3 non-vinyl gaming mat for this kind of set up. I have a 6x4 and whilst that has it's uses, in reality, I'm playing much smaller skirmish games at the moment. Suggestions and advice welcome.  :)
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Offline BeneathALeadMountain

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2025, 02:34:49 AM »
McFonz - what an excellent purchase, I can totally see the value in having the bare bones to work from (still trying to gather my nerves and “improve” my already built 4ground kits, they look ok but could be great). It’s the little details that make the difference - looking forwards to seeing what you’ll do with these kits.

Beneath A Lead Mountain - my blog of hobby procrastination which has stalled due to Blogger and iPads not getting on.

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2025, 10:32:05 AM »
It was something silly like £20, too good a bargain to pass up on.
Gotta luv a bargain.  :D
Good work on your improvements.

Offline mcfonz

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2025, 09:44:02 AM »
Time for some faction focus I feel. I'll start with a slightly long running obsession with Heresy Miniatures Trenchcoat Gang... This started back when they first appeared and Necromunda appeared to be mothballed indefinitely. They were, then, the best stand in Delaques going, better than the original GW sculpts I felt...

The whole crew so far... I have quite a few more!

The two models I use as leader options. The one on the left was the original, where as the one on the right was just too good for me not to get as an alternative. I can always run one as a champ if using the other.

Heavy/special weapons. I probably should have added the sniper rifle in here but meh. The chap 2nd from the left is a conversion having contacted Andy at Heresy Miniatures to see if I could purchase separate parts to do it. It's the support weapon and arm from his trooper range combined with the energy cannon Trenchcoat miniature. I wanted something that could pass a bit more as a heavy bolter etc. The minigun is a heavy stubber, then you have a flamethrower and a missile launcher... something for every occaision!  ;D

The crew! Some of these I use to represent other Delaque special gang types for the latest version of Necromunda but essentially these are all the standard ganger types I have completed at the moment. A special mention to the katana drawing chap in the front row who was painted up mid-campaign in 2018 when one of my gangers kept getting eye injuries so became a bad shot... sword and pistol later and he became some weird, sword wielding underhive version of Daredevil.

Noobs. And a case of spot the odd one out. The front one is a model from the Void range. I think a civilian pack or something. Just looked too good not to use so pulled him out of my pile. It may have been before Heresy Minis produced a Noob model. In any case, his repeated exploits at the club I attend has seen him named as the "Converse Kid" for his love of his red footwear!

Offline hubbabubba

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2025, 10:22:31 AM »
I've always really liked these figs, my favourite being the rotund bloke with the launcher. I just never never seem to get around to picking them up.

Nice PJs  :)

Offline Storm Wolf

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2025, 11:47:49 AM »
Hi Mcfonz,

I too have a selection of these most excellent figures, some of Andy's best I would say. They are just for want of a better word cool.

The katana drawing figure is my gang leader who is simply known as "Priestly" because I did notice a certain (maybe tenuous?) resemblance to a certain well know game designer  ;) :D Mine have dark brown leather trench coats.

I have some new Delaques but I prefer these, as the new ones are almost alien like.

Keep up the good work.

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Offline aliensurfer

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2025, 10:16:38 PM »
Nice work mate

Offline mcfonz

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2025, 10:55:52 AM »
McFonz - what an excellent purchase, I can totally see the value in having the bare bones to work from (still trying to gather my nerves and “improve” my already built 4ground kits, they look ok but could be great). It’s the little details that make the difference - looking forwards to seeing what you’ll do with these kits.


Some of the pieces have already been built and used, the image with the two built and painted market stalls has them atop a grey platform with hazard stripes and railings - that was another of the pieces. I got a number of those platform pieces but not enough parts to make supports for all of them... nor would you really want a table full of platforms all of the same height with the same support underneath - that will become a focus in the future as I have plans!  :D ;D

Oh, found a pic or two! First is the original stack of MDF, the 2nd is of the large refinery piece I was starting to put together for a participation game for Salute and then got used for Diceni too. It got deconstructed during my last house move and to be fair, was a pig to store so will be reduced down to different pieces of terrain that will be easier to store.

Offline Ragsta

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2025, 12:12:35 PM »

I love the Heresy gangers, they look great! Andy makes nice stuff, I have a bunch of his stuff.

Your terrain is excellent, Necromunda has a special place in my heart and I dearly love the old bulkhead pieces.

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2025, 02:14:17 PM »
These are the best Delaques I‘ve ever seen - both in sculpting and painting plus basing as well! Awesome job that man!

Offline mcfonz

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2025, 05:27:55 PM »
These are the best Delaques I‘ve ever seen - both in sculpting and painting plus basing as well! Awesome job that man!

High praise indeed! Thank you. I'm far from the greatest painter but I like to think I get a good table top level out of my brushes!  :)

The bases are a case of KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. They are offcuts of plasticard that I keep for this sort of thing. I then apply some little tips and things I picked up over the years such as making indentations to suggest where screws/rivets are counter sunk, rather than having them as proud trip-hazards. I do get that the grimdark future has a lot of trip hazards... skulls, large rivets, cables, precariously balanced rocks that people stand on etc...  ;D

It's just a case of dirtying them up effectively and adding some details that still suggest underhive. These bases were started before the new release of Necromunda so I stuck with it rather than rebasing them all. :)

Offline mcfonz

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2025, 10:28:55 PM »
Right, more miniatures time! This time the Goliath gang I have painted so far.

The boss is a conversion/kitbash using an Age of Sigmar chaos body, arms, head, plates etc from the Goliath kit and the chest plate from a space marine. I wanted a leader that looked different - this was before the extra kit came out with the stimmer, boss and prospects.

The 'Zerker is a 3d sculpt and print, sculpted by a friend of mine over in Berlin. I think the teeth need a bit of neatening up on the paintjob but I think he's a fun model. He's yet to see action though sadly!

The rest of the gang:

Oh, and I realised I had missed this out. Another conversion, this time using a warmachine warjack - a mercenary one I think. I believe the drill arm is from a 40k Ork kit, the shoulder mounted flamer comes from an AT43 walker combined with another part of a kit I found in my bits box. This was designed to be an ambot for the Goliath gang... sorta fits.  ;D

« Last Edit: January 29, 2025, 10:30:27 PM by mcfonz »

Offline Freddy

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #27 on: January 30, 2025, 09:00:08 PM »
I like them, that Warmachine model is a nice find.

Offline MaleGriffin

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2025, 06:39:42 AM »
Fantastic! Great brushwork too!
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Offline LouieN

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Re: Mcfonz's Random Sci Fi thread
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2025, 06:54:51 PM »
Wonderful weathering on the suit. 


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