Space and time mean I have to abandon my ECW project.
I have the following packs for sale listed under the titles under which they appear on the Bloody Miniatures website. They are to be sold in small groups of packs as below.
Lot 1:Shotte at Ready + Shot Give Fyre + Upright Pikemen + The Attacking Pikemen. (Supply your own steel pikes).
16 figures. £25 + £5 domestic UK shipping.
Lot 2: Mortuary Men; Forlorn Hope; Pistoleers; Gentlemen of Warre
16 figures. £25 + £5 domestic UK shipping.
Lot 3: Dismounted troopers;Squires Men; Storming Party; Night Watch.
16 figures. £25 + £5 domestic UK postage
Lot 4: Flying Picquets + Parliament Men +Unhorsed Curassiers + Lowland Shotte.
16 figures. £25 + £5 domestic UK postage.
Lot 5: Militant Tendency + Looters; Kings Men + Moss Troopers
16 figures. £25 + £5 domestic postage.
Lot 6: Witchfinder General + Continental mercenaries + Cocks o' the North + Border Staves.
16 figures. £25 + £5 domestic UK postage.
Lot 7: Mounted Figures:
The Troopers + Moss Troopers Ride + The Lobsters + Flashing Blades.
12 mounted figures + 12 horses. £35 + £6 domestic UK shipping.
Many thanks for looking.