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Author Topic: For victims of the Southern California fires who lost their figures/games...  (Read 1137 times)

Offline FifteensAway

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 5302
If you know of someone who lost their figure/gaming collection in those terrible fires in Southern California, please let them know of this:

"There are individuals with extra figures they are willing to donate to anyone who has lost their collection as a result of the devastating fires.  It might only be a small restart but something is better than nothing.  If you or someone you know has lost their miniatures or other gaming collection, please make it known and the overall circumstance and a general idea of what was lost and an effort will be made to provide something to fill in the gap.  It might not be the same 'scale' of figures, they may or may not be painted, might not be the same period for figures, it might not be the same games if boxed games lost - but something to distract from the loss.  And, of course, the best outcome is to find out no one even needs the offer.  But just in case."

I, and others I'm sure, have more than we need or will ever possibly use and I think donating them to anyone who has lost their collection is a better use than selling them for many of us. 

Not asking for others to donate, just to let anyone in the situation to know about this.  But if you feel as I do and have excess you would be willing to donate, feel free to reach out (via PM if you prefer).  Mostly thinking in terms of those of us in or near California.

And, naturally, it may be a few months before such a fire victim will be in a situation to take advantage of the offer with so very many homes lost.  So there will be time to sort things out.

While hoping the offer is not needed, fear it will be.
We Were Gamers Once...and Young

Offline HerbertTarkel

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A worthwhile endeavour. Years ago, a member of another forum lost his collection- it was massive. The outpouring of support was incredible.


Offline Inkpaduta

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There are things I could part with. I do collect more obscure/less travelled periods and line.

Offline leadfool

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Good idea, Keep us informed of anyone from LA county that "needs" figures. 


Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for lunch.  Liberty is a well armed Lamb, contesting the vote.
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Offline BeneathALeadMountain

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You can sign me up for this - I’m not exactly nearby but I’d be happy to redirect some of my lead mountain to help in whatever way possible.

Beneath A Lead Mountain - my blog of hobby procrastination which has stalled due to Blogger and iPads not getting on.

Offline Dean

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I'm in the UK and don't have spare stuff but I could definitely help out with getting stuff painted if we can work out how to get it shipped back and forth.  In fact you'd be doing me a favour as then I can paint stuff and not have to worry about whether I'll ever use it and where I'll store it!

Offline dwbullock

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I'm in.  Too many figures collecting dust, and I'd rather give them to someone who needs them then sell them on ebay for pennies.

Offline Keeper Nilbog

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I'm in the UK, so may not be overly helpful, but I'd happily contribute some of my "pile of shame/Opportunity" to the cause.
As mentioned by others, I tend to game off the beaten track, so may not be useful for everyone.

Offline Basementboy

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Same here! Likewise in the UK but happy to pitch in if it's possible.

Offline FifteensAway

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 5302
Thanks for all the positive responses so far. 

For those further afield, if the need becomes real, you are more than welcome to pitch in if it works out you have items of use.  Alas, as a purely voluntary effort, I suspect you would need to cover cost of postage which might be a non-starter for some - and will certainly understand if that is a barrier to moving forward.  For others who are willing to cover that expense, then your largesse will be greatly appreciated.  Either way, it is heartening to see the willingness.

And, again - and importantly, this only matters if it comes to light that gamers have lost their collections.  So far, so good.  But also very early days - not all of the fires are even out yet.  And likely those in need, if any, aren't in a position or anywhere near the mood to know of the offer or act on it.

Oh, and I will do by best if it does become necessary to ensure the need is real and not some scoundrel trying to take advantage.  And, fair warning, if you are found out to be such a scoundrel, I will trumpet your identity to the gaming world.  But hopeful that won't be an issue.  I have a contact in the area who is far better connected down south so pretty sure any noted need will be quite real.  He is well known and upstanding within our community and trust his judgement.

So, for now, let's all keep our fingers crossed that are willingness to help won't be needed.  And do please continue to step forward if you are willing to assist if it does become a real need.  There are already some truly astonishing reports of assistance on other - and vastly more urgent - needs fronts related to the fire.  Hard to imagine the impact of such vast devastation on the most impacted areas - and the mental anguish that threatens some as a result. 

Offline levied troop

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Please add me to the list, happy to provide figures/postage if needed.
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