Banner with white lion on red is the banner of Komturei of Konigsberg, led by Hauskomtur (deputy to the komtur) Hanus von Haydek during Grunwald battle.
Banner with crown and cross is the banner of City of Konigsberg ( Old City of Konigsberg or banner of Kniphof. Kniphof/Knipawa was quarter of Konigsberg.) Under this banner fought welthier burghers and hired knights. Banner was propably led by Konigsberg Mayor Konrad Marscheide.
Third banner related to Konigsberg is banner of Bishopric of Sambia (bishop resided in the city) - red sword crossed with red crosier on white field. Not much info about this banner, chronicler mixed it with another bishopric banner. subs available. Visuals are a little amusing but informations are pretty solid, based on "Banderia Apud Grunwald" A. Klein, N. Sekunda , K. A.Czernielewski, it can be found on the net in english.