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Author Topic: Is this an interesting idea?  (Read 2035 times)

Offline Dean

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Is this an interesting idea?
« on: January 18, 2025, 12:07:23 PM »
So I was reading people’s 2024 roundups and 2025 plans and had a quick inventory of my painting output so far and realised there are well over 1000 painted miniatures and a significant number of terrain pieces here in the War Room that did not exist in October 2023.

My near compulsive output has brought me a huge amount of pleasure and is a significant factor in a much improved mental health (along with playing and playtesting), but I’m looking at what I got for Christmas and what’s on my next project lists and I realise I’m buying and painting for the joy of the process now and making up projects to satisfy that, but already have more stuff than I actually need.  I don’t plan to retire from my day joy for another 5 years, this is in every sense of the word my hobby, I don’t want to get paid for it, then it will become a job.

So here’s the idea. Do people who talk about their lead mountain and unfinished projects actually want help?  I have painted things for some guys at work and enjoyed it just as much, and I don’t have to store the finished product.  Is there a way for me to help others while in fact helping myself?

I’m not a great painter, I’m not talking about taking work off the professionals here.  You’ve seen my stuff, and I’m not expecting to get any “better” at it, that’s my style, that’s what I enjoy, I don’t want to do anything different, I just want to keep doing what I doing.

So, stupid idea or not?  I think that by offering this for free, I get to decide what I do and don’t want to do, I can avoid anyone not thinking they got value for money, and I won’t feel bad about not working to deadlines.

I figure it would work like this, someone PMs me with a request, if I think I can do it we swap email addresses and we plan it through (talk about style, colour schemes, basing, and whatnot).  Post me the figures or order them with delivery to me.  I keep you up to speed with progress, and post them back at the end.  If you like it enough you can reward me with materials or figures, but it’s not compulsory.  If you don’t then simply don’t send me anything else to do.

I genuinely don’t know if this is bonkers, so appreciate comments from you guys please, or indeed if anyone already has something for me to consider (but I’m in the UK so I think I need to, start ‘domestic’ until I figure out shipping logistics and costs).

All the best, Dean

Online Michi

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Re: Is this an interesting idea?
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2025, 12:23:12 PM »
I understand you. I also build and paint for the joy of it, being honestly more a creative than a gaming person. However I enjoy playing with my things too and find satisfaction in having something finished. I did paint the occasional commission, but I really like painting for myself much more.
Your approach is absolutely fine, if your thing is painting for the joy of it. I think it is most likely possible to find somebody in need of help, who appreciates your offer! :D

Offline Moriarty

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Re: Is this an interesting idea?
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2025, 01:14:36 PM »
I’m the same with bicycles - take them in, make them work, sell them for the parts cost, repeat. It’s the entertainment value, really.

Offline FifteensAway

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Re: Is this an interesting idea?
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2025, 02:15:20 PM »
Not stupid.  Had a local friend who asked to paint figures for me gratis, not for need but just because he enjoyed the process - and he is retired so had the time.  Only issue for me was that I found myself feeling anxious at the length of time it took to get figures back to me.  Similar issue with another friend panting figures for me more recently, this time for pay.  I get that same 'separation' anxiety.  And the time wasn't all that long in either case so the issue is really more with my personality.

Just beware of those who might be willing to take unfair advantage of your offer.  Otherwise, I hope you find folks who you can mutually achieve a beneficial relationship for painting.  If it weren't for my issue, I'd participate.  But I've clearly identified it just doesn't work for me.  Which is odd because it certainly worked for a grand club project from a dozen years ago when a half dozen folk took and painted figures (for but a pittance of payment at the time) - then my only anxiety was if something went wrong would their be time to replace the figures and get them painted for the looming deadline.

You just need to find folks - like me, I suppose - who consider your paint style within their comfort zone.  I am happy with 'adequate'.  An important lesson learned in nearing 40 years active in the hobby is that disparate painting styles when all based and textured to the same standard, mix pretty well once on the table.

So, best of luck and let us know how it works out in the end.
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Offline sultanbev

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Re: Is this an interesting idea?
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2025, 05:49:03 PM »
I’m the same with bicycles - take them in, make them work, sell them for the parts cost, repeat. It’s the entertainment value, really.

My dad used to do that, well into his 70s, once he couldn't fix Landrovers any more. Any proceeds from any he sold went to the local church on the Isle of Wight.

Offline Harry Faversham

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Re: Is this an interesting idea?
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2025, 05:55:29 PM »
Sounds like a plan!
I'd definitely consider your offer. I've got peripheral, small scale projects, I'll never get around to. Be great if someone could help with them. It'd free me up to concentrate on my major lunatic type thingys!

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Re: Is this an interesting idea?
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2025, 06:46:56 PM »
My stash is definitely dividable into figures I really want to paint myself, and figures I really want to get on the table sooner than that and get farmed out for painting when possible.
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Offline FifteensAway

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Re: Is this an interesting idea?
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2025, 07:19:22 AM »
Well, Dean, looks like you have potential takers - but you should put out what part of the planet you are on so people can weight that consideration - postage especially.

Offline Dean

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Re: Is this an interesting idea?
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2025, 08:36:13 AM »
Yeah that was buried in the original, l am in the UK.

Thanks for your thoughts everyone and I am still interested in others chiming in.

Offline jambo1

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Re: Is this an interesting idea?
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2025, 11:46:07 AM »
I am a slow painter but do enjoy it as I tend to lose myself in the whole process. I also have bought ready painted stuff and have considered using a painting service to get some of my unpainted figures done and play ready. Your idea is an interesting one and I am sure plenty will take you up on it. You may want to say what area and scale you are looking to paint and also what unit sizes, skirmish or regiments etc. :)

Offline Dean

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Re: Is this an interesting idea?
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2025, 01:51:08 PM »

I didn’t say because frankly I’m hoping people will have things outside of what I am painting myself.  I mostly do 28mm individually based skirmish units.  I have done some 15s (splintered light animal troops) and I’ve done giants and monsters.  I have done ‘cavalry’ and a few artillery pieces.  I do hand built terrain and also paint ‘scenery’ pieces.  That’s why I’m saying PM me with what you need, I promise I’ll say if I don’t think I can do it.

Oh and if anyone else wants to offer up their own version of this, feel free to say so here so people who are interested in this have options, especially if you are not in the UK.

Offline Cubs

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Re: Is this an interesting idea?
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2025, 02:02:43 PM »
If you can mostly stay within the lines, there will be people happy to pay for the service; maybe start by charging something low like £5 a model and see how popular it is. That's very affordable for most people and your workload will indicate whether the price is too high, too low, or just right and you can adjust accordingly. I just sold off a butt load of 15mm stuff for a friend, with an ordinary level of painting expertise just for gaming, and it was all snapped up. Some people want the models as playing pieces and as long as it's neat, they're happy. Honestly, most painting services do a budget level of quality, which is just plain gaming standard, neat but nothing fancy, and they still make a profit - in fact on an hourly basis your unit batch-painters probably make a damn sight more than the higher chargers just because of time taken.
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Offline syrinx0

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Re: Is this an interesting idea?
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2025, 01:45:58 AM »
I paint frequently for people in my gaming group.  Technically I do it for free but it is customary to bring beer when picking up your figures... lol

I don't paint to the level that talented painters (like Cubs :) ) can but for many a gaming standard paint job is perfect. 
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Offline Aethelflaeda was framed

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Re: Is this an interesting idea?
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2025, 03:50:49 PM »
I have painted for others at nominal rates of compensation for friends, and i have offered to pay some disadvantaged friends for painting services. 

the first situation was less than satisfactory as the painted figures were fun to do, but i wouldn’t have much joy from seeing them displayed within my collection so the level of “compensation” was well below my standard pleasure return on investment when i work on my own stuff.  The mental tension about satisfying the client’s less than fully stated desires was not small.  It became work, and poorly paid work at that which i grew to resent sometimes. I occasionally offer the service but only at high rates, at least closer to the same labour price as i charge for my jewelry work when i take on a custom commission.  It does price me out of doing this sort of work for a lot of people.  Make sure the standards of work and expectations are well understood beforehand.

On the other side as a consumer, when i paid a disadvantaged friend to paint figs for me (he had muscular dystrophy and could not work) …it became hard on me as he took so long to finish (almost a whole year for about 60 15mm Napoleonics) I ended up painting the same units myself long before he even got around to starting due to an approaching con.  Business with friends can create problems about deadlines and expectations.

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Re: Is this an interesting idea?
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2025, 06:08:53 PM »
Technically I do it for free but it is customary to bring beer when picking up your figures... lol

Was that you I saw standing outside the convention with a cardboard "Will paint for beer" sign??  lol

Mike Demana


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