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Author Topic: The Embattled Realms - Battle Preacher of The Church Militant  (Read 226 times)

Offline The Tactical Tabletop

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The Embattled Realms - Battle Preacher of The Church Militant
« on: January 21, 2025, 03:59:04 PM »
Battle Preachers are essential members of The Church Militant, the largest religious martial organization operating within The Embattled Realms. These individuals are blessed with the ability to directly wield unearthly power, working miracles and performing deeds which can only be seen as a form of magic (albeit faith-based). The rank and file of The Church Militant may be formed of its dedicated legions of War Priests and War Deacons but it is the potent Battle Preachers who possess the devotion and zeal required to truly work God’s will on the battlefield. Able to inspire, bless, curse, and invoke heavenly devastation on the servants of evil and iniquity, they act as independent, mobile instruments of divine wrath and redemption.

They are often clad in sanctified armor and wield consecrated armaments for protection while they aid their pious, but less gifted comrades. The form these blessings assume, however, will differ from soul to soul.

This particular Battle Preacher is depicted by “Oskar Dunmesser, Human Cleric” from Reaper Miniatures. The paint colors (from the same company) used to complete him were:

Grey brush-on primer - overall.
Glacial mist - cloak.
Icy violet - robe.
Snow shadow - tunic.
Pale violet red - sash and bookmark.
Tarnished steel - armor.
Reliquary gold - armor emblem and bracers.
Leather brown - book cover.
Aged bone - book pages.
Rich leather - boots.
Fair skin - skin.
Shield brown - hair and beard.
Orc skin - trousers.
Muddy olive - base.
Flesh wash diluted with wash medium - skin.
Black wash diluted with wash medium - overall.


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