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Author Topic: (Commercial) Gaugamela 331 BC refight using Dominion of the Spear solo rules  (Read 615 times)

Offline Red Dragon 44

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Hi, I am Steve the author of Dominion of the Spear solo wargames rules, a very very simple set of rules with 3-6 units a side (half a DBA army or use paper and pen as no measuring). Out on Wargames Vault and home produced hard copies on eBay. The first expansion has details on 36 historical Battles including:

Battle of Gaugamela 331 BC

Alexander’s small army moved forward to attack the large Persian army of Darius III, with himself and his elite cavalry on the right, pike phalanxes in the centre, and Thessalian cavalry on the left, with a small reserve of peltasts. Facing them the Persian scythed chariots were already picking up speed in the centre, with horse archers to their left, cavalry to their right, and a mass of cavalry and infantry behind.

Alexander and his Companions swept aside the opposing horse archers to find themselves facing the massed Persian infantry, with a lot of bowmen. Time after time the cavalry tried to advance but were forced back by the firepower of the Persian archers.

In the centre the Macedonian phalanxes coped with the scythed chariots but were disrupted enough that the following Persian cavalry got amongst them and reaped havoc. The reserve peltasts moved forward to assist but were caught up in the retreating and routing pikemen. Meanwhile the Thessalonian cavalry on Alexander's left flank after putting up a fierce resistance were also forced back.

Alexander and his elite found themselves alone on the battlefield and were forced to retire, and the great Persian Achaemenid Empire survived a little longer!

A fun little game where the initial Macedonian successes proved insufficient against the sheer number of Persians, and hats off to the Persian foot archers who held off the Macedonian right.

Offline Red Dragon 44

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Offline Red Dragon 44

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The 36 battles in the expansion are Megiddo 1479 BC, Kadesh 1274 BC, Arrapha 616 BC, Thymbra 536 BC, Marathon 490 BC, Plataea 479 BC, Gaugamela 331 BC, Ipsus 301 BC, Raphia 217 BC, Cannae 216 BC, Magnesia 189 BC, Carrhae 53 BC, Taurus 39 BC, Edessa 260 AD, Immae 272 AD, Adrianople 378 AD, Chalons 451 AD, Badon Hill 517 AD, Dara 530 AD, Taginae 552 AD, Yarmouk 636 AD, Nechtansmere 685 AD, Tours 732 AD, Brunanburh 937 AD, Lechfeld 955 AD, Civitate 1053 AD, Hastings 1066 AD, Manzikert 1071 AD, Dorylaeum 1097 AD, Hattin 1187 AD, Arsuf 1191 AD, Ain Jalut 1260 AD, Bannockburn 1314 AD, Kulikovo 1318 AD, Kosovo 1389 AD, and Agincourt 1415 AD.
Each playable in just a few minutes, and with background information on each battle.


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