Just finished speedpainting the Scrawny Ones for Sunday's first game of Strange Aeons. Here's how I painted them:
-Basecoat with Citadel Foundation Gretchin Green
-Glaze with red and purple inks (head & belly)
-paint the unlucky detective's trousers with Citadel Shadow Grey and his coat with Vallejo Deck Tan.
-Dip with Army Painter Dark Shade.
-Paint the eyes.
-Highlight the clothes and paint the shoes.
The Pentagrams were supereasy too:
-Basecoat Vallejo Deck Tan.
-Dip with Army Painter Dark Shade.
-Drybrush with Vallejo Deck Tan.
-Paint the Pentagrams with Tamiya Clear Red + a bit of Vallejo Black.
Done! One hour work in total and they look very cool for gaming. Dipping is really effective for getting miniatures done for gaming without getting bland miniatures without contrast.