Hi again,
Gear Krieg Banzai is ready! The book will be available to download at the Wargames Vault on
Friday 26th March 2010.

The book follows our established and successful format.

Gear Krieg - Banzai! is a comprehensive guide to using the Japanese superscience infantry forces and the famous superscience walker in Battlefield Evolution World at War: Gear Krieg. It also provides the rich and detailed background of the Pacific War in the Gear Krieg universe. Over 10 pages will just be on the background of the conflict in the Pacific theatre of the Gear Krieg universe.
Gear Krieg - Banzai! takes a close look at superscience infantry units and the many types of the Shiki, Watatsumi and Hachiman walker for your Japanese forces from all periods of World War II!

Each unit and vehicle is detailed with background information, factory variants, field modifications and a modelling guide.
Included are 5 Shiki 38 variants, 6 different Shiki 41, 2 Watatsumi and 1 Hachiman combat walker configurations. The book also provides new Traits and weapons, four Infantry Army lists (Betsudotai Ninja Special Forces Platoon, Imperial Japanese Koumajutsu (Zombie) Platoon, Imperial Japanese Oni Trooper Platoon, Imperial Japanese Bushi Gunjin Supersoldier), an AFV and Combat Walker force list and an extended Japanese armoury to add to your games of World at War: Gear Krieg.
more on our website: